Quickstart to new delays - how do I add these to my favourite KPA patch?

  • I've had a KPA for about 2 years now, but never updated, until today.

    I've recently seen some demonstrations of Strymon pedals, and was very impressed, but understand that the new delays on the Kemper are really stellar.

    So I updated the Kemper O/S. No problem. Then I saw a thread about uploading the new delay demonstration pack. So I tried that, and it tells me it is already updated on my KPA.

    I'm a bit of a plug and play sort of guy - I'm not all that familiar with all the menus and so on, I just load up my favourite patch plug in a guitar and alter things like preamp level, reverb amount and so on, to suit.

    Can anybody explain in simple terms, how I add the new delays to my existing favourite profile? I'm sure it should be easy, but I'm struggling, to the point where I'm tempted just to buy a Strymon Big Sky or similar, which I know I can use without messing about with manuals and so on. But if it is already there to a high level in the KPA, I'd like to know how to quickly access the good delays.

    Any suggestions for a 'quickstart'?


  • For a start: Just put the delay slot in focus and with the BROWSE knob dial in one of the new Kemper DLY presets.
    But as a general encouragement: instead of buying another pedal you should make yourself familiar with the basic functions of the profiler.
    It's all in the manuals.

    Edit: ninja' d by @MtotheEikel ;)

  • Thanks, I'm sure it is there and relatively easy to get to. Just a bit frustrating when there are posts stating that you have to separately install the delay modules and this doesn't seem to be the case. It is great that there is a lot that you can do in the Kemper, but I don't want to get caught up in endless menus and tweaks.

    I'm hoping I don't have to spend lots of money for external effects, but if I do, I can then use these with my existing valve amps as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • You don't have to install the delay modules (or effect types) . They are there via the type knob.
    What you have to install are the delay presets (settings for the different delay modules). I think you can either get them with the factory content or import them separately, if you don't want to have all the factory content on your Kemper.

    There is a difference between presets and effect types. The types are always there and can't be deleted, neither can new types be created by users.
    Presets can be deleted and created by users.

  • Thanks, I'll see about downloading the effect presets. But I'd assume that even without these it should be fairly easy to access the actual effects, and then it is a question of adjusting these? And that the presets are just a way to get to good, useable settings faster?

    One thing I find with systems that have a lot of menus and variables, is that it is easy to spend huge amounts of time fiddling and experimenting. I did that when I first got my Kemper, then settled on a handful of profiles that I like best (clean, crunch, overdrive). And although it seems strange to have access to huge numbers of amps, I found that by using a few that I had short listed as favourites, I got a lot more actual playing done!

    And I'm trying to avoid going down a rabbit hole with effects settings. Really, even if I just find 2 or 3 killer ones, I'll be happy.

    Thanks everybody.

  • Okay, I've had another look, and I don't think I have the latest delay presets loaded. From using a standard patch, and then browsing effect options, I've got nothing such as 'Crystal' from the newer delays as far as I can see.

    I did the successful update to the new O/S this morning, then tried to update the Kemper with the new delay presets;

    New Delay Demonstration Preset Pack (October 2016)

    But it told me that I already had these on the KPA - presumably as part of the O/S upgrade?

    So now I'm not sure if I have these presets loaded on the KPA or not, and if so, how to access them from withing a profile. I can select different delay presets from within a patch, but I don't think this includes new ones.

    Any ideas please? Thanks.

  • You're sure you used the BROWSE knob?

  • I was using the browse knob, but can't recall now how I got into the 'delay' menu. At the moment when I rotate the browse knob, it is selecting different rigs.

    Can anybody explain the correct procedure to navigating into the delay sub-menu?


  • I was using the browse knob, but can't recall now how I got into the 'delay' menu. At the moment when I rotate the browse knob, it is selecting different rigs.

    Can anybody explain the correct procedure to navigating into the delay sub-menu?


    Press the delay button to get it in focus.

  • Another option could be to use rig manager and load up a preset from the delay rig pack. Then when you find one you like, hold down 'lock' and press the delay button to lock that effect. You can then change to a favourite profile and the delay setting will stay the same.

  • I was using the browse knob, but can't recall now how I got into the 'delay' menu. At the moment when I rotate the browse knob, it is selecting different rigs.

    Can anybody explain the correct procedure to navigating into the delay sub-menu?




    It is right there on page 83 of the Kemper Reference Manual. It took me all of 15 seconds to open up, find, and copy/paste this section of the manual for you:


    Delay (Green)

    Without doubt, the Delay effect types are some of the most advanced and comprehensive effects collections in the
    Profiler. However, the approach we have taken might be a bit different from what you've seen before. You will not
    find a dedicated Reverse Delay, Tape Delay or Ducking Delay, as we realized there is no sense in splitting such crucial features into separate delay types. Instead, we have equipped every single delay type with most of these
    features. Why not have a Dual Reverse Delay? Or a Serial Delay with analog tape character? Or a Melody Delay
    with ducking? All of these are possible with the delays in the Profiler, from OS 5.0 and up.

    The character of the tape delay can be continuously controlled by two crucial parameters: Low Cut and High Cut. As well as these, two controls for adjusting wow and flutter are available in every single delay type. Many of the delays also feature a Grit control to add typical tape saturation and distortion to the delay signal. With less intensity of these controls, the delays will move toward the flavor of an analog bucket-brigade delay or a modern digital delay. The reverse delay signal is always available in addition to the regular delay signal, and both can be mixed to your liking.

    A number of delay types feature the parameters "Swell", "Smear" and "Cross Feedback". Each of these parameters will make the delay sound smoother, and can turn a rhythmical delay into a more ambient, or reverb-like, effect. Together, they work even better!

    The result of all this is that every delay type features many parameters; but don't worry - they are very easy to
    handle: except for wow and flutter, they all consist of a single control for each. If you bring the control to zero, the feature will be inactive, and out of the way.

    If you don't want to dive into the details right away, just choose a nice setup from our dozens of Delay Presets by turning the BROWSE knob, having chosen an Effect Module.

    As with all other effects, you can change the delay type by turning the TYPE knob. In contrast to the BROWSE knob, this will change just the algorithm of the effect while keeping all parameters unchanged. This way you can check different types of effects while maintaining precious settings, such as Delay Time, which are applied automatically to the new delay type.

    The delays can be placed in the DLY Module on the right hand side of the panel, or in any of the Stomp and Effect Modules. This allows multiple delay effects to coexist, or to be switched within the same Rig.

  • Thanks for the info. I was pressing the delay button and then using the browse knob, but it seems you have to hold the delay button down a little longer.

    I don't seem to have the new delays accessible, at least from the profile I was working from. So I may have to load up Rig Manager and try it that way. It certainly is not loading from my memory stick.

    Sorry to appear lazy, I thought people who have worked through this before could help, where sometimes a manual can be difficult. The instruction for OS update were great, but the Preset thing is not working for me as documented.

  • Thanks for the info. I was pressing the delay button and then using the browse knob, but it seems you have to hold the delay button down a little longer.

    I don't seem to have the new delays accessible, at least from the profile I was working from. So I may have to load up Rig Manager and try it that way. It certainly is not loading from my memory stick.

    Sorry to appear lazy, I thought people who have worked through this before could help, where sometimes a manual can be difficult. The instruction for OS update were great, but the Preset thing is not working for me as documented.


    If the new Delay presets are not appearing when you scroll with the Browse button (when the Delay module is in focus on the main display), you can try loading them manually via USB thumb drive.

    You can download the Delay presets here:


    One pack is entitled "Pitch Shifter Delay Demonstration Presets (January 2017)", the other pack is entitled "New Delay Demonstration Preset Pack (October 2016)"

    Download them to your PC, and then UnZip the files, and copy them all onto the SHARED folder that is on your Kemper formated USB Flash drive. Then, connect the USB drive to your KPA, and wait until the display shows the prompt asking if you want to IMPORT the presets. Once your KPA recognizes the flash drive, and you see the prompt, go ahead and hit "Import", and remove the flash drive when your are finished. These new delay presets should now be available to select when you have a Delay module in focus, and search using the BROWSE knob.

    Let me know if that helps.


    Edited once, last by Tritium (March 25, 2017 at 1:21 PM).

  • John, thanks that has done it! Great, these new delays are really amazing!

    Thanks to everybody who made suggestions on this thread, and sorry if I come across as someone too lazy to read the manual, I just knew I was missing something.

    BTW, I only had one of the files on the SHARED folder on the USB initially, didn't realise I needed both...

    Thank you.