KIPR Tag Editor

  • Creating profiles is quick and easy. Adding tags requires much more time and knob twisting. Meaningful tags in profiles are vital for keeping an overview especially with big collections.
    There are tools to speed up the tagging process allowing for more profiling and playing time. First there was Laurent's KPA Tag Inspector [1], later Waraba's KPA Simple Tag Inspector [2].
    Here is another version trying to combine and extend both:

    KIPR Tag Editor
    latest version: 1.3.0


    • Displays and edits tags in kipr-files.
    • Supports Rig, Amplifier, Cabinet, Stack, Reverb, Delay, Stomp, Tonestack, Input and Output files.
    • Creates list of all profiles in a directory including all tags. (Could be used as basic librarian for your profile collection)
    • Batch function for editing multiple kipr-files at once.
    • Extracts and creates kpabackup files
    • SW is cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) and free.

    Download: <…-tarball/master>
    Project page on Gitorious: <>

    Note: KIPR Tag Editor requires Python 2.7 to run. Python 3.3 will not work! Download and install Python 2.7 from <>


    • Make sure Python 2.7 is installed on your computer.
    • Download "kipr_tag_editor-kipr_tag_editor-master.tar.gz" file, untar and unzip into directory of choice.
    • Depending on your system you may start the program by:

      • double mouse click on ""
      • or open shell/command line, cd to the program directory and enter "python"

    The tag editor could be used to display and modify tags in .kipr files on a computer instead of the limited UI of the Kemper. The .kipr files have to be copied from Kemper to the computer first. See Kemper Reference Manual "External Storage".

    The advanced batch mode offers more possibilities:
    It creates a list of all tags in all profiles in a directory. This list is put in a csv file (description of csv: <>) This file can be opened in a spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc, Excel) and sorted, filtered and modified.
    The modified csv file can be processed by the tag editor to copy all files from the list and modify the tags according to the list.
    Main application would be to add meaningful tags to your own profiles.

    For more instructions see
    KIPR Tag Editor Usage page
    and "readme.txt" file in program directory

    [1] "KPA Tag Inspector" <Basic Rig Tags Extractor/Editor>
    [2] "KPA simple Tag Inspector" <New TAG editor tool in progress>

    Edited 12 times, last by trebie (November 12, 2013 at 11:45 PM).

  • Wrong file linked. Master.gz instead of app file.
    There is a file inside the .gz archive - extract it then open it with your favorite archiving software (7-zip works). The files are there.

    I'm really looking forward to this...

    Unfortunately, .csv processing is not working.
    The file is created, but batch processing of the file produces an empty folder with no errors (i was testing on cabinet files).

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

    Edited 2 times, last by Quitty (June 25, 2013 at 7:14 AM).

  • bluzkat,
    Tag editors are used for editing tags like name, author or comment in rigs, cabinet or amplifier profiles. Instead of dialing in tags on the Kemper it can be done more comfortably on the computer.

    The download file is tared and zipped. Some unpackers handle this in one go, others need two steps.
    You should end up with a directory containing "" among other files.

    You are right. Batch editing cabinet files is not working. I will look into it.
    Editing single cabinet files should work.

  • A bugfix version of KIPR Tag Editor is available on Gitorious. Use download link in first post for download.

    Fixes: Batch editing cabinet and amplifier files should work now.

    Use at your own risk
    and have fun!


  • thanks i was able to get the "" file, but when i double click a little window appears and closes. i dont know how to open it via command line,


    Did you extract everything from the archive? Folders and all?

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Another SW update related to cabinet and amplifier tag editing is available. It is possible to edit cabinet and amplifier preset names now.

    Cabinet (and amplifier) preset names are independent from cabinet name tags. This may cause confusing behaviour when browsing cabinet presets. The selected preset may contain a cabinet name different to the preset name.
    e.g. cabinet preset name: "Fan Combo 2x12" - cabinet name tag: "Twin Cab - SM57"
    These names could be changed now with KIPR Tag Editor.

    Have fun!

    Edited once, last by trebie (July 9, 2013 at 8:10 AM).

  • Been toying around with it and I have a few questions.

    1) If you modify Rig tags but keep the filename the same, the Rig will not import (i.e., overwrite) unless the old rid was removed from the Kemper. Correct?
    2) The Rename Rig Files from Directory is temporarly disabled so the only way to rename files is manually. Correct?
    3) Is the best way to use this tool for batch processing to remove all rigs from Kemper and reload the modified rigs with the same filenames to avoid future duplicates (e.g., I forget I already downloaded a rig from rig exchange and it imports because I changed the filename)?

    Thx for all your work on this!

  • Been toying around with it and I have a few questions.

    1) If you modify Rig tags but keep the filename the same, the Rig will not import (i.e., overwrite) unless the old rid was removed from the Kemper. Correct?
    2) The Rename Rig Files from Directory is temporarly disabled so the only way to rename files is manually. Correct?
    3) Is the best way to use this tool for batch processing to remove all rigs from Kemper and reload the modified rigs with the same filenames to avoid future duplicates (e.g., I forget I already downloaded a rig from rig exchange and it imports because I changed the filename)?

    I am glad somebody else is using this tool and hope you find it useful. To answer your questions:

    • Correct! It seems rigs to import are identified by filename only. Changing just the file modification date will not import that file.
    • Correct. The disabled menu options are left over from Laurent's KPA Tag Inspector. I didn't look into these features. The KIPR Tag Editor will suggest filenames based on rig name and current date when saving individual kipr files. For renaming files on disk you have to use other tools.
    • If you want to clean up your Kemper it's best to remove all rigs and load selected rigs afterwards. The Tag Editor batch process can serve two purposes:

      • modification of tags in multiple kipr files
      • selecting a subset of rigs/amps/cabs by using the generated csv file

      I'd suggest to keep the original filenames of third party rigs so you'll know what you have downloaded already.

  • Thx for the prompt reply Trebie! Looking forward to digging into the cleanup project. My CLR was delivered today (haven't tried it yet) and I have been waiting for that so i have a good reference with which to do the cleanup.