Posts by richh

    Thanks for the info. I was pressing the delay button and then using the browse knob, but it seems you have to hold the delay button down a little longer.

    I don't seem to have the new delays accessible, at least from the profile I was working from. So I may have to load up Rig Manager and try it that way. It certainly is not loading from my memory stick.

    Sorry to appear lazy, I thought people who have worked through this before could help, where sometimes a manual can be difficult. The instruction for OS update were great, but the Preset thing is not working for me as documented.

    Okay, I've had another look, and I don't think I have the latest delay presets loaded. From using a standard patch, and then browsing effect options, I've got nothing such as 'Crystal' from the newer delays as far as I can see.

    I did the successful update to the new O/S this morning, then tried to update the Kemper with the new delay presets;

    New Delay Demonstration Preset Pack (October 2016)

    But it told me that I already had these on the KPA - presumably as part of the O/S upgrade?

    So now I'm not sure if I have these presets loaded on the KPA or not, and if so, how to access them from withing a profile. I can select different delay presets from within a patch, but I don't think this includes new ones.

    Any ideas please? Thanks.

    Thanks, I'll see about downloading the effect presets. But I'd assume that even without these it should be fairly easy to access the actual effects, and then it is a question of adjusting these? And that the presets are just a way to get to good, useable settings faster?

    One thing I find with systems that have a lot of menus and variables, is that it is easy to spend huge amounts of time fiddling and experimenting. I did that when I first got my Kemper, then settled on a handful of profiles that I like best (clean, crunch, overdrive). And although it seems strange to have access to huge numbers of amps, I found that by using a few that I had short listed as favourites, I got a lot more actual playing done!

    And I'm trying to avoid going down a rabbit hole with effects settings. Really, even if I just find 2 or 3 killer ones, I'll be happy.

    Thanks everybody.

    Thanks, I'm sure it is there and relatively easy to get to. Just a bit frustrating when there are posts stating that you have to separately install the delay modules and this doesn't seem to be the case. It is great that there is a lot that you can do in the Kemper, but I don't want to get caught up in endless menus and tweaks.

    I'm hoping I don't have to spend lots of money for external effects, but if I do, I can then use these with my existing valve amps as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I've had a KPA for about 2 years now, but never updated, until today.

    I've recently seen some demonstrations of Strymon pedals, and was very impressed, but understand that the new delays on the Kemper are really stellar.

    So I updated the Kemper O/S. No problem. Then I saw a thread about uploading the new delay demonstration pack. So I tried that, and it tells me it is already updated on my KPA.

    I'm a bit of a plug and play sort of guy - I'm not all that familiar with all the menus and so on, I just load up my favourite patch plug in a guitar and alter things like preamp level, reverb amount and so on, to suit.

    Can anybody explain in simple terms, how I add the new delays to my existing favourite profile? I'm sure it should be easy, but I'm struggling, to the point where I'm tempted just to buy a Strymon Big Sky or similar, which I know I can use without messing about with manuals and so on. But if it is already there to a high level in the KPA, I'd like to know how to quickly access the good delays.

    Any suggestions for a 'quickstart'?



    Thanks for that, found Pedal Pitch and experimented with settings. Haven't yet found anything that I can make sound like a regular tremolo arm, so will keep trying. If anybody has any suggestions as to what works for you, would love to hear?

    I'm not after huge divebombing effects, really just trying to emulate the effect you might get on a traditional strat or guitar with Bigsby, so probably more interested in dropping the pitch by around a semitone or a full tone. Hope that makes sense?

    Hi, are there any presets where one of the expression pedal settings is set up for a whammy effect, ideally so I can do tremelo arm / whammy bars stuff on a guitar that doesn't have this?

    If there are any presets that have this already configured, that would be ideal, either on rig exchange or maybe some MBritt profiles, as I have a lot of these.

    I prefer to find something that is already set up, as I don't want to spend ages playing with config settings, I'd rather just play the guitar with a ready made setup. I have the Kemper Remote, so I guess I can connect the expression pedal direct to that, if there are some patches with whammy already configured?

    Thanks for any suggestions guys!

    I'm really enjoying using the looper for trying out ideas, improvising and so on. I just found an old Roland drum machine, and it is still working perfectly. So I connected it line in to my KPA and it is fine. When I record a loop using my Remote, it loops the guitar part I'm playing, but not the drum part.

    Any idea if this can be done to loop both parts? I'd guess not, but it would be nice if there is a way. Thanks for any suggestions!

    I think the KPA would be free shipping from Thomann, as it would be well over their minimum order level for free shipping?

    The Remote on its own may not be, but you might be able to add more bits to that order to get up to their free shipping level? Not sure where you're from, but that applied to me, ordering parts (including a Kemper) from Thomann to ship to the UK.

    I've read the sections of the 'in depth' manual on the Remote and Looper, and it is well documented.

    I'll be interested in the future to view any videos that Kemper or anybody else puts online with demonstrations. There is some very clever stuff there, and it will be interesting to see / hear how people use this. Personally I find it easier to absorb this kind of information from a video dem than a text document. The documentation is very good though, and it seems clear that there is a lot more functionality in the pipeline, so that's all good!

    Again, I'm glad to find that the emphasis with the Kemper kit is to minimse time spent fiddling, so we can just get on with it. Another case of "shut up and play yer guitar"?

    Playing around with the Remote for a bit longer, I've experimented with the Performance mode, and that looks very useful.

    I am quite surprised to find that it is not possible to see the LED's on a lot of the footswitches while switching, unlike most pedal or systems I've used in the past. That seems to be a downside to the relatively small size of the unit. I'm not clear if the switches that are assigned to effects are effective globally or per profile. The fact that there are no fewer than 4 LED's surrounding the effect switches raises a low of questions. I'd love to know where information on this is documented - or if it is something for future implimentation?

    Anybody got any ideas on these issues? Thanks!

    Thanks, I've already done Google searches, but I'm sure that somebody will have some ideas about the specifics of the Kemper product, or be able to link to something?

    I've already been through all the posts in the 'Remote' section of the forum, and it is obviously a fairly new thing, so I look forward to finding out more.

    It would be great if Kemper could do an in-depth video tutorial on the Remote. I know a lot of it is not a mystery, but I'm sure there is more than meets the eye, or as you say, maybe some of the LED's and functions are to be implimented down the line?

    I got my Remote yesterday, and my first reaction after trying it for a short time, is that it seems very well built and thought out. I'm looking forward to having more time to play with it and set up Performances and so on.

    I've never used a looper before, and as there is one on board, I'd like to make use of it. So a couple of questions I have are:

    • Is there a way to create a loop, say a chord sequence, and get it to seamlessly start again, in time?
    • Tried the 'half time' button, and it worked but sometimes at normal pitch, sometimes down an octave. Actually that may be good if I can select both, but I can't see how this is selected?

    The manual info seems a bit sparse (the remote manual, and the section in the main PDF). I realise that the Remote is meant to be really easy to use, so shouldn't need much documentation, but the fact that some buttons seem to have multiple LED's next to them suggests that there is a lot more you can do than simple on / off, and it would be good if that could be clearly documented somewhere. Maybe it is, or maybe there is a video somewhere?

    Regarding my first question, about getting a loop to play seamlessly (in time), that may be an obvious thing to people who have used loopers before, but I'm new to this. If there are online resources with good generic tips on using loopers, that would be useful to know. I certainly want to use it for trying out ideas quickly, jamming, and things like soundchecking seems a great option!

    A good product (KPA) seems to get better and better, and I'm hoping that with future OS upgrades, new profiles and people contributing to this forum, there is a lot more good stuff to come! :)