Posts by guitz

    You could be waiting for quite a while! Why did you sell the Kemper? It's an all-in-one box! ^^

    It most definitely is an awesome all in one box! I just wanted to go back to the simplicity of near instant on and not wait for a 'boot-up' time ...but also...I wanted the raw sound of tube amp/preamp into a guitar cabinet. I had always used mine as a sort of recording tool, but as you may know, you don't get that instant, raw and in your face tone when you are using a pair of studio monitors's no fault of the Kempers to be sure, and I probably could've scouted around for an amp/speaker combo that had the rawness of a real amp and speaker when used with the Kemper (although I would think it was take some trial and error of editing , since the Kempers emulates the whole nine yards, ...or possibly turn off the speaker simulation might've worked) , but like I said, I also wanted the simplicity of a few knobs , instant on, no scrolling, no editing ,etc...

    I sold off my Kemper , just to get back to a more simplistic setup, but I find myself remembering how incredible some of the fx sound. Specifically, the intelligent pitch shifter. I have never heard another device that sounded as good as the IPS in the Kemper...the harmonized note sounded so goooood...not at all metallic like 99.9% of other devices, even the higher priced ones. And that cool ability of the harmonized note to follow even a bend and sound COMPLETELY natural just sounded beyond awesome....I think if more people outside the Kemper universe knew about the superb quality of Kemper's fx, they would be very interested, particularly that IPS....So with that in mind, has Kemper given any thought to expanding their products to maybe pedal fx ? I would be ALL OVER the Intelligent Pitch Shifter if they ever do....

    Here's the situation...The Kemper amp is great for recording. Gets exactly what you need for any track. What I'm finding however, is that for the MANY times in my home studio when I'm writing/noodling/jamming, I find that the sound thru a pair of excellent studio monitors that I have just doesn't give me the 'real amp' push of air and sound that you get plugging into a traditional guitar, with all the many output options on the Kemper, I'm thinking I can keep the L/R output pair I currently have hooked up to my DAW , and then use a 2nd output into some kind of amp/speaker combo or all in, does anyone have any suggestions? I hate to say this, but I find myself using my tiny Roland Micro-Cube more than the Kemper for general jamming because it gives you that traditional push of air and tone that you can only get from a guitar amp/speaker combination, as opposed to the super hi-fi sound of studio monitors, albeit a tiny sound due to the small speaker.....Anyone have any suggestions? I don't need massive volume obviously....

    Another question, assuming I find a guitar amp/speaker combo that works well for the above scenario, would you have to drastically alter your patches/rigs, etc to sound 'right' with a real amp/speaker combo, since the Kemper already has the cabinet simulation settings?

    yea, an editor also functions as a great cool would it be to have every single one of your profiles as small thumbnail icons...maybe even assign a pic to designate what they are ...then BAM,BAM,BAM...jump from this to that to that to that....all with within the grand master thumbnail icon view....SOOOOOO much incredibly faster than scrolling or even scrolling thru favorites....1000% better and more logical ...clicking on any given profile not only takes you to that sound, but could also open up a visual representation of every single parameter and that includes ALL settings for cabinet choice and tweaks, in/out levels etc, and every single FX parameter in the box for instant tweaking. YES!

    I can't tell you in which thread exactly you can read about it, but I am sure that it's official that they are not planning on an editor - the only thing that is considered to be done is a profile manager. I for one am not missing an editor because it's so simple to tweak the parameters.

    crap that sux...I wonder if they have considered letting someone outsource an editor?....This box just SCREAMS for an editor on my 26" monitor...with icon thumbnails of all 300 or so presets I currently have, instantly clickable and every single FX parameter laid out visually ala the excellent Line 6 POD editor......

    If you scroll through the stomps using the Type knob (not the browse one) they are ordered by category and named normally.... ;)

    how 'bout that!...I figured there were ways to improve the FX things I was harping on, but it's like when I'm in auditioning/writing/playing/jamming mode, I never get around to reworking/rewording,etc things with improved names and a more logical layout..I still think they can do major improvements in the user friendliness of the FX section but for me, they are a very distant thing to the amp sounds , which are SOOOO good...

    So having owned the Kemper for about 3 months now, I thought would post a few thoughts....The amp sounds are just like the gift that keeps on's like such an amazing variety of raw tones and another thing to remember, is the great way you can tweak them further. I especially like the two hi and lo adjustments for the speaker cabs. Makes a huge difference. Such a useful adjustment to get the sound just right in a mix, simulated speaker sound,etc,etc.

    To this day, I still haven't touched the Stomp butttons! What am I missing by just using the effects section? Speaking of the effects, I don't really care for the oddball way you seem to only be able to scroll thru them, which is alphabetically I think. The other thing which is still a head scratcher, is the oddball names they give for each effect and the even odder way they are ordered! (alpahbetically by name),....for example 'AC FAST' appears to be the name given for a rotary speaker present AND 'air chorus'....and what does AC even stand for? 'Muffin' , they use for a distortion sound!, which has names 'BMBRITE' and 'BMFULL' and 'BMSOFT'...what does BM stand for? all these goofy, unexplained names they've given , you are forced to scroll thru it's ACFAST, BMRITE, BPTOUCH (which it says is a wah-wah preset...what does BP stand for?) IMO, the effects section display could be dramatically improved for user friendliness....maybe make each white hardbutton above the display select a grouping of effects types, each in a column under it's button, with much improved names.

    As each week passes by, the need for an onscreen editor ala the Pod's excellent interface grows greater and greater....I hope this is in the works...Even assigning my favorite rigs to the 'QUICK' button is starting to pile up. Needless to say, hundreds and hundreds of great rigs need a large, groupable, and mouse clickable visual way of accessing them and not the unwieldy scroll knob, which I believe mine is about to fall off from being overworked :D

    All in all though, I can't see this box ever becoming obsolete, it sounds too good! And the constant input of new and useable rigs and amps is just amazing.

    I think it would all be alleviated if they'd just do a software editor. That way I could just tuck it away somewhere and do all the editing and preset management on my monitor like I do with my HD500.

    OMG yes....the software editor is needed for soooo many reasons and having ALL the controls laid out visually (not to mention the ease of amp browsing/sorting) would also as you say allow you to put the Kemper somewhere where it's not nearly as critical to have it within reach....If Kemper or someone could figure out a means of getting it into a 19" typical rack...this might work good for me, as it could sit right next to me....

    [Blocked Image:]

    Big 26" pc monitor on a smallish desk...and I have the Kemper angled on a front corner, haning off the edge looks awful, but I like having the display and knobs at quick hands reach...where do you guys put the big, hulking Kemper box in your studio? ...What I'd like to see/have, is a smallish desk with a SINGLE rackspace sidecart that is built into on end of the desk....single because those desks with the rackspaces on either side is overkill and expensive...and then some way of using either a rack harness and/or a rack shelf for the Kemper...