Posts by BuckeyeBrown


    I would really like to see more robust coverage of different tremolo types along with control of a variety of wave shapes or attack/decay ramping.


    I would also like to see a deeper dive in terms of allowing more control of a more convincing Univibe effect. Throb depth and more throb, speed , etc.

    Leslie and Vibratone
    Again more convincing versions of both and more options. Depth, ability to set min and max speeds that you can ramp to and different ramp time lengths, etc. thank


    I've successfully installed the iPad app and it connected to my profiler. I was previously using a Windows laptop with Rig Manager to house a large library of rigs. Of course it's a minor issue for me but any long USB cords I've tried with that laptop don't work beyond several feet. When I saw the update for a wireless iPad version I was excited for the ability to use an iPad while also solving my USB cord length issue, but then I realized my large library is no longer accessible since those profiles were local to the Windows laptop.

    I'm not sure if anyone knows a way to extend the storage of the Profiler (USB hard drive, thumb drive, etc.) so that the iPad can pull from the entire collection? Maybe I can locally store rigs on my iPad but right now I'm really perplexed by what seems like extremely limited functionality in only being able to choose rigs by forward and backward buttons on the iPad version of rig Manager??? I was expecting to click on the menu icon next to the rig name and see a long list of all of the profiles on my Profiler and search capabilities like the non-iPad versions of the software. Instead I'm greeted with Rename Rig, Undo All Rig Changes and Clear All Morphs. By clicking on the actual rig name it also does nothing. Am I just missing where to find what I'm looking for?

    I also see no connection to the Rig Exchange. I do understand this is a Beta, so maybe added functionality is to come, but in current state its more of an editor for the current rig you are on and that it would make more sense to go back to trying to find rigs using the profilers knobs/buttons. I would love to have someone tell me that I'm doing something wrong, or that they are able to get more functionality than what I'm describing.

    Any comments on this are appreciated.

    Thank you,


    Love this update! Long time toaster owner now really wishing I had the stage version!

    I love fuzz pedals and have many very nice ones. I know from my... affliction that there are some that sound incredible, and when used in combination with the right guitar, amp, etc. it’s hard not to gush into snake oil sounding comments. There are certain builders who just know how to match/tune components at a very high level. There are also tons of fuzz pedals and many have very unique tones that would seem impossible to nail digitally (think gated splattery Zonk tones, the horn type of sounds from a Trombetta Minibone, Basic Audio Zippy, various self oscillating or glitchy fuzz pedal and so on).

    The profiler can definitely get glassy tones that sound great - even before this update. I don’t know that I’ve heard it get to the level of glassyness that my Ge fuzz face can get... but it also doesn’t get the occasional radio station interference either! To me the ultimate glassy tones comes from a good sized blackface amp like a Super or a Vibrolux, etc. with a Cesar Diaz Square Face, Texas Ranger or something based on them (listen to some of the Pedal Pawn Texas Twang demos and you’ll hear that elusive SRV thing that everything else is aiming towards). I’m very interested in hearing demos of people getting those tones using the backed off vol knob and the stage to see if we can get it with the impedence hardware and controls on the Kemper Fuzz. I started experimenting with the different parameters and gain staging between the Kemper Fuzz, Treble Booster and amp drive on my toaster with no luck so far but there a many variables to experiment with and it’s way too easy to get sidetracked with other great tones!

    With all this said, the Kemper Fuzz is truly incredible. Very quiet for what it can actually pull off. There are so many great fuzz tones in the controls and some much to explore when you consider different drive levels, amp drive levels and stacking with the Kemper drive, etc. I was loving running a fuzz face preset into the low gain/boost Klon preset yesterday. Tonight I was especially loving the range of the octave control and what you can find in combination with lower drive settings. Lots to explore but easy to already say these are fantastic tones!

    Thank you again CK!

    I have a couple questions/seeking confirmations.

    From Rig Manager Output Settings I've listed 4 combinations. I believe I understand what the first two do but I don't know about the last two.

    • Kemper Kone Enabled + Cabinet Off Enabled = Select from available Speaker Imprints = Amp in the room type of sound
    • Kemper Kone Enabled + Cabinet Off Disabled = Profiled Speaker/Cab is heard = Amp in the room type of sound
    • Kemper Kone Disabled + Cabinet Off Enabled = Pretty sure this is FRFR Mode - Much brighter. Surely harsh at high volumes but I really like it at lower volumes
    • Kemper Kone Disabled + Cabinet Off Disabled = ??? Pretty Dark/not sure what this would be

    Any help is appreciated.

    As has been stated before by myself and many others when the subject of fuzz preset stomps come up, the hurdle will be the guitar volume component that many fuzz players regularly use to regulate from sparkly clean to full on woolyness that different real fuzz boxes achieve.

    As we’re seeing with voicings in the two new drives added on the new beta, I believe it very possible for CK and team to get very close to certain fuzz tones too... already. With some time experimenting we can already create some great fuzzy tones on the Profiler, but backing off your guitar’s vol knob doesn’t accomplish the desired affect, and in some situations/settings, lowering the guitar vol lowers input to a point where the settings to give you that great fuzz tone suffer in a bad way when there isn’t enough signal there.

    My angle here is, why not try to simulate that important guitar/it’s volume knob + fuzz pedal, the effect capacitance plays on this dynamic relationship with tone by designing new fuzz stomps centered around the concept of using expression pedal. You essentially replace twisting your guitar knob, and instead use an expression pedal to digitally sweep through specific parameter/ranges. So for example imagine your expression toe setting being the fuzz face with its controls dimmed and your guitar vol on 10 too, and then you can use your expression pedal to hit any sweet spot you want on down to that just slightly pushed but crystal clear SRV Lenny tone in the heel position. You could have multiple presets just like the new drive to cover various ranges and tones (recreations of different classic circuits by way of stomp presets), and perhaps maybe need a few different fuzz stomps to hit other voicings (just like the approach we see with the separate Full OC stomp).

    I think many of us fuzzaholics would rejoice in having the ability to have those dynamics that a real fuzz pedal provides if all we need to do use use an expression pedal to simulate guitar volume knob twiddling.

    Just a thought to consider.

    Thanks for all of the fantastic updates over the many years CK!


    I'm a bit of a fuzz lover. This is a great modern zippy fuzz with this crystal octave high end thing that really behaves according to how light or hard you dig in.

    I'm sorry I'm too lazy provide an easier way to do this but I have this saved on a commercial rig, so even though I have the amp/cab off, I don't think it right to upload. You can see below the effects that I used in order. I would advise playing around with them yourself with your guitar. I set this up using single coils. The unusual combo is using the Acoustic Simulator and the Soft Shaper together. I think if you just play around with that you can find some very interesting capabilities and not have to worry about my exact settings that I landed upon. Nonetheless...

    To keep from having to type out a million parameter names, the below values listed are in order that those parameters appear in rig manager. So for the Compressor, the values listed are in order for; Intensity Attach Squash Mix and Volume. Obviously these are just where I stopped turning dials as I was arriving at these tones so experiment.


    Compressor 0 0 0 100 +2.9

    ACOUSTIC SIMULATOR (yep try it) 3.1 +2.2 -1.4 -1.0

    Soft Shaper 7 -2.6

    Noise Gate 2:1 7

    Amplifier OFF

    Cabinet OFF

    Graphic EQ 1.5 1.5 0 0.6 0.0 4.3 5.6 4.2 20.6 5939.1Hz +1.2 100% 0

    Legacy Delay 5/16 8/16(1/2) Feedback = 62% 48.7% 1.4 +1.9 4.2 0.0

    Ionosphere Reverb

    Top Row .3s 6.630s 11.4% Position Post (on) 0 0 33488.1Hz 0 2.5 13 0 0 50B

    Bottom Row 2.3 50 5 0 0 100 0 Post (yes)

    I have some top shelf fuzz pedals and I could easily see this in a pedal format from a boutique builder making some coin on this tone.

    Happy Fuzzy Journey!


    Just sharing personal experience/opinion.

    After experimenting with running L and R through a Strymon Volante between Profiler and power amps for two Kabinets, I’m happy to report that this had no negative effect on the tone/sounded exactly the same, and the Volante sounded great in stereo through the Kabs.

    Again, this is all in lieu of not being able to use a stereo loop when sending to two Kabinets on the toaster version due to lack of outputs needed, as I described in original post. Not an issue on the Stage version with its additional loop outputs.

    Once I get time to rework my pedalboard I’ll be wiring it with one section of pedals routed independently from the others to sit between Profiler and the two power amps driving Kabs in stereo. Glad this worked well.

    Hi BavidDrent, do you like a sound like this or a modern one?

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    Great fuzzy tone there and great playing. You won’t get that wooly silicone fuzz attack and creamy sustain without real stomp boxes. As long as CK is around I’ll throw in an - at least not yet out of much respect!

    I offered some suggestions to get the OP close using the Profiler but I’ve got multiple pedals for those tones. I was playing my beloved Dice Works Fuzz Epic II :) into a Strymon Volante last week and got lost for a couple hours!

    His Muffs were Cornish modded to cut out the low end flub and fine tune mids.

    A simple start would be to set amp drive just below breakup, lower the bass, increase the mids and start experimenting with the muff drive vs the amp drive levels. I would then add light compression in front and then consider adding and EQ post amp. Add a simple single delay with several repeats and a big reverb mixed to not completely wash you out.

    I like to go back to the amp drive after doing the above and sometimes increasing it into more drive will get you into that feedback sustain happy space that his lead tone lives on the edge of. Adjusting the Amp settings (in particular definition, clarity and compressor) can also really shape things a ton.

    So I believe to run two Kabinets in stereo I need to use MONITOR OUTPUT and DIRECT OUTPUT. To run an effects loop I also need DIRECT OUTPUT and RETURN INPUT (and ALTERNATIVE INPUT if returning in stereo). Both of which tie up the single DIRECT OUTPUT, making this seem mutually exclusive.

    If I have this wrong please let me know.

    I’m wondering if there would be any negative tonal impacts to running outboard stereo effect pedals (reverbs, delays, modulation, etc.) between the Profiler and the two power amps driving the Kabinets in stereo? In particular I’m concerned that putting effects like this over the Profiler‘s software speaker emulation might mess that up. I wouldn’t be putting any drive pedals there, so maybe it would sound the same?

    Other potential workarounds that have me curious would be the possibility of reassigning the type of output routed out of the stereo headphone jack or master outputs to allow for a solution?

    Any insights or comments are appreciated.