Posts by Laimon

    You Kemper super fans are a riot lol.

    There is no way to tell diddly squat from two amps with the gain on 1 Billion.

    Those sounds, regardless of where they come from, are completely lacking in dynamics.

    Hearing somebody else's recording, maybe (but then again the same probably holds also for cleans and edge-of-breakup).

    But I've now had the QC for over 3 weeks and, I'm sorry, but the KPA wins hands down. It just sounds and feels much better. To be honest, so far the only thing I found to be better on the QC is the delays.

    in terms of processing power the QC should be slightly better than the Helix and quite better than the Kemper.

    The Axe FX3 is much better than all of them.

    Comparing cpu speeds is not the end of all though. CK is a genius who achieved everything using a 400mhz processor while Line6 has 20 years of experience in the business.

    Fractal has both the experience and the hardware.

    Remains to be seen how quickly can NDSP catch up.

    Yeah, to me the Kemper is a testament to the fact that nothing is as effective as really nailing the algorithm - no matter how much hardware specs improve on the competition, profiles still sound like the most realistic thing out there.

    Of course that doesn't mean that I wouldn't enjoy a KPA with even more power, cause I am pretty sure CK would do amazing things with it.

    The qc is said to have a latency around 3ms which is a comparable to the Kemper. I believe Amplifire’s latency is lower than 1.5ms. It doesn’t sound like much but it’s a noticeable difference.

    I remember Doug Castro stating it was 1.8ms? Also, I never really know what signal path these figures are representing (is it 1.8ms with or without an amp model or capture or profile in the middle?)

    3ms is as if you were one meter away from your speaker. I can't feel or hear any latency at 3ms.

    Latency from distance from the source is perceived differently: our brains compensate for it interpreting environment's early reflection.

    My opinion is that ndsp is not trustworthy And the main point of the qc is not about music but rather it is about a lifestyle product that generates the maximum income.

    They got an investment of 5 million dollars that need to be justified. Selling 20000 ( hopefully ) 1700 dollar units doesn’t sound like much unless they are planning other means of making money which explains why the main focus is the social platform rather than the unit itself.

    Fractal and Kemper are also expensive but I feel that passion for music and electronics is a big drive that made these units possible and in my opinion, reading the conversations on TGP, that seems to lack in ndsp.

    Time will tell ...

    [Blocked Image:]

    The release of a kpa2 would mean the end of software development.

    Well, maybe, yeah - but I mean, it is ok to step up the hardware after some point.

    People are always asking for improvements, but there's limits to what and how fast can be computed. When you reach the ceiling, either you upgrade the hardware, or start cutting corners.

    Kemper has already proved - I would say, after 10 years! - that they're not that kind of company to release a new hardware every 2 years just to get money out of our pockets, so I am sure if they did it would be to actually to bring next-level algorithms to the table, and given the quality shown so far I would buy something like that in a heartbeat.

    I have one on order.

    It will be tough to dethrone my KPA, and I'm sure that each device will have its strengths and weaknesses.

    Maybe I will invent a new where you can put both inside, cook it for a few minutes, and end up with a perfect combination of both.

    I feel that could make me quite a bit of money.

    Me too.

    Looking forward to trying it out - I've been a very happy Kemper user for ~6 years, let's see what happens.

    On the hardware, you want knobs and buttons (which we have plenty of)

    Yeah, my point exactly. One knob for each little thing in the "expected" user path - but the moment you want to deviate from that, it gets ugly. Like with parallel paths for bass DI. Or ambient effects mix in the last two slots. Honestly, I see no clear paradigm to follow in this and many other cases.

    And I'm not even blaming Kemper (coming from a period in time when the main player was Fractal, he actually made big steps towards better UX) - I just don't understand how defensive this community has gotten since the QC was announced (cause, c'mon, it is obvious). Would it be SO bad if the KPA team actually learned some lesson from around them and incorporated them in their product?

    I don't know if this has been proposed before. I know (though never tried so far) that the KPA can trigger 2 PC commands on 2 different channels when changing rig, but that's quite limited. I think a simple idea, in that it also would integrate easily with the remote, is to add a MIDI block, that can send a sequence of midi messages when activated and another one when deactivated. What do you guys think?

    They are momentary switches.

    The 4 inputs on the remote can handle expression pedals, mono or stereo switches.

    Your understanding of midi s basically correct.

    I had an FCB1010 which I used briefly both woth and without the Uno4Kemper chip. Then I tried using my RJM Mastermind PBC from my old pedalboard. Then I got a used Remote.

    My summary would be: if you want to cntrol the KPA in isolation nothing beats the Remote. The integration is just amazing and so easy to use. However, if you need to control other midi devices in addition to the KPA go with a traditional midi controller.

    So, by momentary switches I mean you mean what I meant by "soft", i.e. switchless, like those found in Strymon pedals, in the Helix, et cetera?

    Ultimately I am considering using *primarily* the KPA, so the remote seems perfect, but I would like to know how flexible it is.

    Thanks guys for the help!

    Hey guys, after using the KPA for ages but with many other controllers, I am itching to get a remote and - hopefully - simplify my life a little.

    However, I have a couple questions still unanswered:

    1) what kind of switches does it have? Are the soft or hard?

    2) as far as I have read, MIDI control is very limited, i.e. can send 1 PC message on 2 channels when switching rigs, so I imagine one can't configure the stomps buttons to do that. Is my understanding correct?

    3) can the additional input be used also with switches, or only with expression pedals? If they can be setup to use additional switches, how does the assignment work?

    Thanks a lot for your help!