Posts by brianiac5150

    I had and really enjoyed a full Kemper rig for almost a year, however, having it right next to my amps and A/B'ing them, along with integrity concerns resulted in moving it along and going back to amps - which I'm really happy with; however, I cannot get the Kemper off my mind recently and even dreamed about it last night (!). WTF?!? :)

    In the time I had mine, I had a screen-glitch at start-up, along with a frozen boot-up and it really got me questioning what does one do with such a device after having it for years and something goes ka-poof? My amps I take to a tech, even those which are decades old and they get fixed right up.

    Since selling mine I've purchased a Boss Katana (read: Kemper Lite) and have been gigging a lot with it this year to great results, as well.

    Nevertheless; I miss my Kemper Morgan AC20, Trainwreck and Bloody Rocka profiles like crazy and it also often gnaws at me that I have so many purchased profiles just sitting. ...not to mention I think the Kemper is just pretty to look at. :P

    Getting back into the game also presents the used market challenge, where used prices are simply too close to new to justify picking one up that way. ...coupled with my hardware integrity concerns which would be non-warrantied in the aftermarket.

    Anyway...there...I've thrown my thoughts into this forum... :S

    This looks so many other floor units; however, as I've not played out in a while and never with such a device, I've always been concerned of someone spilling something, spitting, etc... on such a device and am 100% certain I would not be willing to put my Kemper on the floor in front of me. No one else?

    Brian encase you cant find it, to order he wants you to
    Please send paypal payment 19,90 EUR to, and add „Bloody Rocka rigs“ as reference.

    Hope helps


    Yep...I ordered 'em a couple days ago, received Acy's reply the next day (while at killed me all day not being able to get home and crank) and downloaded them last night. As Acy mentions several times; for me and my gear, it took a bit of small tweaking, however, once there...these are some excellent profiles. They really shine when cranked. Not that they sound bad at low volume, they just really bloom - as a tube amp does - when turned up.

    All the BR profiles are very good, I just also had an experience similar to yours with D11.

    Acy also mentions using the graphic EQ as a boost and this is what really sparks the D11, IMO. I turned on the pre and post stack GEQ's and loved it. Didn't tweak those, at all. Clean sens and changing FX was really all I did. I quickly screwed around with sag, definition and a few other AMP attributes, just to hear what happens, however, came right back to the original profiles, aside from previously mentioned clean sens, FX.

    On a side note; on first play...I, too, experienced the "meh" moment with the RE profiles, with most...a bit of tweaking and those really came to life, as well. The BR profile pack, though, is considerably better on first play.

    Again...can't wait to get these crankin' through a PA at tomorrow's rehearsal.

    I had this same issue, however, I have no idea how to reproduce. After several re-boots, an effort at trying to re-install v4.0.4 (unsuccessful, as it appears I had the file in the incorrect USB stick directory, OS UPDATE as opposed to ROOT) and moving the chicken head knob to a few different places, my KPA finally came back to life. I had no input, sound, most buttons seemed active and function, however, couldn't troubleshoot without input.

    Honestly: after a near decade of not being in a band, planning on using the KPA and getting things set up for next weekend's rehearsal in a new band commitment, then having this happen has me seriously (scary seriously) considering going back to the Marshall 4x12 rig.

    A lot of misconception here.
    You need to select the strobe tuner from the tuner menu. Also the automatic tuner is only available if a connected volume pedal is set to -5 in the pedal range menu.

    Dude, you are confusing everything here.
    When you want to boot from USB you need to put the kaos file in the root directory of the USB.
    But why would you want to do this in your case3 here is beyond me.

    Ingolf…thanks for your response.

    I do have a Boss FV-500H connected to Remote's 5 (and one to 6), cables are properly connected and good, with strobe selected. There simply was no input, therefore, it registered nothing and was a block in the displays. Very much as Sharry alludes to above. Typical function is I move volume pedal to zero and tuner displays (KPA and Remote), which was not happening, along with the fact that I was not getting any input signal - sound or LED.

    The confusion here is likely a result of me jumping across a couple threads in trying to figure this out. I did have an error message after v4.0.4 install – which I initiated in an effort to resolve this input issue; therefore, was hopeful a complete re-install of v4.0.4 could be the solution. On a side note; I was not aware the OS needed to be on the ROOT, as opposed to OS UPDATE directory, which likely attributed to the error message.

    Somehow I did resolve my issue and my KPA/Remote seem to be back in working order or I definitely would’ve pursued the above suggested support ticket route. Fact remains that (with v4.0.3) while playing and switching between rigs, changing settings and all the usual Kemper affair, I lost INPUT LED signal and pedal 5 no longer activated the strobe tuner when at zero. Only difference between OP and my experience is that I did have sound...until I attempted v4.0.4 update.

    I am now experiencing this same thing: no input or INPUT LED activity.

    I lost INPUT LED activity after changing CLEAN SENS on several rigs, re-booted system and INPUT LED activity returned, however, no strobe tuner. Bubble tuner will show, however, no input = no tuner activity.

    EDIT -
    Redownloaded the 4.0.4 and attempted to boot from USB (holding both PAGE buttons at chicken-head knob switch on) and received error message:
    "booting & burning from USB device
    ERROR: unable to locate firmware file on USB"

    Turned system off (took a few seconds before it actually shut off) and tried same process again to same message. Instead of turning off, I turned to browser mode and got nothing, turned system off, turned back on and now it's working, including strobe tuner, as normal. ?!?

    I just downloaded and installed 4.0.4 and received the following:

    DSP Error!
    Communication with DSP board has failed.


    Prior to installing, my strobe tuner stopped working and my INPUT LED was not registering input. I rebooted and the LED came back, however, no strobe. This is why I went to the 4.0.4 update, hoping it'd reset/fix the issue.

    EDIT: Now I've got input LED...nothing. Channels change and stomp buttons are working, however, nothing on the input. HELP!

    ...differently in different rigs.

    I have a Boss FV-500H connected (to Remote Pedal 6 input) and have found that in some rigs it functions as a flat out volume - along the lines of turning the KPA unit's volume knob down - and on some it functions more as a gain reduction toward mute.

    I have noticed it more as a volume with higher gain amps and gain reduction with lower gain, however, have not thoroughly defined this as fact.

    I'll spare further supposition and ask if anyone else is having these same results and/or has a intelligent explanation toward better understanding this interaction?

    Any fellow KPA'er also happen to have an AxeFX Ultra (this is the version I heard this preset on) who would be willing to profile the (I believe I recall correctly) "Smoky Blues" preset?

    I remember this as being an excellent sounding preset and have seen some Fractal owners profiling their presets, therefore, thought it worth asking.

    Is there a way - which I may be completely missing in the manual, SYSTEM menu and forum - to set the Remote's UP/DOWN buttons so that when in BROWSE mode I step through 1 --> 5 and step on UP the selection reverts back to button 1, as opposed to staying on 5, and vice versa?

    When scrolling through rigs, once I get to button 5 and step UP, I'm now five rigs ahead of where I was, four from where I want to be and must press button 1 to get there, vice versa.

    Can't say I'm for a person buying packs, then selling them separately. I'm only posing the question within the realm of selling a KPA with purchased content included.

    I feel it was said well above in regard to detailing what the included content is and then it does become a matter of interest.

    @'burning yen' I don´t get your logic. How can they feel morally obliged?

    I think this is a very conversation-able subject - especially in light of recent American court rulings related to gun manufacturers and false-flag events/media coverage; however, if one buys a car and sells it are they obligated to the original dealership, manufacturer, quality inspection person(nel), engineer(s), etc...??? How deep is the rabbit hole?

    EDIT: Putting a little more thought into this and now home - capable of expounding, however, will refrain; it is seriously in great conflict with the whole Kemper concept for profiles to be made and then some sort of restrictive ownership claimed post profiles sale. If one is to believe this, then certainly they'll agree with the recent video ramblings charging the Profiler with (I'll call it) moral infringement.