Posts by RedGtrRocker

    Same thing has just started happening with my powered toaster's output—out of the blue (like within the past week), the output has a certain unpleasant "sizzle" as if the Presence is being maxed out somewhere despite not adjusting anything! Changed cables, guitars, adjusted input Clean Sens, EQ, etc., and the only discernable improvement happened after I updated to the latest OS version 8.7.10 today (although there's still a little sizzle in there). Go figure. I love this damn thing, but it can be a tad temperamental at times. Hope this helps.

    Thanks, Ruefus, for the helpful link, as I am just a couple hours away from Nashville. I'll be touching base with British Audio ASAP.

    Even with Kemper support trying to help me on this issue, nothing we tried worked, so I can only deduce that the USB-B input is bad since the A input works fine.

    When my gig schedule allows, I will hopefully be able to get the toaster serviced and will let you guys know what the issue is. Thanks again! 🤘🏻🔥👍🏻

    I just purchased M. Britt's EL84 pack of Rigs + a handful of Performances, and even though I could successfully import the Rigs, I was really wanting to check out those Performances he created.

    Granted, I could use the base Rigs he profiled and try to recreate the Performances myself, but he's the Pro and seasoned Kemper guy, not me.

    What if I wanted to buy a pack of Performances? I'd be hosed unless I can get my USB-B input fixed or Kemper can come up with a workaround in a future OS update.

    But what about those of us with a bad USB-B input? My powered toaster's USB-B input is useless—have tried to connect to Rig Mgr now on two different computers using brand new USB-B to USB-A cables, and it will not interface at all. The only way I can update my OS and Rigs over the past year has been via USB stick.

    It would be great if the geniuses in KemperLand could make a future OS update that allows the same basic RM functionality for USB users who can't just go out and get the defunct USB-B input fixed at the local guitar shop down the street.

    Since we have to copy the Rigs to the USB stick's "Shared" folder, why not have the new OS recognize sub-folders like "Rigs" and "Performances", and with the latter there could be folders labeled "001" thru "125" (and a sub-folder for each labeled "1" thru "5") in which one could copy the import performance to the folder/slot where they want the performance to load into, yanno? Just a thought.

    Just curious if this is a common occurrence with others out there in Kemperland, as it's happened to me a few times now and it's starting to worry me. While looping a few layered parts for me to improv over, after awhile (15+ minutes?) the output from the Kemper just stops! No guitar/loop signal comes through at all, I can't change performance presets and I can't erase the loop either. I'm not sure, but it's as if the available memory gets completely used up (like old PCs used to do when trying to run too many programs simultaneously), and so I have to shut the whole thing down, pause for a sec, and then restart it to get it to work again.

    I don't mind it when I'm just dinking around at home, but I'd be pretty PO'd if it were to happen to me at a gig (which is why I'm practicing my looping). My toaster has the latest OS version, but this same thing also happened with previous versions as well.

    Do I need to clear out my unused rigs, delete unused performances, etc., or am I looking at a possibly bigger problem?

    Thanks for any and all help! 🤙🏼

    "Practice doesn't make perfect; only 'Perfect Practice' makes perfect." — paraphrase from author Phillip Toshio Sudo (RIP) from his book,"Zen Guitar".

    I've taught on and off over the past 2 decades when times were tight, and I wholeheartedly concur that no matter how proficient ones becomes while regurgitating what they see on YT, without the teacher there to explain the how/why/when, then it's all meaningless—just a bunch of soulless notes drifting in the breeze.

    Some more great points that Phil makes in his book are that when the mind becomes too preoccupied with what the hands are doing, it shuts out the music inside. One overcomes self-consciousness through consistent, "perfect practice," as our muscles develop their own intelligence to the point where thought and action occur simultaneously (i.e., second nature/muscle memory).

    Point being, as the others have already stated, a YT vid isn't going to be able to provide the instant feedback a novice needs like a good ol' sit down, face-to-face, and it surely can't teach soulfulness and passion towards ones craft as well as in-person lessons can (IMHO).

    You can do that - an FX Footswitch ( I through IV) can be assigned to Rotary Speed for the Rig/Performance Slot.

    True, and I've done this, but it means the Rotary effect is always ON; either slow or fast, it's always there. Would love if the I - IV buttons had a third toggle option [eg, Off > Slow > Fast > Off...] for this very situation.

    I too wish for more customizable options for this fabulous effect, but I 'get' that it's designed to be just like the old school Leslie cabs—slow or fast. However, I'd love to be able to do a momentary-button MORPH between the two different Rotary modes with the speed ramping up or down accordingly (like the Hughes & Kettner Rotosphere).

    I'd guess you caused the KPA to go into some sort of protection mode.

    I'd submit a support ticket describing the issue and see what they say. Everything here is most likely going to be guesswork at best.

    Go figure on WTH happened. I just hope it didn't do any real damage to the unit.

    And yes, I'll submit a ticket so at the very least they'll be aware of what happened. Thanks for the helpful info!

    First-timer here. I've just been soaking up all of the expert info and experiences as a lurker until I had something legitimate to post. Using the PowerHead toaster with foot controller and 4 external effects (Boss PS-5, Digitech iStomp, Morley Mini Dragon way and an Amptweaker Tight Fuzz Jr.). Oh, and I've performed the most recent OS update.

    Anyway, the other night at practice I bumped my external effects loop pedals (my iStomp is very susceptible to power jack jiggle which can cause a loud "pop" when it's taken a hit) and it caused what I could only guess was a jolt of electricity that travelled back into the Profiler!! This immediately caused a reboot of sorts, however, only the Kemper foot controller went "dark" like it does when it boots up, but the profiler still had its full light show going despite no sound coming out. Once the song was over, the damn thing finally finished its boot up and I could continue.

    Has anyone else ever experienced this, and is this something I need to have looked at? One thing I do know is that I'm going to have to secure that power jack on my iStomp to avoid any future spikes/shocks to the system.

    Thanks for any advice and/or help you Kemper cats can provide!


    Craig S.

    Ps. I can only access this forum from home after work, so I'll have to get back to you if you have any questions.