Kemper Input and Output Overload Happens Intermittently.

  • I have recently started having problems with Kemper sounding very distorted in a bad way and the input and output light clipping red. I have changed no setting. One day I will turn it on and everything works great and other days it will act like this. I have also had it start out sounding find and gradually start clipping later in the day. Anyone else had this issue and know how to fix it?


  • Same thing has just started happening with my powered toaster's output—out of the blue (like within the past week), the output has a certain unpleasant "sizzle" as if the Presence is being maxed out somewhere despite not adjusting anything! Changed cables, guitars, adjusted input Clean Sens, EQ, etc., and the only discernable improvement happened after I updated to the latest OS version 8.7.10 today (although there's still a little sizzle in there). Go figure. I love this damn thing, but it can be a tad temperamental at times. Hope this helps.