Posts by patvalley

    Hey there, just sharing my new collection of 3 tunes. I used my Kemper for all electric guitars. It jumps around a bit stylistically, but it's generally hard rock, and track 1 features former Misfits singer Michale Graves.

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    Thanks for listening!

    I use snapshots for quickly saving Rigs I've tweaked but have yet to use in context. Also, sometimes to just remind me what profiles I've used on a current session.

    I've tried using Snapshots this way too, but the issue I've had is that we can't rename them. For example, if I use the same profile on 2 sessions and make different tweaks to them, they'll both have the same name in the Snapshots browser. I've made a feature request before for the ability to rename them but haven't heard of any plans to implement it. I think that would greatly enhance this function.

    Selling my FCB1010 with UnO4Kemper 1.3 (the latest version) installed. Not the cleanest FCB you'll find, as I took it out for shows for a year and a half, but everything functions well. I'm including a bunch of extras, too:

    -SKB soft case (short handles only; the long shoulder strap handle broke)
    -Original FCB V2.51E eprom
    -UnO4Kemper version 1.01, which I installed before I got 1.3
    -Glow-in-the-dark label set
    -One 25-ft spare 5-pin MIDI cable
    -Size-adjustable cable tie


    I hope I don't jinx myself here, but my Remote isn't disconnecting anymore after updating to the latest beta firmware. There was nothing about this in the release notes. I tried everything that seemed to cause that before- no problems today! I'll watch out for it at my show tomorrow and will report back if it happens again.

    The second issue (bank down "hold" scroll bug) is still present, however. I'll just tap dance on the "bank down" switch in the meantime.

    I was in a session recently and the engineer brought up an interesting point: why not have a "Last Played" view in Browse mode of the last 15 or so loaded rigs? I don't know if Rig Autoload would interfere with this, but I think this function could be useful when auditioning rigs in the studio to see exactly which ones I've played recently. An example of a situation that could use this feature would be if we tracked a lead part with one sound, switched to other rigs, then later wanted to punch-in or add another section on the lead track.

    It's not tough to remember when it's something as simple as JCM800 vs. Triple Rectifier, but it CAN be tough to remember when it's between "JCM800 G6 B4M8T7" and "JCM800 G6 B7M9T7".

    This is also kind of related to my other feature request: "Ability to replace/store as/rename snapshots". As you can tell, I'm hoping to avoid scribbling down "what-rig-did-we-use" notes... :thumbup: Thanks for hearing me out.

    I already sent this in to support tonight, but I wanted to post this here, too, in case any other users have helpful information they can share.

    I have an unpowered rack Profiler on firmware I'm using the supplied ethernet cable. I have a Mission EP1-KP expression pedal/switch connected to pedal 5 and pedal 6 on the Remote. (It's my understanding that pedal switches are not functioning yet in the current firmware, so I'm not reporting that as a "bug".)

    1. Remote disconnects while playing sometimes (screen goes dim to "waiting for connection" with the number 8 in the lower right-hand corner). This just happened to me again while typing this message; it happened while I was using the expression pedal and switching a rig at the same time, but that doesn't always happen.

    I've been trying to recreate this issue, and the way I've found to do that is by moving the expression pedal while switching the chicken-head knob from Browser to Perform (and vice-versa). What's most interesting to me about this, though, is that it happens EVEN WITHOUT a pedal effect loaded in whatever profile's up. In fact, it happens with all stomps and effects empty. If I change from Browser to Perform (or the other way around) without moving the expression pedal, the Remote maintains its connection.
    2. Bank down error in Performance mode. If I press and hold the "bank down" button to speed through performances, when I lift my foot off the switch to select the rig #1-5, the Remote automatically jumps down to one performance below where it began. Note that this change happens BEFORE I have selected a rig on switches 1-5, meaning that there's a very audible jump in sound between the time I take my foot off of the bank down switch and select my intended rig.

    Note that this does NOT happen with the "bank up" button.

    With the "bank up" button, if I press and hold it to jump ahead 10 or so performances, but then I don't select a rig on switch 1-5, it just stays on the current rig without changing and the screen goes back to the main view.
    However, with the "bank down" button, if I press and hold it to jump down 10 or so performances, when I lift my foot off of the "bank down" button, it has already jumped down 1 performance (you can hear it change rigs). If I don't select a rig on switch 1-5, the Remote screen now shows that I am one bank BELOW where I originally started.

    Bugs aside, I'm definitely enjoying playing with this. I dig it!

    Posting an update in case anyone encounters a similar issue. It ended up being a problem that the Kemper team hadn't seen before, so hopefully, this was an isolated incident. :thumbup:

    Matt Skaggs at Kemper Americas was incredibly helpful and quick to offer possible solutions. I was shipped 3 Remotes to try with my Profiler and they all exhibited the same behavior, so it was decided that it must have been an issue with the ethernet port on my Profiler. He sent me a new Profiler, which I was able to get up and running in just minutes using a backup I created, and then the Remote connected properly. I shipped 2 of the Remotes and my old Profiler to him, and everything's all good here now. Great service!

    Shaun, I had one overnighted to me on Wednesday and did receive a tracking number, but UPS had huge delays all day yesterday due to the snowstorm in Kentucky at their distribution center and in other parts of the country. Mine was just delivered here in Atlanta a couple of hours ago, but I'm thinking UPS is still trying to catch up from being so backed up.

    Hi, I just received my Remote today. When I connect it using the supplied ethernet cable and power my Kemper on, the screen on the Remote says "performing power test". The lights on the Remote brighten briefly, then it says "waiting for connection". After 20 seconds or so, the Remote's screen shuts off and the Remote's tap button light glows in and out. Meanwhile, my Kemper boots up as normal.

    Once the Kemper is booted up, if I press the Tap button on the Remote, it again wakes the Remote's screen with "waiting for connection" for 20 seconds before it shuts off again.

    I am on version and the green light in the back of the Kemper (on the Network slot) is illuminated.

    I tried another ethernet cable I had at home and had the same results.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for any insight.

    edited to add: I sent in a message to Support right before I posted this; however, I wanted to post it up here, too, in case anyone else has experienced issues and had helpful tips.

    G String, I followed the instructions and the PayPal transaction went through. Thank you!

    It's given me a new order number (#3447357). Can my PayPal payment here be applied to my previous order number (#20026) so that I still receive my order on schedule ("Calender Week 9: From February 23th")?

    please post the ticket number and i'll have a look.

    Hi GS- I'm in the same situation as deadpan; could you please take a look at my ticket as well? My ticket is ##AS00092675 and my order is #20026.

    I selected pre-payment at the time of my order because it was the only option that would allow me to complete the transaction, but I would greatly prefer PayPal or CC to avoid additional charges from my bank.

    Thanks for any help :thumbup:

    EDIT: just saw your post that came in right above mine. Thanks so much- I'll try that out.

    Hey guys, I have the Mission EP1-KP pedal and just found this thread. I have wah loaded in all of my performance rigs, and I'm able to alternate between volume and wah in the same rig with only one pedal. The toe switch activates stomp B (where I put all of my wah pedals in performance mode). I'm away from home, so I can't look up all of my notes, but I basically played around with options in the menu and set my Wah stomps to the "On" setting so that the toe switch would activate it.

    It took a few minutes for me to figure out, but it works great. Only thing I can't do is volume swells and wah-wah work at the same time, but I don't need that.

    If anyone's curious as to how I did this, let me know and I can pull up my notes when I get back to my laptop in a day or two.

    Although I've seen a few mentions of this scattered elsewhere on here, I wanted to make a single thread to highlight the potential benefits of including the ability to replace/store as/rename snapshots AND individual section presets (input, output, stomps, effects...any others I'm missing?). It would be great if they had the same functionality that "Store Rigs" has in the browse pool.

    I think it would make Snapshots much more practical to use. For example: say if I tweaked a rig ("JCM800 Lead") while tracking guitars on a song ("Hungarian Rap City")...I could store it as a new snapshot named "Hungarian JCM800 Lead". Currently, I have to either store a new rig to the browse pool (which gets cluttered quickly with a lot of similar "session tweaked" rigs) or write my tweaks on paper (the old-school way).

    Furthermore, if I want to edit an input preset or an effects section preset (really useful for adding my preferred delay/verb settings to new rigs I'm trying out), I currently have to create a new preset, name it differently from an old one, and delete the old one.

    I understand that these aren't that big of a deal and don't affect how awesome this thing sounds...but I feel like little features like this could ultimately help users' workflow. :thumbup:

    Mike, just wanted to say that these are fantastic. Awesome work! They sound great and feel great to play with, and the time you've spent testing them out in different situations is definitely noticed and greatly appreciated. I'm used to switching out cabs and tweaking to get relatively consistent live tones, but these are already balanced really nicely.
    I'm ready to swap out some of my show rigs and am stoked to use some of these on stage this weekend- thanks!