Posts by Tritium

    I did NOT have a high cut on, but I will try that in the global EQ.

    I play acoustic guitar, fingerpicking clean on an electric, and high gain Metal genres.

    You have confirmed that, while connected to your Altos, you have the Cabinet section enabled. I would recommend you try the following:

    Once you have settled on a specific amp profile/rig that you like, try “locking” everything but the “Cabinet” module. Then, scroll through different Cabinets while playing until you land on the tone you are looking for. Once you have “discovered” the Cabinet that works for your tastes, save the entire Rig under a new name, and then you can unlock everything so you can tweak effects and settings.


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    Hey everyone,

    Was watching a Tone Junkie episode last night and he was using the "one cab trick". I feel this will be very useful in getting all my different profiles in my performance to sound somewhat similar in tone and volume. I noticed however that I can't seem to make cab changes in the software. Is this just a feature that can't be accessed with RM? I finally figured out that it's pretty easy to do on the Kemper but a little time consuming scrolling through all the different cabs. Has any one else tried this trick?

    Hello sdeyoung,

    There is a few ways to do it within the RM Editor. One of the easiest ways I have found is to make a new (sub)folder under the Local Presets tab in RM. You could name this new folder "sdeyoung cabs",. This is the location you will store your Cab presets. The following instructions are based upon running Rig Manager for Windows...but a similar method would be used for MacOS.

    After you have created this folder (remember, it must be located as a subfolder under the Local Presets folder), right click on the folder, and select the option to open up a separate Rig Manger window/session. So, now you have the main Rig Manager window showing the Editor, and another window showing the empty, new Cabinet Preset folder.

    On the main Rig Manager window, load up a rig which has a Cabinet you are interested in using for multiple rigs...because you are now going to save it as a Cabinet Preset. Left click and hold on the Cabinet icon, and drag it over to the new Cabinet Preset window. Drop it in there. The new folder will now contain a copy of the cabinet, stored as a cabinet preset. You should rename the cabinet preset (e.g. sdeyoung Cab #1).

    Now, you can close the cab preset window/session, leaving only the main Rig Manager/Editor window open. You will note that the new Cab preset is listed in the new folder you made under the Local Presets. Now, simply load any rig that you want to change cabinets. When the new rig is loaded in the Editor, simply drag and drop the cabinet preset onto the Cabinet block, and boom, the rig now has this new cabinet.

    Obviously, you could save a number of different Cabinet presets in the newly created (sub)folder, so there are there and waiting for whenever you want to change cabinets within Rig Manager/Editor.

    Hope this explanation makes sense, and is helpful.



    while that is true in theory I think I remember Burkhard saying that the way cab driver works it is impossible to fully disable it so there is always an effect on the monitor output. I think it is because cab driver only estimates what portion of the sound is amp and what portion is speaker but I could be wrong.

    Hmmm. Well, if that is the case, then it calls into question if the KPA can accurately and authentically separate the Cab and Direct Amp sections of a Merged Profile. Because, if it can, I would have thought that this would (obviously) mean that adjustments to any Cab parameters would have absolutely no effect on the Monitor/Speaker Out signal, if the Cab section has been disabled via "Monitor Cab Off" setting.

    Two things:

    1. The cab is not disabled overall with monitor cab off. You still need it for the other outputs.

    2. The monitor output shouldn't be affected though. That doesn't sound right.

    Agreed, on both points. I am only listening to sound via Monitor/Speaker Out...which is why this doesn't seem to make any sense, and I am wondering if this is a bug.

    Burkhard as well as fellow Kemper users,

    I have a Kemper PowerRack, which I previously had connected to a XiTone FRFR passive wedge, via Speaker/Monitor Out. In that configuration, I would always have the Cab block active.

    However, I recently broke out Marshall Vintage Modern 425A cabinet from storage, and have hooked my KPA up directly to it. Man, what an AMAZING sounding cab. But I digress. Here is the anomaly:

    I load up any given rig, and it is populated on the Editor window. I then go over to the Output Section, and select "Monitor-Cab Off". The toggle box is checked off, and I immediately hear the change in sound. Obviously, the tone is much, much better when the Cab section is disabled, and I am playing through the Marshall cabinet. Now, I click back into the Cabinet block. Again, the Cabinet has just been disabled, via the Monitor Cab Off global parameter. Yet, I can adjust the Cab parameters, such as Definition, High Shift/Low Shift, and Character. Furthermore, these adjustments radically change the tone of the Rig, as if the Cab is still active (although it is supposed to be disabled, via "Monitor Cab Off"). Then, if that isn't confusing enough, I can go back to the Output section, and de-select "Monitor Cab Off"...and that immediately changes the tone, once again. However, now I am not sure if this is the original tone with the original Cab setting and parameters, or if this is a completely modified tone, with corrupted Cab parameters. In either case, what doesn't make sense is that there would be any change in tone, or that the Cab parameters can even be adjusted, when I have already disabled the Cabinet section via "Monitor Cab Off".

    I am running the most recent OS / Firmware (8.5.8).

    Can anyone advise what is going on, here?

    @G String this is not what the OP is doing though.

    They are bringing up a profile, then editing that profile, then when they hit duplicate it loses the changes they made.

    What you are telling them to do, which is correct for RM, is bring up the originl Profile, hit duplicate first, to duplicate and rename, then do the edits, then save after the edits have been done.

    The problem with this, and why it is confusing, is because on the KMP itself, you can do your edits first then hit 'Store as' and you don't lose your changes OR write over the original. THe confusing thing is having two different methods to achieve the same thing.

    Yes, precisely.

    Thanks for the reply and explanation, Burkhard .

    Do you happen to know the motivation behind the Kemper Rig Manager programming team's decision to employ a new term and methodology (Duplicate) versus the paradigm that we have previously been familiar with when editing on the Profiler, that is, "Store As"?

    The beauty of "Store As" is that it allows the saving of an edited Rig while simultaneously requiring (forcing) user to assign a new Rig name...all in one action. This makes it easy to save different variations of a base Rig, by doing something like adding a letter or number after the original Rig name. For example, edited variations of a favorite rig named "Tritium Soldano Lead" becomes "Tritium Soldano Lead B", "Tritium Soldano Lead C", etc.

    If the user mistakenly tries to save (i.e., "Store As") an edited Rig in a read-only section of the Rig Manager (e.g. Factory Rig Packs), then one might expect a pop up window to be displayed, which explains the problem and prompts the user to select a different save location.

    Just curious as to the motivation/reason behind the new "Duplicate" paradigm.



    Okay, I kept working on this. Vjelen, I did try your recommendation, but it didn't work as hoped. However, I do very much appreciate your suggestion and consideration.

    I ended up coming up with a very cumbersome and circuitous method to accomplish what I would have hoped would be a very simple, straightforward task.

    Burkhard , I am hoping you can review my original post, and provide advice. Am I missing something, or is there no method to "Store As" on the Rig Manager/Editor, even though this function is available on the physical Kemper Profiler controls/interface?

    What if you change the rig name in the upper right side of the screen and then just save it?

    Hi Vjelen,

    Thank you for your reply. I am not presently at my Kemper and laptop. However, if I am following you correctly…wouldn’t that only change the Rig “tag” information?

    I may be missing something. If I change any of the rig tagging information, I presume that I will be presented with a highlighted “Store” button at the bottom of screen…which brings me right back to square one. That is to say, if I then go ahead and click “Store”, Rig Manager is now going to overwrite and replace the original rig with this new, changed name rig. I don’t want that to happen. I want the original rig to remain unaltered while also having made a newly edited and renamed rig.

    I am tagging Burkhard so that he might read and help out in this matter.



    Hoping to get some help, here.

    Something is either not intuitive or confusing me, when it comes to storing a rig I just edited, when using the Rig Manager/Editor.

    On the physical Kemper, I would be performing a "Store As". But I am not at my Kemper's control panel, I am on my PC and using the Rig Editor. There is no "Store As"...and that is what is causing me some headaches, here.

    Allow me to clarify. I do NOT want to save over (over-write) the rig I have just edited. I want to "Store As" and rename it as a different I maintain the original rig, unedited.

    I am pretty sure that if I click on "Store", it is going to over-write the rig, which is not the behavior I want. So, I have tried clicking "Duplicate". But then, the duplicate copy doesn't carry over the changes/edits I have just made (for example, changing the Cab).

    So, how do I perform a "Store As" using the Rig Editor?

    I must be missing something obvious, therefore I am initiating a preemptive state of embarrassment. :P

    Try to adjust

    ¨   FX Loop Level

    “FX Loop Level” controls the outgoing signal level of the hardware effects loop for correct leveling of the external device. This helps to prevent noise or distortion. It is a global parameter and affects Loop Mono as well as Loop Stereo. Loop Distortion is not affected by “FX Loop Level”.

    üIncreases of SEND output level are compensated for corresponding decreases of RETURN INPUT level and vice versa. Therefore, the level and effect loop mix of the output signal stay unaltered.

    Hello Burkhard,

    I just happened to be reading this older thread, as I was thinking of installing my PastFx Chorus Preamp (Boss CE-1 preamp clone) into the hardware loop of my KPA PowerRack. I am confused by your answer to BotanicalTuna. He had previously posted that he had tried using the Loop Distortion mode, and was still having problems. You then replied by advising him to "try to adjust FX Loop Level". Then, you included a quote from the User Manual, which (if I understand it correctly) states that adjustments to FX Loop Level will not affect Loop Distortion. Something doesn't make sense. Is the User Manual incorrect, or did you not see that BotanicalTuna was trying to work with the Loop Distortion Mode...or am I completely confused (always a possibility). :)

    In any event, if you could clarify on this matter, it will be greatly appreciated. It may save me some trouble-shooting and frustration.



    First, full disclosure. I just connected my KPA PowerRack to my PC for the very first time, last night...despite owning my Kemper since 2015.

    However, I am not a luddite. :)

    I have previously been content in operating my KPA like a traditional amp, i.e. manually adjusting it from the front control panel. I did all updates, backup and loading of rigs via a USB thumb drive. In any event, I have finally gotten around to wishing to use the editor, built in to Rig Manager.

    I have also read and familiarized myself with the most up-to-date Rig Manager User Manual.

    Question --> When using Rig Manager Editor, and once you have loaded a Rig into the edit buffer (double-clicking) and begin modifying/editing it (e.g., changing Cabs, adjusting parameters in the Reverb block, etc.), is there any simple way to COMPARE it to the original, unedited Rig?

    I was hoping that the Editor allowed such a feature, and the ability to rapidly toggle back and forth between the original (saved) preset/rig, and the current iterated state of the edited/modified rig.



    The single biggest “selling point” to me, for the Quad Cortex”, is the ability to virtually adjust the microphone(s) on the built-in QC modeled cabs so as to position the axial and radial distance.

    If Kemper could somehow implement this feature on their next device (i.e KPA 2), that would be huge…particularly if we are talking about user profiles of mic’d cabinets.

    Love the concept of the PRS, love their looks, and love their attention to detail and quality. Alas, I personally have never found a PRS with a neck profile that felt very comfortable in my hand, and inspired me to play. Nevertheless, I absolutely admire the company, and their products, even if they are not for me. That, plus it is nigh impossible to find a PRS with a maple fretboard, in stock at a music shop.

    You Kemper super fans are a riot lol.

    There is no way to tell diddly squat from two amps with the gain on 1 Billion.

    Those sounds, regardless of where they come from, are completely lacking in dynamics.

    Did you watch the video, or at least the ending when the results are tallied? There were two different score categories. One was for tone. However, the other was for feel. The KPA won, unanimously, in both metrics. A 3rd-party listener doesn't have to be able to discern between tones. The testers, who are all gigging guitarists, unanimously scored the KPA the winner in terms of dynamics/feel in this non-biased, blind A/B test.