Posts by slateboy

    Very practical

    How is it possible to display rig name on the MIDI controller screen?

    as briefly described in the video, using midi system exclusive, you can request the value of many parameters including the name of the rig as a string.

    You obviously have to then process the midi data returned (which is another system exlusive message) and convert that data in order to output to your display device.

    You could do this in a simple midi editor (something like midiOx?) but the data returned would be nothing more than a chain of numbers. The rig name is a series of ascii values (characters representd by numbers) You could of course build something using PC/Mac software but i am not educated enough to cover that.

    I dont really use this pedal. It was more of a nerdy project to do a few years back. I do recall it took hours and hours.


    in order to do something like this you need to understand about the following-

    • midi protocol
    • system exclusive (send and receive)
    • ascii code
    • hexadecimal numbering system
    • microprocessor control and display
    • some programming knowledge that can interact with midi data

    if any of those mean little or nothing then i'd probanly suggest not going down this rabbit hole without doing your homework.

    Been watching this issue and may have found the culprit- a badly fitting 3rd-party power-connector.


    Does the internal power-supply circuit (not the external PSU) have smoothing/filtering besides the ability to handle 9-12v?

    I wonder how much or a brief power fluctuation the player can deal with?

    And, what are the correct dimensions for the DC connector-terminal (internal and external)

    Thanks for info dfdfan and Steve5478

    This led me to do some further investigation and i discovered that you can actually access those hidden parameters via NRPN midi data,

    Example of accessing the amp compressor (not available using rig manager)

    Amp compressor:

    NRPN 1290, range= 0-16383 (NRPN MSB:10 LSB:10)

    and away you go!

    Definitely one for the midi-nerds.

    Now, who can provide a list of all the parameters that are hidden?

    So we know there are certain compromises and omissions from the Player, making it the (great little) compact unit that it is.

    With the full-blown units (stage/rack/etc) there are parameters such as "compression" in the amp section. (others too but i dont recall from memory)

    What happens to these when imported to the Player?

    Are they there but inaccessible (they dont appear in rig manager) or can they be accessed via NRPN midi parameters?

    Or, if they are discarded as part of the import, is their value still applied but fixed at the value it would have been saved on the rack/stage units?

    Curious to know as if i want more "amp compression" could i set it on my rack then export/import the updated rig back to the player or is it bypassed or lost?

    Warning, nerd alert for all midi enthusiasts and system-exclusive geeks alike...

    Using an external midi controller can gain extra functionality to your Player, including a level boost without consuming an FX slot.

    You can even display the names of the Kemper Player on a screen or midi controller.

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    Anyone else found the 9v power-supply connection temperamental or unreliable?

    I notice that a light knock or nudge of the plug is enough to momentarily interrupt the supply voltage which results in the Player crashing (single flashing red LED on the bank button)

    Thinking ahead, if this is to be used on stages where there is some vibrations likely i am not confident with it.

    What are the specs, ie dimensions (internal and external) of the 9v socket and plug.

    There is clearly some "play" in the terminal and although the supplied power-supply has a better-than-average plug it is still possible to wiggle to a point of no contact. I'd expect the internal voltage regular to have some additional smoothing to deal with light supply-voltage ripples but to what tolerance, i dont know.

    Maybe there's some dirt on my terminal (i will take a look)

    Curious to know how far you can jiggle your plug before you get a crash.

    Surely its the studio's job to get the levels set, whether you're recording a quiet acoustic gutiar or a full 4x12 stack.

    And besides, the next guitarist will have different output levels completely to you so rely on the desk or mix to set things right.

    or maybe i dont understand your request along with the others

    Being limited to only 4 FX slots (2 FX slots pre + 2 post) on the Player and having no morph, perhaps you are like me and make use of a rack/stage and employ an FX slot dedicated to a solo/volume boost or perhaps you do this by morphing. Migrating your rigs to the player often results in a few compromises owning to the limited feature set (which hopefully be expanded in future OK :* ) but there is a way...

    Here's a work-around that can be applied to Player, Rack/toaster and the Stage alike:

    Using midi NRPN, you can assign an external controller to modify your rig volume.

    Firstly, you will need to "normalise" your rig-volumes to 0dB and then "compensate" these level adjustment amounts by transferring this amount to the amp-volume parameter (ie if the rig volume is +1dB, set it to 0dB and add 1dB to the the amp-volume parameter to achieve the same output level)

    Next, on your external controller (yes- this does require some additional hardware) create midi-data to toggle/send the following midi data on whatever channel applies;

    Set rig-volume to +3dB

    CC 99 = 4, CC 98 = 1, CC 6 = 80, CC 38 = 0

    This equates as-

    NRPN Parameter address: MSB = 4, LSB = 1 (the Rig volume parameter)

    NRPN Parameter value: MSB = 80, LSB = 0 (a value of +3dB) this could also be a different value between -6dB to +6dB (or whatever the full-range of this parameter is

    additionally, you may want this midi data too:

    Reset rig-volume to +0dB

    CC 99 = 4, CC 98 = 1, CC 6 = 64, CC 38 = 0

    This equates as-

    NRPN Parameter address: MSB = 4, LSB = 1 (the Rig volume parameter)

    NRPN Parameter value: MSB = 80, LSB = 0 (a value of 0dB)

    Alternately, calling up a slot will restore its saved values so you may not need the "reset to 0dB" command.

    This then gains "solo boosts" without using up any FX slot nor relying on a morphed parameter.

    PS- you could also do all of this by employing a volume pedal but that may be something you already have assigned to wah or volume tasks.

    PPS- this obviously is dependant on your midi-controller capabilities and understanding how to get it to produce this midi data.

    Two Tap Delay

    look up / calculate the delay time in ms for the desired tempo and note value (it's not that hard), set Delay 1 Time accordingly in ms,
    set Delay 2 Ratio in %

    i understand and use that, thanks DonPetersen where i have a slot/rig dedicated to one song at a fixed BPM,

    What i'm seeking is that i want the initial tempo to be determined by the tap-tempo (various BPM) and the delays that follow are separated by a few mS so the delayed sounds have some width/spread to them. (i am aware of potential phasing issues here but that is not a concern)

    For most delays, using tempo, we set the echo-interval as a beat value (ie 2/16, 4/16 3/16 etc) and additional delays the same.

    Using time based delays, ie NOT tempo synced, the delay is set in mS another echos to be set as a percentage of that time value.

    What i am seeking is a tempo-synced delay and the other delays to be a percentage of this.

    ie, tap tempo delay set as quarter notes (4/16) and the following repeats to be L+R but one side 95% so the echoed notes are very slightly different on each side to the other creating a "wide" echo/repeats.

    does that make sense?


    I'm using the okatraki USB midi interface (as suggested by one of the admins) and able to control the Player via midi.

    However a few times when leaving the unit sitting idle it appears to have crashed.

    I am left with a red flashing LED over the bank button and no sound.

    Worth noting i am also connected to rig manager at the time and midi prog-changes continue to select a different rig. (the midi rig changes are reflected in rig manager but not visual indication on the player other than the red flashing LED.

    Could this be related to the midi interface or perhaps a buffer overload, baring in mind there is no midi traffic during the few minutes prior to the crash?

    This one should be pretty easy.

    Whilst holding down the bank button you press number 1-5 to select that bank but theres no way (at present) to select bank 6-10.

    Why not press the number key a second time for the upper-banks (6-10)

    hold bank + number button 1-5 = banks 1-5

    hold bank + number button twice = banks 6-10

    make sense?