Line 6 UX8 s/pdif reamp... Impossible?

  • Hello everyone. I searched for information about how to reamp through "spdif" with my Line 6 UX8 but I must be the only one on earth using this interface with KPA :D . I'll try to explain my problem as best as possible, English is not my native language.

    Well, I connect the specific optical "RCA" audio cable ( good cables and both functional ) : " UX8 out > KPA in / / KPA Out> UX8 in". In Cubase add a mono track with a "DI" and select the Stereo Out ( the " UX8 " is not necessary to select any " s / pdif " out option because when you connect the "RCA" cables, change the output automatically) and " KPA " select " s / pdif Input" . I put headphones on " KPA " and I hear how the "DI" signal arrives. The problem comes now . The reamplified signal doesn´t reach to " UX8 " and I don´t know if the problem is " KPA " or " UX8 ." In " KPA " I have activated the option " SPDIF Out Link" , the volume to 0 dB , "SPDIF Output" in Master Stereo ... I do not know if there's anything else to do in " KPA " . In " UX8 " I have the Input 1 and Input 2 to " S / PDIF " but beside these there is a signal indicator doesn´t light, so I conclude that I do not receive any signal . I tried changing the "Clock Source " from "internal" to " SPDIF " but is not synchronized with the " KPA " (the mute button LED indicator flashes 3 times , which means it doesn´t see any external clock source ) . I do not know what else I can do , I'm desperate. Ask me if you need to know anything more. Any help would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. THANKS!

    Edited once, last by otero1st (January 2, 2014 at 4:34 PM).