Posts by Pos

    I read about it and I have now unlinked the master volume from main output...should have done this earlier. And yeah, I noticed that it showed the "boot volume", saw this after I rebooted though so it didn't make any difference for me.

    But the output volume is not in any way saved in the rig? Or is there some kind of log that shows what output volume I used or something? I have manually restored almost the exact same volume, but the perfectionist in me will not be satisfied unless I know the exact value X/

    I think I have managed to restore the same volume (at least close enough), but thank you anyway!

    I'm recording rhythm guitars for an EP. While testing some other rigs I changed the master volume because of their higher volume. Now when I'm switching back to the rigs I used for rhythm guitars, the volume has changed from the last time I used it? So, I guess that the master volume is not saved in the rig. Is there any way that I can get back exactly the same master volume or am I screwed here?

    It's very important for me to get exactly the same volume on all rhythm guitars, otherwise the mix will be a pain.

    After I installed latest version of RM it doesn't recognize my Kemper at all. Before the update everything worked so I don't see how it could be the connection or anything hardware related. I've tried different USB ports as well. I've also checked the OS X System Information and the computer finds the Kemper, but RM doesn't.

    I'm using OS X 10.7.4 Lion. I know it's old but it says it's supported.

    Edit: I've got the latest firmware on the Kemper as well;

    Any suggestions?