Unusual Concoction -> Killer Fuzzy Tone

  • I'm a bit of a fuzz lover. This is a great modern zippy fuzz with this crystal octave high end thing that really behaves according to how light or hard you dig in.

    I'm sorry I'm too lazy provide an easier way to do this but I have this saved on a commercial rig, so even though I have the amp/cab off, I don't think it right to upload. You can see below the effects that I used in order. I would advise playing around with them yourself with your guitar. I set this up using single coils. The unusual combo is using the Acoustic Simulator and the Soft Shaper together. I think if you just play around with that you can find some very interesting capabilities and not have to worry about my exact settings that I landed upon. Nonetheless...

    To keep from having to type out a million parameter names, the below values listed are in order that those parameters appear in rig manager. So for the Compressor, the values listed are in order for; Intensity Attach Squash Mix and Volume. Obviously these are just where I stopped turning dials as I was arriving at these tones so experiment.


    Compressor 0 0 0 100 +2.9

    ACOUSTIC SIMULATOR (yep try it) 3.1 +2.2 -1.4 -1.0

    Soft Shaper 7 -2.6

    Noise Gate 2:1 7

    Amplifier OFF

    Cabinet OFF

    Graphic EQ 1.5 1.5 0 0.6 0.0 4.3 5.6 4.2 20.6 5939.1Hz +1.2 100% 0

    Legacy Delay 5/16 8/16(1/2) Feedback = 62% 48.7% 1.4 +1.9 4.2 0.0

    Ionosphere Reverb

    Top Row .3s 6.630s 11.4% Position Post (on) 0 0 33488.1Hz 0 2.5 13 0 0 50B

    Bottom Row 2.3 50 5 0 0 100 0 Post (yes)

    I have some top shelf fuzz pedals and I could easily see this in a pedal format from a boutique builder making some coin on this tone.

    Happy Fuzzy Journey!


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.