Posts by VanHalen


    I would like to know if someone has already done this : use the KPA as a cab + mic + mic preamp simulator.

    I would like to profile this chain : Matrix - > cab - > mic -> mic preamp. In this configuration I assume the Matrix is a rather transparent device so the important thing is to capture the behaviour of cab + mic + preamp mic.

    I wonder if the profile I'll get will be better than an IR.

    What experience do you have in this domain ?



    If the chain to be profiled is less long, will it be easier for KPA to reproduce it ?
    I'm interested in profiling power amp section (almost) only. Here is the chain to be profiled : send of KPA -- >return of the FX loop of a head --> power amp section --> output of the power amp section --> loadbox --> return of KPA

    Has anybody done such a profile ? Is KPA really accurate comparing the profile and the real stuff ?
    Do you conclude that KPA is good at reproducing power amp sections only ?

    You misunderstand, obviously. I believe you when you say that the cab maker converts well IR, that's why I said :


    Ok. The problem is that KPA users can be disappointed even if the cab maker works well !

    I just say that the problem is somewhere else. I want to understand exactly where it comes from and how to handle it

    A lot more interesting for people who read this thread is :
    -what about the problem faced by tylerb ?
    -what about questions I asked in my second message ?
    -what about things I said in my third message ?

    For the moment there is no answer.


    Take a DI profile and leave the cab section on to make sure the
    cabdriver is off. Then route the output of the KPA into your DAW with a
    IR as speaker section. The sound is highly different from the IR that
    was converted with cab maker and imported into the KPA

    Yes. the problem comes form the fact that even if you take a DI profile, important information are stored in the cab section. Maybe the problem doesn't come from cab maker but from the fact that the KPA stores information (about tubes for instance) in the cab section when it should not.


    If you want to test how close the CabMaker really is, disable the Stack and use just a Dist stomp into your DAW with an IR.

    Convert that IR and import to the Profiler, playing it with the same rig
    (obviously) now with the Cab enabled in the Stack section.

    Ok. The problem is that KPA users can be disappointed even if the cab maker works well ! They want to use (like me) their IRs in the KPA with Dist Stomp but with anything else too (amps, preamps profiles).

    When I want to use an IR, I just want to apply an Eq curve. If there is an eq subsection in the cab section, this is exactly where things should be imported, the whole cab section should not be replaced.

    Thanks for your answers.
    I would like to have more information about the cab section and the cab driver.

    1/ What information about a profile is exactly stored into the cab section of that profile ?
    -information about curve eq ?
    -information about membrane characteristics...
    -information about tubes (power tubes) ? This sounds abnormal but...

    2/ What does the cab driver exactly ? In what is it different from the cab section ? Does the cab driver simply cut functions of the cab section ?

    Thank you.

    When I say "ckemper never replied to this thread", this is not at all an expression of discontentment or anything else. It's just the fact that the title of the thread is "[ckemper's help needed] Profiling two mixed amps". As ckemper never replied, I can imagine that there is, today, no easy way to give a solution to such a problem and we know there are a lot of threads (old and new ones) dealing with this.


    Did you try to verify by yourself if the procedure has got sense? It would seem to me the quickest possible response...

    Completely right. Maybe my solution works but several people proposed solutions too (on this thread, on other threads) and I just wish that one works provided that the resultat is good enough.

    Maybe it's on the roadmap in several months/years ?


    I'm trying to find several things on the Internet about the KPA. I'm looking for documents, experiments about how the KPA is accurate for :
    -respecting the EQ curve of the profiled chain,
    -respecting the levels of compression of the profiled chain.

    I read somewhere on a french forum that the KPA makes tonematches. Is it right ?


    When the KPA profils a head, is it able to tell the difference between power tubes behaviour and preamp tubes behaviour ?

    I'm asking this because I'd like to know how the KPA effect loop works. Indeed, in an amp, the loop effect is placed between the preamp and the power amp section. If the KPA cannot tell the difference between preamp tubes and power amp tubes, then I missed something in the way the KPA effect loop works.



    There should be tonematches for seek n destroy, battery, creeping death and some black album stuff.

    I'm very interested in the way you did these tonematches and specialy for the Black album. Can you explain how you made the chain you profiled and the guitar you used ?


    The problem is that the cab maker will change the eq curve quite a bit.
    So the results might be off, even if the original IRs are spot on

    Why this happens ? What's the problem with Cab Maker ? I hope the Kemper team will fix this or else it doesn't worth using it and the Kemper team should add to the KPA a real IR files reader instead.


    I also did some Metallica tonematches some time ago. Check those out if these work for you.

    Where can I find them ? Thanks.


    Highly depends on your guitar.

    Pickups (active ones) ? Wood (mahogany) ? Set neck ?