Profile Bundles,Summer Sale - ended

  • Ah sounds intriguing. I couldn't find any clips of the actual amp on the website unfortunately but I did check out the Steve Morse amp. He is a fav of mine so perhaps I'm biased but if Armin could get hold of one as well it could be an exciting pack

  • Awesome! Just some general info about the high gain side of the pack would be great.

    VESmedic1 unfortunatelyy I cannot tell you how close to real ERB these profiles are, I have neither played nor heard personally this amp.
    I am the great fan of Armin´s profiles.. I bought Bundle IV and also few other single packs. I have never regreted 1 cent of these purchases. I like very much also his systematic approach and especially how raw that profiles are. I play them very often even without adding reverb or delay and I am very happy, really, when backing I like to play them as they are, absolutely RAW.. for solos I add delay or reverb or both :)

    from this package I like the most the profile named ERB L2 12 091710 P (P for presence boosted) I find it very aggresive, not too dark, very concrete and it really screams.. but it´s very difficult to describe the sound and very subjective also, I would say quite impossible.. :) I think I prefer these ERB profiles to Diezel VH4 porfiles.. I am sure I will use some of these ERB profiles also for recording..

    I do not know how these ERB profiles would sound to you (or any other).. but if you are searching for very brutal metal sound I would recommend Armin´s Orange Dark Terror profiles.. some of these high gain profiles are really unbelievable, metal total brutal ;) how aggresive and dark (or heavy) they sound (to my ears) but only when playing very loud.. at home when I play on low volume they do not sound to me so great.. at home I use KRK VXT4 monitors and in our rehearsal room I use ElectroVoice ZXA1 loudspeakers..