Posts by chromos

    In SYSTEM menu on page 5/18 is this:

    [Blocked Image:]

    But, I'll be glad if I could edit these default values AND save it.

    Reason? I have wah stomp effects bypassed at toe position, so with unconnected exp. pedals I need wah pedals bypassed and not sounding at heel position. So, after switching kemper on, it would be nice if this page looks like this:

    [Blocked Image:]

    You can't be serious about editing every preset with wah. And, after I have expression pedal connected then reverting everything back. :)
    It is much quicker dial that CC01 to 127 in SYSTEM menu (and error-proof).

    I am almost sure my second Kemper has Wah (CC01) default value about 60 or so, but I cannot verify it right now because it is in our group truck. Anyway, if I'm right about my second kemper then there must be way for saving that value. But how??(

    How I can save settings in Pedal links (page 5/18 in SYSTEM menu)?
    Every time I turn on my Kemper then these settings are at its default values, which is this (see picture).

    Not every time I have my FCB1010 connected, so if nothing is connected to Kemper then I need this settings after I switch on my Kemper.

    How I will force the Kemper to remember it?

    P.S. I'm running 5.4.1 firmware.

    Do you send MIDI Time Code or MIDI Clock from Cubase? That could be the problem. My in-band co-guitar player observed problems with his rig (I don't remember if it was Kemper or Axe) if MIDI Time Code (or Clock - I don't remember it too) was sent from Cubase.

    I can confirm this behavior.
    (Kemper with OS Release and FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper chip v1.3a).

    First test:

    • I have 13 rigs in browser pool sorted by Name. (rigs order is: 1, 2, 3, ..., 13)
    • If I assign MIDI PrgCh to them from 1 to 13 then everything works well.

    Second test:

    • Now, I resorted rigs by Gain and strange things happened. (rigs order is: 9, 13, 1, 2, 10, 5, 11, 12, 8, 7, 4, 6, 3)
    • First tap on FCB1010's button works well, but second tap switches rig to different rig with other MIDI PrgCh, see table (every subsequent tap after second one changes nothing - Kemper remains in "after second tap" state):
    1 1 9
    2 2 13
    3 3 3
    4 4 3
    5 5 7
    6 6 4
    7 7 11
    8 8 12
    9 9 2
    10 10 10
    11 11 5
    12 12 11
    13 13 1
    14 - 2
    15 - 10
    16 - 9

    It is very strange, isn't?

    I was curious which messages are sent from my FCB1010 so I connected it to my DAW and looked at MIDI Monitor.

    First tap on pedal button send appropriate PrgCh which is correct MIDI message. Every subsequent pedal button tap doesn't send PrgCh, but two controller messages: CC52[1] at pedal button down and CC52[0] at pedal button up. Note: CC** is dependent on button, so CC52 is for button 3, CC50 for button 1 etc.

    From KEMPER Profiler ReadMe.pdf:

    • Profiler Operating System

      • User Interface

        • added: relative addressing via MIDI CC 50-54 also functional in Browse Mode

    I want to believe that relative addressing in Browse Mode is useful as both Kemper and Uno4Kemper implemented it, but some smarter guy could explain why.

    ... I've got a regular midi floorboard, sambrox, and the lights change instantaneously, as does the sound...

    Do I understand it correctly that generic MIDI floorboard is lag free in visual feedback, but original remote suffers from lag in magnitude of hundreds of milliseconds? I am thinking about buying Kemper remote, but 600 ms is truly long time. It seems I'll get one ms for each $ spent.

    I don't want to diminish others opinions in this topic, but I'm really tired of the current practice of many manufacturers and developers, who instead of bringing their product to a condition in which it is a joy to use it, they abandon such product and bring a whole new thing to the market.

    I'm glad Kemper isn't playing this game with us (yet).

    So make damn sure that you prohibit hibernation if you are connected to a laptop live!

    Kemper is aware of this issue but it'll need a little time to change the software, since this seems to be larger than thought in the first place.

    If sleeping computer (or power saving on USB ports) is really reason for KPA unresponsiveness then I think developers shouldn't waste their precious time on curing it in KPA firmware. It is user responsibility to set computer properly. Do you want use KPA for longer time than a minute? Then make sure your computer doesn't go into sleeping mode! It is common sense that if you use anything for live use then it should stay alive.

    ...The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot (for clarity, do you mean slot#3? - chromos's note) that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button (by hand on the KPA itself- not with the remote ), and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.

    I can confirm it. My KPA with fw. behaves the same way.