Posts by otero1st

    This is the way to go. You only have a single A/D conversion this way and it will guarantee the best possible sound quality without any degradation of the signal.

    Thank you very much for answering. For convenience and quality will use the SPDIF for it from since now. If I may, I would like to ask two questions more.

    1. Obviously the quality of the interface influences when recording for the Line In or for mic preamps, etc.. The same applies to the SPDIF? Or because it is a purely digital signal no matter the quality of the interface?.

    2. From the (Kemper) Front In to Direct Out any A/D D/A conversion also occurs?

    Thanks again!

    Hello everyone . I have many doubts with this so I will try to explain as best as possible despite my problem with language. Before I start, this is my gear :
    - iMac
    - Duet 2 usb and Line 6 UX8 ( both paired as a single device)
    - Passive pickups

    What I want is to get the best quality DI possible for reamp without level , impedance , etc. problems . What is the best way? . I have tried the following :

    1. Guitar > duet line in> DAW / / / Recorded raw > out duet (set level -10) > kemper front in
    2 . Guitar > kemper front in> spdif out > DAW / / / raw Recorded > kemper spdif in
    3 . Guitar > kemper front in> direct out > duet line in / / / Steps 1 or 2.

    This last option really generates doubts me . Many people recommend purchasing DI and reamp boxes. I do not have much knowledge about the functioning of these devices but as far as I know, the DI box function is to convert the line (instrument) signal level into another mic signal level. I have read that the kemper acts as one of these boxes thanks to direct out . This is where I do my ignorant newbie question . If I connect a TRS cable from the direct out (which would have level mic signal, isn't it?) at the duet line in , is this signal converted into a line level signal again when I record in my DAW? In short, how do I record a DI with mic level without a DI box with my kemper ? I don't know if what I'm asking is stupid and deserves a stoning , but I have a lot of confusion in my head. I hope you can help me . Thanks in advance

    Hello everyone. I searched for information about how to reamp through "spdif" with my Line 6 UX8 but I must be the only one on earth using this interface with KPA :D . I'll try to explain my problem as best as possible, English is not my native language.

    Well, I connect the specific optical "RCA" audio cable ( good cables and both functional ) : " UX8 out > KPA in / / KPA Out> UX8 in". In Cubase add a mono track with a "DI" and select the Stereo Out ( the " UX8 " is not necessary to select any " s / pdif " out option because when you connect the "RCA" cables, change the output automatically) and " KPA " select " s / pdif Input" . I put headphones on " KPA " and I hear how the "DI" signal arrives. The problem comes now . The reamplified signal doesn´t reach to " UX8 " and I don´t know if the problem is " KPA " or " UX8 ." In " KPA " I have activated the option " SPDIF Out Link" , the volume to 0 dB , "SPDIF Output" in Master Stereo ... I do not know if there's anything else to do in " KPA " . In " UX8 " I have the Input 1 and Input 2 to " S / PDIF " but beside these there is a signal indicator doesn´t light, so I conclude that I do not receive any signal . I tried changing the "Clock Source " from "internal" to " SPDIF " but is not synchronized with the " KPA " (the mute button LED indicator flashes 3 times , which means it doesn´t see any external clock source ) . I do not know what else I can do , I'm desperate. Ask me if you need to know anything more. Any help would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. THANKS!

    [quote='otero1st','index.php?page=Thread&postID=105909#post105909']Incredible profiles of an amp so hard to dominate. This, along with the Bogner, are the ones I use in all my mixes. This is an example, check it!:

    Incredible profiles of an amp so hard to dominate. This, along with the Bogner, are the ones I use in all my mixes. This is an example, check it!:

    dude that track sounds great! is that the bogner and diezel profile or just one or the other? How many tracks? This sounds considerably brighter to me than the original profile, how all did you tweak it? sounds great.

    Thanks, man! Is a dual tracked guitars reamped with the Bogner profile. If you mean that the sound of Bogner is brighter, it may be because I put a TS in front or due to the master, but in the mix just touch the EQ a little and nothing in kemper controls. If you are interested, here you can listen a cover remix with the Icem4n Herbert profile. Tell me what you think! ;)