Audio/Signal Crash after update to 2.0.1?

  • Hello,

    I have been working all weekend programming 50 presets in Performance Mode. I've become intimately connected with Perform Mode now. :P

    Today I updated to 2.0.1 and after about 5 hours of programming the audio "crashed" on me while programming a rig. Not sure if it has anything to do with the update or not. The input and output audio went dead (no Tuner LED's would light and no noise from the rig I was on, which was high gain with no gate). I was still able to switch to different rigs and performances and turn effects on and off. Tried a different cable and plugged into the headphone jack as well as looked at all the output levels. The only thing I can say is that I have had it turned on all day and hadn't restarted it since doing the update. Not sure if that means anything or if it was just upset with me for programming it for so long!

    I restarted the KPA and the audio came back, which is good. However, this has me really worried as I have a couple of gigs on the 4th of July in front of many thousands of people--to have it do this on stage would be sheer disaster! I can't afford a second backup KPA (I could barely afford the first one!). Worth the price but, I digress...

    Just wondering how concerned I should be? It's never happened to me before (I've had it since Nov 2012 gigging nearly every week). Also want to start this thread in case it happens to anyone else.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.


  • I suppose it would help to say that it happened right when I switched from one rig to another within a preset (Slot 5 to Slot 1). Slot 5 was a high gain rig and Slot 1 was a clean rig with lots of effects.

    Using FCB1010 with UNO4Kemper chip.

    Not sure if that matters or not.


  • First thing you need to save the gigs. Make other long time use tests to see if it does it again. From what I read it happened only once, right? Furthermore, it happened after 5 hours which means the gig is going to be a different ball game: not 5 hours but a couple at the most with no programming......

    I'm just trying to put the priority in the upcoming gig. If you are able to safely gig the upcoming shows think only at them and postpone the issue solving later on.......

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Thanks for your input guys.

    I ran our upcoming set last night and had it on for around 3 hours and it didn't happen again. The running out of memory thing sounds plausible. I had been auditioning a good number of rigs and for a long period of time.

    Let's hope that's all it was!

    I always keep a backup USB drive with me as well. It's been pretty much rock solid on stage so far. In fact, the only problems I've had were needing to hit the Ground Lift switches and me hooking up the cables wrong 3 or 4 times. :D


  • Adding a "me too". Saw something similar when auditioning rigs in browser mode. Had been going through a bunch of them using the rig directional buttons. I hit the right directional button and the audio dropped out completely and the tuner UI came up. I had an FCB1010 connected with the uno4kemper chip installed (this is new to my setup), so I assumed something had misfired there. My pedals aren't configured on the fcb1010 yet so neither control volume or wah. I exited the tuner and still no audio, adjusted volume knob, etc no luck. Restarting fixed it. This occurred on 2.0. It's the only time i've seen it.