Posts by meow461

    Je les utilise non en série, mais en parallèle. En fait, mon install est :

    Guitare+Roland GK3, connexion du câble 13 broches sur un GR55, sortie Guitar Out du GR55 vers l'entrée du SY-300, sortie Thru du SY-300 vers l'entrée du Kemper.

    Les 3 sorties stéréo du GR55, SY-300 et Kemper vont vers une mixette Mackie 1202VLZ4, et les sorties de la mixette vers 2 Focal Alpha 80. Chaque machine fournit individuellemet des sons très riches, et ça ne présente de mon point de vue pas beaucoup d'intérêt de faire passer l'une dans l'autre. J'ai fait des tas d'essais en ce sens, globalement assez décevants. Par contre, en les combinant, on obtient des superpositions fort intéressantes. Le SY-300, par exemple, a des basses intéressantes, qui passent bien sur les enceintes.

    C'est sûr, ça prend du temps d'obtenir un "bon" réglage, que l'on ne peut pas sauvegarder (sauf sur une feuille de papier)... Et on ne passe pas d'un "bon" réglage à un autre "bon" réglage par la magie d'un footswitch :-).

    Après, on peut trouver des solutions pour gérer tout ça, par exemple en écrivant une petite appli en "Chuck", qui utilise le MIDI, avec des entrées sur un pédalier FCB1010, gère les volumes des entrées et sorties de la carte son, et envoie les bonnes commandes MIDI aux GR55, SY-300 et autre Kemper... Si on voulait vraiment faire du live...


    you are absolutly right. The Clean Sense level does definitely have an impact on the input, and setting it too high can generate clipping (input or master leds turning to orange or red), and it is indeed a very important thing to be aware of.

    Now, I have yet to test seriously the profiling mode. Can you tell me more about the impact of the Distortion Sense on the level of Direct Out, and how it can be put in evidence ? What are the consequences of setting it high or low when profiling ?

    Thanks for your contribution.

    Best Regards.


    I have been looking for a while on the forum for some precise indications about the best way to use the Clean and Distortion Sense, and I have yet to find a definitive technical explanation about them. However, I can share the way I use them, and a way to understand what they do. Here is a three minutes experimentation that you can do.

    1/ Choose a Rig which has a default Gain of about 8 (7 or 8 leds on the 15 total). Get accustomed to its sound.

    2/ Push/Hold [INPUT]. Now you have access to the Clean Sense / Distortion Sense settings.

    3/ Set the {GAIN} to 0. You get now the clean sound of the amplifier. It is clean, and the output volume may become very low.

    4/ While hitting strings on the guitar, move the {Clean Sense} slowly from 0.0 to 10.0 and back, a few times. Note how effectively this changes the volume. This helps you select the volume setting that you like in "clean" mode, as this becomes the volume that you get when Gain is to its minimum.

    5/ You can tweak the {Distortion Sense}, and notice it has no effect on the sound, or the volume of the sound.

    6/ Set back the {GAIN} to its defaut ( 8 ) value.

    7/ Move the {Clean Sense} slowly, still hitting guitar strings. Note that this has no, or almost no action on the sound or its volume.

    8/ Move the {Distortion Sense} from -5.0 to 5.0, still hitting the strings. Note how effectively the distorded sound changes between these values. Low values make it cleaner, high values make it more distorded.

    9/ You can select here the most appropriate value for your guitar : typically under 0.0 for very hot pick-ups, much over 0 for low output PU.

    10/ Note also that Clean and Distortion sense have almost no effect when Gain is pushed to its maximum.

    11/ The experimentation is over : push [EXIT].

    I found that this has helped me much understanding the usage of these knobs.

    Please react if i'm wrong, if I missed something, or if the explanations are not clean enough.

    Best Regards.


    And how would you define that "Kemper sound"? What would be those consistent differences that create the unique KPA signature sound?

    Some weeks ago, I profiled a jack cable : connect a jack between direct output and return, and profile the thing. I put at that time the profile on the Rig Exchange under the name "Mysterious". You could expect a very FRFR profile, and it is actually very close to that, if you keep the gain to 0. But it is IMHO somewhat slightly different from the sound I get from my guitar if I connect it directly to a monitor (in both cases, I use a mixing table, but of course a line input in one case, a microphone input in the other -- what I hear can come fron this, or what I hear can come from the fact I want to hear something :) ).
    So maybe "this" is how we can hear this "Kemper sound". Just my 2ç, I don't have any conclusion from that.

    You need to snapshot both: original and modified, no need to save it. Then compare and save the one you like

    On the other hand, be aware that snapshots and rigs are exactly the same thing (at least when you look in your backups); rigs are kept in the Rigs folder, snapshots in the Snapshots folder. A snapshot of a rig takes exactly the same size as the rig itself, since it is just a copy, with some parameters changed, and a different date. For example, I found that I had about 450 rigs, which is not a big number, but already about 150 snapshots (with often 5 to 20 snapshots of the same rig). The whole thing takes the same size as 600 rigs. So, when you're finish tweaking a rig, you may have to delete all the snapshots you don't need anymore.



    At lease I haven't seen up/down buttons yet in a vertical alignment where the lower button increases the index. Have you?

    Not sure if the question is for me or not. Anyway, I give an example, with a picture.

    I have here, right under my eyes, my old Nokia 3100 phone (the picture is not mine, but the first picture I found on the net). There is just under the screen a central button with up, down, left and right arrows. If I push the down arrow, I enter the "contact" page, which displays the first alphabetic contact (in alphabetic order). If I push again this down arrow, I get the next contact in alphabetic order, which is the second name of my list. The down arrow increases the index in the alphabetic list of contacts, and of course the up arrow decreases it.

    So I think this indeed qualifies as a device with up/down buttons in a vertical alignment (at least if you hold vertically the phone so that what appears on the screen is not upside down), where the lower button increases the index. And now you can see it.

    Once again, I don't say that right is right and left is wrong, but simply that this behaviour seems to me the most common I ever saw around me. But then again, we don't need to exaggerate the problem. I just happened to mention it, and I certainely won't be struggling anymore on the subject.

    Best regards.



    But you can possibly propose a few sets of solutions, and have a discussion about which one are not appropriate. I don't know if this helps, but some time ago, I started this list about potential solutions (many more have been discussed in the forum) :


    • AKG K-271 MKII 149€

    • Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro 145 €

    • Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro 145 €

    • Sennheiser HD 25 II. (70 Ohms) 200€


    1) Up to 500€

    • Behringer B210D : 170W biamplified monitor, about 320€ for a pair, small stages (home)

    • Behringer B2031A Truth : 150W bass and 75W treble ; a pair of these (total 450W, price around 350€) constitute a cheap, but quite effective solution for using at home the KPA.

    • KRK RP8 RocKit G2 : biamplified 70W+20W monitor, about 450€ for a pair.

    • Yamaha HS80M : biamplified 120W monitor, about 500€ for a pair.

    2) Up to 1000€

    • Genelec 8030 AMM : studio monitor 40W+40W, about 1000€ for a pair. Home usage.

    3) More than 1000€

    • Yamaha DSR 112 : a 1300 Watts active PA (850W+450W, about 950€ each, so 1900€ for a pair). Stage.

    • MACKIE HD1531 (1800 Watts, about 1400€ each) or HD1521 (1600 Watts, about 1200€ each) are considered as a very nice and powerful solution for small to medium sized stages.

    • Mesa Boogie 20/20 with two Mesa Thiele 1x12 Cabs: about 1200€ + 2 x 500€. Home or stage.

    • RCF NX 12 SMA : a biamplified 700 Watts digital cabinet (500W bass, 200W treble, about 1320€), can be used as a floor stage monitoring or as an free field PA system. Stage (or home).

    You are missinterpreting this. Cliff is not talking about an upcoming advertizing campaign.
    He is refering to our "dirty guerilla marketing campaign" last year.

    Indeed Cliff has accused our company to have started a massive viral marketing campaign that was explicitly targeted against Fractal Audio by adressing their customer base.
    That is an interesting thesis, right?

    That's incredible! How can such a massive viral marketing campaign has managed to stay so massively secret? :D Oh, but perhaps you can't tell? :S

    Meow461 (Of course, I must use here my secret name :) )


    I had some time ago a similar request in the thread:

    'E' -- the edit flag paradigm and the rig/snapshot concept

    (In case the forum software is still broken after all these months and you get an error, you may try to suppress one instance of the word "forum" in the URL).

    Basically, I thought we could use the "snaphots" to go back and forth in various versions of settings for a rig.

    Glad to see that someone else is interested in the concept.

    Best regards.


    The Kemper guys use a clever trick for the "favourite" rigs : they keep in the rig a field text which is normally blank, but which receives the name of the owner of the KPA (as entered when you boot the device the very first time, or when you boot after a system reset) when you mark the rig as favourite. So, when you exchange the rig, it is only your favourite, and not the favourite of another user. If you save your rigs, suppress a lot of them in your device, and later import one of these rigs, you find it appears back amongst your favourites, if it was before, since this field has the same value as your owner's name.

    Now, if you do a system reset, the owner name as kept in the device becomes a default value, "Me". Therefore, your favourite rigs are not your favourites anymore, and some other rigs (if saved by someone who happens to have kept "Me" as user's name) appears as marked as your favourite rigs. So, just restore your name in the system menu, and everything will come back to normal.

    Hope this help.

    Best regards.


    It seems that there is a bug in current version of the FW (1.5.2) (and in previous version too, if I remember well).

    I downloaded recently a few files from the rig exchange. Here are the names:

    2012-10-05 210119 - LSS* C1 Clean+.kipr
    2012-10-05 210320 - LSS* C1 Clean++.kipr
    2012-10-05 234103 - LSS* C1 Crunch.kipr
    2012-10-06 122742 - LSS* C2 Clean.kipr
    2012-10-06 122925 - LSS* C2 Clean+.kipr

    I put these files on the Shared folder on my USB key, put the key in the USB port, and tried to
    import the rigs. I got the message :

    Cannot locate files to import from USB device.

    So I put back the key in my computer, changed the first two names in the list by :


    Tried again. This time, these two rigs were correctly imported, the other ignored.

    Morality : try to simplify the names of your files... (at least until the software bug is fixed :D )

    Best regards.


    @ almogaver

    I'm really sorry if what I said has hurted you in any way. This was not, and is not my intention. But I am not a native english speaker, and I may have used clumsy words or expressions that let you think so.

    However I'm really upset by your first sentence. I do not resort to the "I am a computer guy argument", but I come from a world where, in every reunion, meeting, conference, etc. you have to explain who you are and expose your credits. Since the discussion is really about computer user interface, I thought I had to explain what was my experience and why I think about things in a certain way. I consider this as a form of respect to the people I am dealing with.
    Now, nothing in what I said allows you to think that I resort to the "I was a computer GUI designer so I have the truth, and you poor user don't know much" argument. Well on the contrary, I explained in the beginning of the message that I thought the discussion we had was important, and that I valued it. I even said "this is exactly the kind of discussions we had... in a design team". I think this shows how I respect you as an individual, just as I respect what you say (even if I still don't share some of your opinions, be sure I never intended to be disrespectful towards you). Please note that I never said "things should be like this because I'm right", but only "look around you and see how things really are in the world".
    Also note that showing credits as I did is not unusual on this forum, or on other ones. Everywhere, you find sentences like "I'm a Jazz player, and I think that..." or "I was in the studio with X or Y, and we found that..." or "From my experience of the stage, brand X is better than brand Y". We all have to rely on our experience in our discussions, and yes, it helps appreciate arguments that are exchanged to know what the other guy has done.

    Of course, I don't think that " I was a computer GUI designer..." in itself is a valid argument. On the other hand, I don't think either that simply accusing someone for using such an argument is in itself an argument.

    Now, just for the the fun, let me answer to your second paragraph "Anyway, it seems you skipped my sentence..." Actually, I took your two sentences :
    -- "I can't think of anything more intuitive." which I understand as "I'm quite happy with the KPA as it is" - (and you tell me that again here), and
    -- "The fact is that the KPA works the way you expect, although you don't know it yet. Let me clarify this for you.", which means "you are going to be convinced by what I say".
    So, since you are happy with this ergonomy, and since you are trying to convince me that I should think like you, the consequence is what I summarize by "you should be happy with that". Nothing could be more logical :P

    Anyway, I think we can agree to disagree, and stop the discussion after this very respectful exchange of ideas.

    Best regards.


    @ meow461
    The fact is that the KPA works the way you expect, although you don't know it yet. ;) Let me clarify this for you:
    All the examples you mention in your post refer to navigating within a screen. However, in "play" mode, i.e. when you see only one rig on the KPA screen, there's nothing to navigate. So the UP and DOWN buttons act as + and - respectively.
    In "browse" mode you have 8 rigs on the KPA screen and the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT buttons on the RIG "cross" let you physically move between those rigs, exactly as you expected.
    I can't think of anything more intuitive.

    Hope that helps.


    Thanks for exposing your point of view. I think we are having here a very important discussion (in my experience of designing computer graphical user interfaces, I must mention this is exactly the kind of discussions we had, except of course it was within the design team and not between the final users :D -- but let's hope it is not too late for the KPA).

    First, thanks for the "The fact is that the KPA works the way you expect, although you don't know it yet." introduction. This is a political, and therefore non technical statement.

    Then I must correct you about the examples I took. Most of them do not refer about navigating within a screen.

    On my nokia phone (we spent a lot of time examining their products, and let me assure you they know a lot about designing UI), the "contact" screen displays just one contact as expected, with the name (LARGE) and the corresponding phone number (smaller), and two soft buttons, "Details" or "Exit". Note that in all screens of the UI, "Exit" is always the right button, and whatever screen is displayed in the whole UI, there is just one button which is used to call someone, and it is the key with the green phone icon. (And yes, you have guessed, my phone is ten years old, but, because of this and its characteristics: small non touch alphanumeric screen, and about 20 buttons, it is very close to the KPA in terms of designing a user interface). Of course, the UP takes me to the previous contact in alphabetic order, the down to the next contact in alphabetic order, as I already said.

    On my synth, I face a similar situation. The screen displays only preset at a time (with its bank/patch number, the soft buttons identifications, etc). But there again, I can navigate easily. And the way I expect. However, there is also a "search" screen, which displays 5 presets (I should say "rigs" because presets include effects), and of course I can navigate here as I expect. In both modes, the same keys perform the same operations.

    Now, you are trying to sell me the following argument :
    - here is some important operation (you agree that switching rig is an important operation, perhaps the most important operation in the KPA)
    - there is a mode where 8 different rigs are displayed. In this mode, the UP key goes to a previous rig (in alphabetical order), and the DOWN key goes to a following rig.
    - there is another mode : the current rig is displayed. In this mode, the UP key goes to a next rig (in alphabetical order), and the DOWN key goes to a previous rig.
    - you should be happy with that.
    So basically, for the same function, there are two cases of keys working in the opposite way. In mode "A", "UP" goes to a previous rig and "DOWN" to a next one, and in mode "B", "UP" goes to a next one and "DOWN" to a previous one.

    I'm sorry, I do not buy that.

    I do agree that selecting the wrong ring is not a big deal (except maybe in a live situation). But what if I tell you : in mode "A", "UP" saves the rig and "DOWN" deletes it ; and in mode "B", "UP" deletes it, and "DOWN" saves it, and it is very convenient, and I can't think of anything more intuitive. Would you be happy? Would you always remember what to do, whatever the stress of the situation is ?

    I repeat that a user needs to rely on a consistent interface. Same key, similar behaviour. Consistency is the first basis of the notion "user friendly" feeling. Second is similarity with known devices: if some operation looks like an operation that exists in a very common apparatus, it should behave the same. Imagine you had two cars of different brands. In one, you turn to the right by turning the steering wheel clockwise. In the other, turning the steering wheel clockwise makes the car turn to the left. Would you like that ? I don't. I whish to apply with the KPA reflexes I have learned with other devices.

    I do not feel it is necessary to elaborate much more on the subject. We have here facts :
    - in some cases, the UI buttons do not act in a consistent way.
    - in some cases, the UI acts in a way which differ from most devices we use in everyday life.
    I express my concern about it, because, while I consider this just as a minor inconvenient, I think it globally harms the KPA.

    Well - best regards.


    On my KPA it works as expected: the [UP] button brings you up in the alphabet (R => S => T ...), and the [DOWN] button brigs you down (T => S => R ...), being "up" a higher value and "down" a lower one. Think of [UP] and [DOWN] buttons as [+] and [-] respectively.

    I'm sorry, UP in the alphabet means, for me, at the start, towards the letter A, down means at the end, towards the letter Z.

    But OK -- let me develop my point of view. We have, on the RIG cross, 4 buttons ; let's talk about the [UP] and [DOWN] buttons.
    I compare the KPA behaviour with other devices I see around me.

    On my Nokia phone, the UP button brings me up in the alphabet : R=>Q=>P, the down button brings me down (A=>B=>C).
    On my computer, in any text processor, the UP arrow brings the cursor UP in the document, the DOWN arrow brings it down in the document.
    On the computer, in any window, the UP arrow brings you UP in the document/picture, the DOWN arrow DOWN.
    On my digital camera, when I zoom on a picture, the UP arrow brings me UP in the picture and the DOWN arrow brings me down.
    On my TV set, the UP button brings me UP in the menu, the DOWN button down in the menu, etc.
    On my Yamaha synthesizer, the UP button brings me up in the preset list, the DOWN button down in the preset list.
    And when I raise the head, I see the upper part of the wall ;)
    Everywhere I look, the ergonomy of the devices I use is more or less the same. None of the behaviour of the examples I give above surprises me.
    I have been in the past designing computer user interfaces, and I have a keen eye for this kind of detail.

    On the other hand, the UP/DOWN buttons of the KPA work exactly in the opposite way as what I expect, and what I have been using all my life.
    This is why I talk about a "counter intuitive" interface. (And I agree with my opinion :) )

    Best regards.


    Can you confirm this again?
    Usually the letters go up on the up-bon.

    Yes, I'm in .
    Each time I use [UP] (I mean : the button over the word 'RIG'), the current letter "increase" : S->T->U, etc...
    When I use [DOWN] (the button under the word 'RIG'), the current letter decreases : M->L->K->J.

    I understand there are two possible logics here : either you conceptually move up and down the view window over a long
    fixed list, either you move up and down the list under a fixed view window, and 'up' and 'down' take different
    meanings. However, I've checked on my phone : 'UP' goes towards the beginning of the alphabet, 'DOWN' towards the
    end, and I've learned to consider this as "more" natural...

    Best regards.
