Posts by Burkhard

    Just to clarify, the function is named Morph Pedal to Pitch. And that means your expression pedal needs to be configured as Morph Pedal instead of Pitch Pedal. This Morph Pedal will then also control the pedal pitch effects Pedal Pitch and Pedal Vinyl Stop if these are present and active. Otherwise it just does Morphing.

    Not completely shure, what you mean by Rig button and Morph button in your description.

    To enter Morph values for any continuous parameter the Rig needs to be in Morph state. That can be achieved in multiple ways

    - Morph Pedal in complet toe position,

    - MIDI CC#11 value 127 simulating a Morph Pedal in toe position,

    - adjusting Morph Pedal in Rig Manager to toe position,

    - pressing the foot buttons (Rig Buttons) in the lower row of a Stage or Remote associated with the Rig currently loaded for a second time,

    - pressing the QUICK button of a HEad or Rack model while this is set up as Morph Button,

    - sending MIDI CC#80 value 1 simulating a Morph Button,

    - pressing the button associated with the toe position in Rig Manager.

    If you trigger or simulate a button, this triggers a travel between Base Sound and Morph Sound, that by default takes two seconds defined by Rise Time and Fall Time in Rig Settings. You can only enter Morph values after this travel is completed. A bar gets displayed which reflects the current position of this travel.

    Within these conditions Morphing can be set with any continuous paraneter of any Rig except a few cabinet parameters, since Morphing these would cause artefacts.

    We recommend to set range pots at expression pedals always to maximum and leave them there. This ensures maximum resolution for the control function. If you intend to limit the functional range, the PROFILER offers parameters for that e.g. Voilume Pedal Range, which can even be tweaked by Rig as needed. This approach doesn't compromize the electrical range and resolution.

    Ive always had this problem when attempting to create new profiles. I choose a kemper amp in the browser. I switch to profile mode. I then dial in my reference amp i want to profile. I run the profile mode. I save the profile and change the name. The name i choose and the sound i profiled keeps reverting to the new profile. Both the name and the sound are the same for both the original amp i chose and the one i created. This has caused me to having to keep making a copy of a profile before choosing it for my next profile so i dont accidentally overwrite one i want to keep.

    What am i doing wrong? there must be an easier way than this.

    I don't understand what you do there!? There is no need to edit any tags before you have even started to create anew PROFILE. I suspect you might edit the name of the reference Rig that you have selected from your browse pool. The Rig with the new PROFILE doesn't exist before you have finalized the PROFILING.

    Without using Rig Manager, you can initiate the deletion of all non-favorites in one go. If you intent to delete favorites as well, just unflag these as favorites upfront. This can only be done one by one, but there shouldn't be that many favorites.

    With Rig Manager for Windows and for macOS you can select and delete them all in one go. You can also sort by the column Favorite, select all Favorite Rigs and unmakr these in one step. You have basically functionality like with a PC file manager.

    KEMPER Kone chassis always need to be driven from the MONITOR OUT with Kemper Kone Mode activated. This is independant from the cabinet these are mounted in. If your cabinet is unpoweered like the KEMPER Kabinet you can drive it from the SPEAKER OUT of a PowerHead or PowerRack, since the internal power amp is always fed by the signal of the MONITOR OUT. If you run stereo setup with KEMPER Kones you can activate Monitor Stereo, which pairs the DIRECT OUT with the MONITOR OUT establishing astereo MONITOR OUT. All settings of the MONITOR OUT now apply to both.

    The essential nature of a wet/dry/wet setup is, that the wet signal only includes the effect portion of the delay and reverb effects. In case of the PROFILER "DLY/REV Wet" delivers just the effect portion of delay and reverb effects in modules DLY and REV.

    This is no Rig Manager issue. Your Windows doesn't even see the PROFILER. Attached the entries that should appear. Either the cable is defective or the PROFILER is switched off.

    Instead of trying that cable with other devices, can you try another cable plugged between PROFILER and Windows PC?

    Es gibt diverse Möglichkeiten Amps und Cabinets zu kombinieren. Du kannst z. B. das leere Cabinet Modul kopieren und in das Rig über die Impulsantwort pasten. Das funktioniert in Rig Manager wie auch an der Hardware. Außerdem kannst Du das leere Cabinet Modul verriegeln (locken) und es so in andere Rigs übertragen. Auch das funktioniert in Rig Manager wie an der Hardware stand-alone. Falls das für Dich Sinn macht, kannst Du auch ein Preset eines leeren Cabinets anlegen und Dir dann dieses Preset immer nach Bedarf laden.

    We send old versions for upgrading very old OS versions only on special request nowadays since these upgrade versions 1.8.2 and 7.3.2 must not be installed on latest hardware. So these versions are really just for the purpose of upgrading older units. The vast majority of users has upgraded beyond 7.3.2 in the meantime anyhow. 7.3.2 was published mid 2020.

    I'm afraid there is no MIDI comand for Rig Up/Rig Down at the Player. It works like other models in Performance Mode. This is picked from the Player manual:

    #48Value 1 steps one Bank up and starts scrolling after a while. Value 0 stops scrolling, or steps only one Bank up.
    #49Value 1 steps one Bank down and starts scrolling after a while. Value 0 stops scrolling, or steps only one Bank down.

    If you want to step through Rigs, you need to establish a logic in the sending device, that steps through MIDI CC# 50-54, which load one of the five Slots within the current Bank.

    This new public beta is based on OS 11.0.0 and includes the same fix as OS 10.2.3 release. OS 11 supports all PROFILER variants and avoids a potential issue at restart that could affect Head, PowerHead, Rack, and PowerRack models.

    We strongly recommend to perform a PROFILER backup on USB memory stick before upgrading!

    This PROFILER OS requires at least Rig Manager 3.5.27 for Windows(R)/macOS(R), Rig Manager 1.7.2 for iOS(R), and Rig Manager 1.7.0 for Android(R)/Fire OS(R).
    Rig Manager 3.5.27 requires at least Windows(R) 10 (version 1703) or macOS(R) 10.14.

    We have a new release revision for all models other than Player. OS 10.2.3 is based on OS 10.2.2 and includes one addional fix for an issue, which could affect Head, PowerHead, Rack, and PowerRack models.

    We strongly recommend to perform a PROFILER backup on USB memory stick before upgrading!

    Rig Manager 3.4.51 for Windows(R)/macOS(R) and Rig Manager 1.5.1 for iOS(R) required minimum!
    Rig Manager 3.4.51 requires at least Windows(R) 10 or macOS(R) 10.14.


    fixed: potential errors at restart of Head and Rack models

    Expression pedals normally need three contacts and therefor have one TRS socket.

    This Hotone model seems special and can be used as a normal volume pedal. It has therefor two sockets, whicha re nomally TS. I'm reading if used in its capacity as expression pedal a TRS cable can be plugged in, I'm assuming into its output. Is there no description coming with that product?

    This pedal has also a wheel to limit its range. This should be set to maximum range. You you better use settings in the PROFILER if you intend to limit the parameter range.

    At the PROFILER side a TRS jack must be plugged in to support an expression pedal.

    Don't forget to Calibrate.

    Details can be found in the PROFILER Main Manual.

    I'm not sure, this is an effective approach. All output settings are global by design and not part of a Rig, since these don't relate to any Rig specific tone.

    You activate for example Monitor Cab. Off, if you intend to monitor via a guitar speaker cabinet.

    If you monitor via a KEMPER Kabinet you activate Kemper Kone Mode.

    Output Source settings depend on how you intend to process your signals.

    Aux In Mixes determine the volume of any playbacks fed into the PROFILER's outputs.

    And the EQ settings for MAIN OUT and MONITOR OUT allow to adapt the PROFILER globally to any monitoring enviroment.

    If these are optimized, these should fit for any Rig you play. And if you then meet a Rig, that doesn't fit, you need to adjust that Rig.