Issue with noise – more noticeable on clean profiles

  • Yes! Gain definitely at zero. Maybe there was a tiny bit of reverb (post amp), nothing more. and the "input" and "master" LEDs never left green.

    Doesn't happen here. I can achieve something similar with the Pick parameter at full tilt though.

    Did you try different guitars? I remember recording some guitars with pickups not being able to produce a completely clean sound.

  • OK, sent all the required files to Kemper support (recordings, KPA backup etc.). I definitely hear the issue at even very low levels. Hoping to hear an explanation at the least. Definitely not my pickups, I hear the same with different guitars. My signal chain is pretty clean as far as I can tell.

    It happens on a factory stock profile (no effects, no stomps). I even tried turning off the tone stack as someone suggested. Still hear it though.

  • Hi Trazan, I have seen this issue with many profiles (mainly clean). I have recreated it with a Kemper Amps stock profile (since those are supposed to be some sort of reference, are they not?). I'm sorry to say that I have not tried many things to isolate the sound, since there are many possibilities that need to be tried out - and my time with the KPA is quite limited on most days. Some profiles exhibit this condition clearer than others, mainly because the volume and EQs are different, but IMHO, I think it's the same issue (since I hear the same 'crackling' signature at the same point in time).

    Now, I should be honest and say that this 'noise' is probably not a big deal because I really like what I hear tone-wise, apart from this - but what really confuses the heck out of me is the fact that some of you guys dont see the issue, when I (and others) can clearly hear it on most clean profiles I have. The only reason I didnt post that I hear it on EVERY clean profile at 0 GAIN, is simply because I did not try it out on every clean profile (or profile with gain turned down to 0) :).

    Anyway, have sent required objects to Kemper support, it's only a matter of time I guess.

  • what is the value of the pick parameter in your example theBox?
    Can you tell me which rigs are exhibiting the problem?
    If they are not part of the factory content please open a ticket at support and send me a backup so i can try to recreate the situation.

    The pick parameter is at zero of course. Actually, pretty much everything that could be related to clipping is at zero (or have tried lowering at some point) but the problem remains. The noise occurs on pretty much ALL clean rigs, although some are worse than others. Also, the higher the PRESENCE, the more pronounced it becomes. I noticed something else too that could or could not be related : I hear strange digital artifacts when I rotate the CAB PARAMETERS (low & high shift) WHILE playing.

    If you want to check it on some factory rigs, then try "USE YOU V KNOB", "Zo-Di-yak CLEAN". First Time I noticed it was on "TL Bassman NORM" which I got from the RIg exchange. Maybe it's worth checking it out.

    P.S. I am running FW 2.4.2 but as I said before I have tried downgrading 2-3 versions with no results.

    P.S. 2 Much like gorrilabendz, I have tried 3-4 different guitars. :)

  • OK-please open a ticket so you can send me a backup of your Profiler-it is the only way i can recreate your situation. Using the same factory rigs does not work because there are also global settings that are probably different in your profiler compared to my test machine.
    Do you experience the same noise when you use the alternative input on the back of the profiler?
    You will need to select it in the Input menu.

  • OK-please open a ticket so you can send me a backup of your Profiler-it is the only way i can recreate your situation. Using the same factory rigs does not work because there are also global settings that are probably different in your profiler compared to my test machine.
    Do you experience the same noise when you use the alternative input on the back of the profiler?
    You will need to select it in the Input menu.

    Ok, I've opened a ticket with support. I won't be able to get back at you until about 8pm germany time. I've also tried the alternative input in the rear. Same thing there.

  • Ive been experiencing something very similar since I first purchased the Kemper. Results of my troubleshooting reveals that...

    1. It is audible ONLY when AMP Stack is on. When I turn it off, the sound is gone

    2. Turning up the GAIN when AMP is on makes it worse.

    It manifests to me ( with all settings at 0) as soon as I sound a note on the guitar as a quick raspy crunch sound . Followed immediately by the expected tone of the guitar/ Kemper. Some profiles are worse then Others. Just heard it intensely on a TAF rig.Then switched to a Petes Profiles rig where it was less evident, but still present.

    I usually use rigs that are clean or with a minimal of effects so I can hear all the facets of the sound clearly. A heavy metal patch or compressed ones would probably mask it out completely.

  • Hey guys,

    So, I've been working with Kemper support on this - and I've sent them all they've asked for. They've been pretty quick with their replies, and their assessments (awesome job you guys!), but no solid explanation of why this happens, or clear acknowledgement of an issue even. Either this is a non-issue according to them, or they're still trying to figure out why this happens. Either way, I dont know yet, but continue to wait patiently.

    One thing I learnt though, is that cutting off the noise gate to '0' definitely reduces the crackling sound considerably. That being said, I still wonder why it happens when it does (i.e. at the tail end of the chord). Over the past few days I've been playing around with many clean profiles that I have, and most of them exhibit this issue (the signature is the same), some more than others. I think it has to do with the volume levels of the rigs as well. The input/outputs are still green though, and this issue happens regardless of whether I use the front input or the alternate input.

    Im still not very pleased with the crackling sound at the end of the chord in some profiles, but this gives me a workaround to work with until the real issue is figured out (and hopefully a fix surfaces), so onward and upward now.

    Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you guys (Kemper support) isolate the issue.

  • Hey folks

    I hope the information below is useful. I have noticed something like this just yesterday on my setup on firmware version 2.2.1 (checked via active PA-speaker and headphones). I started searching for 'pick parameter' and found this thread.

    At the moment this is not really an issue for me, but I would of course prefer this being resolved as I do find the pick parameter quite useful in certain situations (... I really love having the effectiveness of all these Amp and Cab parameters although I mainly use Definition).

    On my setup I am hearing noises that I would describe as buzzing / crackling with at least negative non-zero pick parameter values. At first I thought it was my guitar, but the noise completely disappears when setting a pick parameter of 0 (or disabling the amp block). I have first noticed this with the TAF profile Bassman Clean and Clean+.

    I am planing to update to the latest and test again.

    Let me know if there is anything I can help to resolve this - recordings etc.


    P.S.: Let me add that I was surprised about this as I have the device for about 2 years ... I also have been playing that profile for a while ... I am coming to think of it the noise gets more pronounced with this new guitar of mine

  • Ok, I have it on all clean profiles. I can hear it especially when I use heavy compression :(

    Yes, at first I also thought that I was having this issue with only 1 profile. But as soon as you hear it once you're doomed to hear it in all the cleans, stupid brain :D .
    Also as you say, when using heavy compression or just a big amount High-freq boost it becomes really noticeable and annoying, and even more with the Cab off.

    Kemper support acknowledged the problem and seem to be working on it though. Can't wait myself for the solution!