Posts by Arek77

    About MIDI toggle.

    How can I assign the MIDI footswich to allways select certain rig?

    Currently footswich 1 is toggling 50 and 51.

    If I press footswich 2 to selecr any other rig and then select footswich 1 it will select EITHER 50 or 51 depending on where I left it before going to footswich 2.

    So how can I make it always selecting 50 first?

    Is there a MIDI command to select a rig in CURRENT bank?

    So that button 5 allways selects rig 5 no matter what bank I am in.

    Something like command *4 instead of 54 where * means current bank.

    That’ how the footswitches on the Player work.


    I am on blue channel rig 1-1 and want to select 1-5 using MIDI controller’s button 5

    I go bank up using with Player’s footswitch A

    now being on yellow channel rig 2-1 I want to select 2-5 using the same MIDI controller’s button 5

    I use Player’s footswitches to select rigs.

    That causes the LED’s located just beside the buttons (11 o’clock) to be green all the time.

    It would make more sense for those LED’s to be on only when the footswitch has been pressed to select that rig.


    if I select Rig 1 with footswitch 1 - the LED comes on, other two LEDs are off

    if I step on footswitch 2 - the LED beside that switch comes on while other two are off


    Our engineering has acquired an Ampero Control and researched it with a USB analyzer. According to their findings that 3rd party product - at least our unit - produces lots of electrical failures on the USB bus and therefor the Player doesn't work with it.

    The Player is in line with standards and works with devices that do the same as a USB host (USB A) as well as a USB client (USB B).

    It should be possible to use the Ampero with an external power supply and feed MIDI from its MIDI OUT through a MIDI USB interface.

    Could you do the same for Airstep?

    Hi there. Since I already spent some time on the forum without finding a specific thread (correct me if I am wrong) I thought of creating a new thread dedicated to external control options for the Player. First of all, I already enjoy playing powered toasters (with remotes) in my band since 10 years ago, plus a non-powered rack at home, with a variety of midi footswitches. Now that I finally got my Player, I am exploring the same MIDI control options as we plan to use them as a more convenient fly-in solution.

    I connected my Tech 21 Midi Mongoose to the Player using the first rendition of the ESI MIDI-USB cable, previously tested for functionality with a midi keyboard. The Mongoose only transmits PC via Channel 1, but since the Player is set to Omni, this should not be a problem. However, pressing a button on the Mongoose did not change a rig on the Player. I perused the manual but it did not contain any specific info on how to hook up and set up external MIDI controllers with the Player. Nor did I find any MIDI-related setting on the Player and in the Rig Manager.

    It's possible that I may have missed something, possibly something quite obvious, even, so that's why I am looking for advice here :) It looks like we're going the Morningstar MC8 way, which seems to be able to replicate as much as possible from what the Remote offers, plus the addition of Exp Pedals. I know that the MC8 is a very capable and highly-customizable unit, so I have little concern about what it can do.

    However, until it arrives, I'd still be willing to see if the Player changes rigs with an ordinary MIDI footswitch hooked up to a casual MIDI > USB-A cable.


    You have to hook it up USB B on the Player.

    That’s how it works with me Airstep Multi. USB B (Player) —> USB C (Airstep)

    yes from what I read in Airstep's specs, it should be capable to host the Player by connecting to the B port. But if the Airstep causes a MIDI loop, it could do that on that connection too.

    a USB descriptor dump can be created easily by Thesycon's device descriptor dumper:

    it could help us to analyze Airstep's USB descriptors, and maybe find out more there.


    Airstep Smart Multi works with Player!


    USB B on Player to USB C on Airstep.

    Airstep firmware 19.3

    Example of programming:

    From AIRSTEP app:

    Message 1

    Message type: MIDI

    Output interface: ALL

    MIDI Type: Program Change

    MIDI Channel: 1

    PC Number: 0

    PC Number will determine which rig is selected 0 to 54.

    Other possibilities not tested yet.

    HINT: use your old printer cable (USB B to USB A) with USB A to USB C adapter.

    OK.. so it seems Airstep you are using doesn't work. Other Airstep types seem to function OK, and other brands seem to function OK.

    again: there is a big chance that your Airstep is creating a MIDI loop !

    you didn't report back if your Airstep works when connecting 1 DIN cable only (and using a UM-ONE which you seem to have available ) When this doesn't work either.. the problem is definitely with the Airstep.

    again: we cannot debug or solve all external problematic non-Kemper products.

    maybe now the moment has arrived that you should try to contact the manufacturer of Airstep, and solve this.

    I have tried with MIDI OUT only, MIDI IN only and reversed.

    The Airstep works with my Boss Waza Air and Positive Grid SparkGo.

    I will contact Xsonic, but hate to be bounced between Kemper and Xsonic pushing the blame.

    Let’s focus on fixing the problem.


    What do you think of connecting MIDI controller to USB B on the Player?

    to me it looks like the Airstep is creating a MIDI loop via USB then... or maybe something goes wrong with the USB enumeration.

    On another thread a user reports that an Airstep lite firmware was needed to get it going :

    January 3, 2024 at 12:41 AM

    So it seems to me the Airstep has firmware issues.

    Unfortunately it's not feasible for us to debug all possible external non-Kemper gear problems.

    It would help if we would get a so called 'USB descriptor dump' from your Airstep.

    How can I get the descriptor dump?

    I will send it to you or post here.

    On other note:

    Are there any MIDI controllers that work OK?

    List of tested and recommended brands and models?

    I want to add 4+ button footswitch that could be programmed to select rigs, or even toggle between 2 rigs.

    Does it work with Xsonic Airstep?

    When I plug my Airstep (using USB C to USB A cable) and power up the Player, it stops booting process with 14 white LEDs on and the last one blinking.

    Is my Player defective?