AGL Bloody Rocka Rigs now for sale

  • Some Back in Black style sound? Been heavily modding one of the profiles (the D version) to come close to Back in Black sound, and been again very impressend by the Kempers options about that. Specially the graphic eq is offering so many options, with high and low cut included, using that thing for a cool sounding overdrive pedal. Schaffer Replica needed for that? C´mon, if you know a bit about overdrives, preamps, and what these are doing and what they can change, that´s nothing I think a Kemper can´t do. If the Schaffer is boosting some frequencies, so boost these with the Kemper, if the Schaffer is cutting frequencies, cut these with the Kemper. We got a Swiss Knife like tool, imagine a triple Swiss knife of the fattest knife version, ...... that´s the Kemper.

    So here´s my attempt cathing AC/DCs Back in Black sound by using all options of the Kemper. One thing I do not like from the Kemper is the bad quality room fx, that has to be improved. So I´m using my mixing desks room for that. Pure cabinet is set to 6, but you can go higher or lower than that to taste.

    Owners of the Bloody Rocka pack will get this add-on sent by mail including all the rigs seen here in the video, so you can see and feel the changes I tried to come closer to the wanted sounds.

    Here´s the video for that:

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  • that D11 rig/ modified D rig and PLAYING kicked my ass man, WTF......i am still listening to that, why does it make me want to drink beer?
    SOB that was killer man....


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Brian encase you cant find it, to order he wants you to
    Please send paypal payment 19,90 EUR to, and add „Bloody Rocka rigs“ as reference.

    Hope helps


    Yep...I ordered 'em a couple days ago, received Acy's reply the next day (while at killed me all day not being able to get home and crank) and downloaded them last night. As Acy mentions several times; for me and my gear, it took a bit of small tweaking, however, once there...these are some excellent profiles. They really shine when cranked. Not that they sound bad at low volume, they just really bloom - as a tube amp does - when turned up.

    All the BR profiles are very good, I just also had an experience similar to yours with D11.

    Acy also mentions using the graphic EQ as a boost and this is what really sparks the D11, IMO. I turned on the pre and post stack GEQ's and loved it. Didn't tweak those, at all. Clean sens and changing FX was really all I did. I quickly screwed around with sag, definition and a few other AMP attributes, just to hear what happens, however, came right back to the original profiles, aside from previously mentioned clean sens, FX.

    On a side note; on first play...I, too, experienced the "meh" moment with the RE profiles, with most...a bit of tweaking and those really came to life, as well. The BR profile pack, though, is considerably better on first play.

    Again...can't wait to get these crankin' through a PA at tomorrow's rehearsal.

  • Brian great!, thank you so much for the extra info :), ill give that a shot too, would of loved love to see you at the rehearsal man
    craken the shit out it aha!

    Thanks man

    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Hey there,
    just seen some Rammstein docu in TV some days ago (may be been inspired by that?) , and as I been playing a bit arround I turned some knobs and button about the Rocka D rig, and here´s the results, see video. Just want to show how easy it is getting some crazy sounds by turning the right knobs and buttons. Some extreme settings, but that is, what the Kemper is offering to us, a monster monster swiss knife tool!

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    Cheers, and rock on mates, ACY!

  • ACY you are a bloody Rocker!, with tweaking its still one of the best heavy blues rock sounds i have found so far , love the chops man.
    well done.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Just did 6 new Bloody Rocka rigs, amp just had new tubes, here now with Eminence private jacks speakers, AGL Super Balls speaker cable, this time using two Sennheiser microphones (E606 plus E906), and rig N and O with added OCD overdrive for some nice blues rock sounds! ;) Owners of the pack get these rigs now sent!

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  • Hey there, time is not standing still, so I did a new set of rigs (10 rigs) with different settings and other microphone setup. Here I been using a SM57 together with a AGK C3000 on an Eminence Private Jack Speaker. In this video I´m switching through the 2017 rigs from AGL BR 2017-A .... to AGL BR 2017-J. Owners of the Rocka Rig Pack will get this 2017 rigs as soon as they will be ready, I still have some small work to to, will take a fews days.

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