Posts by BobbyKa

    Trying to Reamp with my KPA Stage to Cubase on Mac. I used to reamp with the Analog In/Outs and also via spdif, but can't get it work via usb.

    -Kemper Stage with latest OS.

    -Got a DI track in Cubase (recorded from Kemper via USB, so this worked). Soloed. Routed to Profiler USB 1 (labeled "vorne links" (=front left).

    -Stage Output Menu: "USB Reamping" enabled.

    -second Track in Cubase for reamping. doesn't get or record any signal on none of the 4 usb input channels.

    -input led on kemper does not lit up when the di track is running.

    I guess there is a simple error, but I can't find it.

    Help! :(

    Infact, i thought I would not need a DAW in that scenario. I hoped that i could route the input (Profiler audio) directly to the output (focusrite). when just playing without need for recording or other daw support, this would be useful for me. And in the windows settings i can choose where the signal from the profiler should be routed to (internal speakers, focusrite...). But this doesn't seem to work.


    Haven't done anything with my Profilers than playing for the last year...

    Now i want to use the usb audio option for the first time.

    In windows sound settings, i chose the profiler as the input source. Level to 100 and unmuted. I see the signal when playing, so it does get into the pc.

    For several reasons I want to monitor it not with the profiler but with my audio interface (focusrite scarlett 8i6). But despite trying every setting, I can't hear my profiler signal out of my focusrite. Other sources like sounds from the webbrowser go to the focusrite. Any clue what i am doing wrong?

    It seams that the option Git/Master Mono was removed from the spdif output settings. Is that true? just phoned with a buddy you could not find it in his kemper and i also can't find it in the current abbendum. I dind't reamp with my Kempe for years, so don't know when it vanished.

    I still think that Git Studio / Master Mono makes totaly sense for many users. Way more than some of the other available options.

    I now understood that that different Midi controller handle it differently, and that the formula is not wrong.

    And I know how to work with it, so there is no practical problem for me.

    But that Kemper itself does not decide which way they want it confuses the user.

    As far as I understood, Kemper says I could use the formula to get the numbers or I can check them on the display.

    But if you do that, you will see different numbers....

    For me, that would be a bit like telling the measurements of the kemper, but not telling that the height is in inches and the width is in centimeters. Of course both numbers are correct....

    "Why easy if it can be made difficult"

    I got it. Hope that not too many others will get this problem..

    There is really nothing your doing wrong. It’s the nature of MIDI PC#

    000 on one unit might be 001 on another. When I sent PC# messages to my Strymon’s I had to calculate then subtract, on the Mobis it was harder because it used 3banks not like a Timeline with 2banks which made the math easier. The h9 lined up perfectly.

    I thought as the formula is from the Kemper manual, it would fit for all Kemper....

    I am starting to work with Program Changes instead of CCs to select the performances/slots via Midi out of Cubase.

    So far it works, but there is one thing that irritates me.

    In the manual and here in the forum you find the formula (#Performance x 5) - 5 + (#Slot - 1) to get the correct Program Change #.

    But for me, the result of the formula is always one digit smaler compared to what my kemper displays and wants.

    For example, Performance 1, Slot 1. With formula it would be (1x5) - 5 + (1-1) = 0. But my Kemper displays MIDI Prg # 1, and I realy need to send PC 1 to select that slot. Same thing with other slots. What is wrong?


    Kemper also displays the Bank # one digit higher than the manual says. But here, i have to send what the manual says to get the right slot.

    For Performance 1 slot 1, Kemper displays MIDI Bank #1 instead of Bank #0 what the manual says. But here, i realy need to send the value 0 from Cubase.


    Had two rehearsals with Cubase yet. Worked great. Used the Arranger Editor.

    One Thing:

    When one Song ends, and Cubase stops (as I want it), it would be great if it would send the first Midi Commands from the next song.

    So I would already have the right Performance/Sound and (as I have one Performance per Song) I would see the name of the next Song on the Remote. As far as I see, I could only do this with some Workarounds that are not that great.

    Something like that possible with one of the othe mentioned Software (or any other)?


    We want to use a DAW live for audio backingtracks as well as Midi Tracks to control Kempers and Lightshow.

    I spent the last few days to work this out with Ableton. The more I try, the more I think there must be something more fitting.

    Abletons Session view with events seems great for that at first, but there are things i don't like. Midiclips in one event can only send one Program Change. And for live, I'd like to have only one event line per song, and not one for every single part of each song. Also its sad, that I cannot just flip to Arrangement view to edit something while rehearsal.

    Saw a Video about Cubases arrangement track. Seems fitting, but I don't know wether you could set it the way that it stops after each song.

    "Camelot Pro" Also looks nice.

    How Do others do sonething like that?

    Two of my friends have broken rj45 sockets in their kemper racks. They still work, but they don't hold the cable tight(yes, cable and nose is ok, its the socket). This can happen when someone accidentialy pulls hard on the cable while plugged in.

    It is possible to change them. But you have to disassamble the whole unit to get to this point, and have to solder the small connectors.

    If you don't live in the US getting the spare part costs about 35€ or more, cause you only find shops in the US that sell them.