Posts by WillemNL

    I reset my Kemper Stage to factory defaults after a few months of using it but now i cannot get my Boss RC5 looper pedal to work correctly anymore.

    I completely forgot how i did the setup before, it was working fine before inputs i did not change.

    I'm using the effects loop of the Kemper Stage Out 1 too RC5 then RC5 back to Return 2 i set the AUX volume up in menu and it works but it does not retain the sound of all profiles

    i use, some profiles just sound clean while they are with distortion i never had this issue before and cant figure out why.

    Some profiles retain the original sound and others not i'm so confused, did i forget a setting somewhere or ?

    All you need to do is select a rig with the cab you want then drag and drop the cab block from that rig into the presets window in RM.

    If you want to browse different cans with the same rig you can Lock All But Cabinet and jus load rigs until you find a cab you like. If you have a cab but want to try different amps etc with it the Lock Cabinet only and load new rigs. everything except the cabinet with change.

    Ow wow it's THAT simple OMG :huh::whistling:

    Thanks Guys'!

    I'm sure someone will answer about how to do this through the Rig Manager, but if you're stuck, you can store cabinet presets via the physical kemper by going to the cabinet menu (using long-press on the cabinet button) and clicking the physical "store" button.

    You'll be asked whether you want to store the entire rig, or the just the cab. Then you can give it a name. I see when I store a cab, the name is pre-filled with the same name as first cab preset in the list, so you'll probably want to change that.

    A great so it is possible to extract cab from a profile that's awesome !!

    Will try this thanks!

    Hi i only got my Kemper last weekend so my apologies in advance for maybe dumb question.

    But i was looking into presets on my RM and found i can right click on amp and cabs where context menu popup so you can mix match amps/cabs.

    Thing is there not a whole bunch available, so i was looking if i could extract a cab from a profile to save as a preset.

    But this does not seem possible so basically my question is how do you create these presets or do they need to be profiled and be saved as a preset instead of a profile or something ?

    Where do they come from and how to get more ?

    You might want to look in this option first though it is less drastic option then the factory reset.


    In case any inputs or outputs don’t operate as you would expect, or you experience any other unpredicted behavior, the soft button “Init Globals” in System Settings will reset most global parameters in System Settings and Output Section as well as returning all locks to their default state. This way, you are always able to recover a defined state of settings. Your stored Rigs, presets, Performances, and Slots won’t be impacted by this reset.

    I did. While it does quiet things down when I’m not playing, you can still hear the buzz as you let a note or chord decay (particularly with higher gain profiles).

    Ok i don't know mate i'm also a new to the unit but was worth a try.

    I would try a factory reset if i were you and if it's still there the unit probably needs some RMA

    Edit: FYI i just got my Kemper Stage unit last weekend and it is mouse quiet so it should not make any noises like that for sure.

    Thanks All

    Yes having a blast with the Kemper ! It was well worth the wait

    I advise Kemper to also include 2 sets of strings next to the picks, people will need it after receiving the unit :) j/k

    I just keep playing the Kemper man can't stop :love:

    The tone's/effects are really really good hearing it for myself now this device is worth every single penny.

    Thanks for the help thread can be closed Katana is working fine now !

    Thanks lightbox works like a charm !

    Got some hum coming though the Katana though, only trough Katana so geuss it's from Katana itself

    Hey guy's and gals i finally got a Kemper this weekend after like 10 years wanting one ;)

    My hand hurts so much now i have been playing all day yesterday.

    I got the Stage model and it's amazing i was afraid there would be a huge learning curve but actually you get the hang of it pretty quickly

    It also helps that like 99% of the profiles i load in just sound great off the bat.

    And the RM is very easy to use i love it.

    I have one question though i have a BOSS Katana MK2 100W 1x12 combo, i know there's a way to hook it up to Kemper (i seen dude on YouTube do this)

    And use it as monitor but i dont know how to hook this up and dont want to blow up anything.

    Do i use a TS cable from Monitor Out to BOSS FX out ?

    Sadly the dude on YouTube didn't explain how the connections were made, so if you know how to do this please let me know.

    I will soon order a Profiler but would like to know is there a specific setting my interface needs to run.

    Normally i have it running 44.1 khz 16Bit

    I cannot find anything in the Kemper manual about this, so does the Kemper prefer a specific Khz or does it not matter for the Profiler what Khz the interface is running at ?

    I found what i was looking for yes it possible

    Explained in video here @ 7:09 :

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    So i can get pedal wihout stomp button.

    Thanks all !

    Yep, is "always on"

    Always on ? You have base setting and morph setting right (morph enabled by stomping the same rig stomp as the base rig your playing)

    So on base it is off (nothing is morphed)

    So is it possible to set morph "heel off" (base setting) toe full morph with an expression pedal.

    What i mean is without stomping the same rig starting the morph setting by depressing the pedal. (same as can be done for Wah)

    I hope you understand what i'm trying to say here.


    Why i'm asking this because if you cannot do this with morph then i need a pedal with button for enabling morph

    If this can be done same as wah i can get pedal without button and just set it "heel off".

    Otherwise you have to switch your foot from remote/stage too the expression pedal and back every time.

    Edit more:

    Also i should have probaly mentioned i'm talking about "active morphing" (using a exp pedal) or whatever you call it

    not like the 20sec morph setting or something where it gradualy goes into the morph setting automaticly.

    I think i sorted out the pedals.

    One more thing though, Can you set Morph too "heel off" active when pedal moved ?

    I know Wah can be set like this but can Morph be set the same way so that you dont need to stomp the rig button.

    Just step on the pedal and morph starts if you know what i mean.

    Thanks all

    I wil probably go for the 2 pedal option then as these pedals get pricey fast ;)

    One more question though i found Moog EP3 works great with Kemper but people didn't mention what function they used it for.

    I see it's a Expression pedal only, unlike the DVP3 is Vol/Exp.

    Can you use the Moog EP3 as Volume pedal on the Kemper ?

    It's like half the price of an DVP3 so looks like a perfect option, but i'm not sure if it can do Volume.

    Never bought Vol/Exp pedal myself so this is all new to me.


    Actually never mind i geuss below anwsers my question already, it's work but probly not as i would want it to.

    If there is a slow increase at first then a massive increase towards the end the pedal is the wrong type. An expression pedal has a linear pot whereas a volume pedal has a log pot (audio taper). The Kemper translates the linear input from an expression pedal into a log taper for volume.