click at the end of playing

  • ok. did other tests and found out that the clicks comes ONLY when the gain is not from 8+ as stated before but from 7.5 up. with rigs having gain from 7 down the clicks never comes out nor the hiccup sound.

    Raoul, can you try this please? Let me know if you get the clicks with moderate distortion rigs. or better: when you are playing a rig that gives you the clicks, stay on the same rig but lower the gain know to 5 and test again. than raise the gain to 6 and later to 7............let me know

    At this point I can say I'm 100% sure it is a software issue otherwise it would happen in every gain setting. this is good because we don't need to ship it to service.

    Guess that explains why I've never heard it. Good find, looks like the team's already got it sorted out and we'll have a fix soon.

  • ok. did other tests and found out that the clicks comes ONLY when the gain is not from 8+ as stated before but from 7.5 up. with rigs having gain from 7 down the clicks never comes out nor the hiccup sound.

    Raoul, can you try this please? Let me know if you get the clicks with moderate distortion rigs. or better: when you are playing a rig that gives you the clicks, stay on the same rig but lower the gain know to 5 and test again. than raise the gain to 6 and later to 7............let me know

    At this point I can say I'm 100% sure it is a software issue otherwise it would happen in every gain setting. this is good because we don't need to ship it to service.

    No, I don't find them related to amp gain. Amp gain just makes them more audible. I find them related to low input signal. If I turn down the guitar's volume considerably, the sounds may appear quickly. With guitar volume at full, the sounds appear after a much longer time, when the strings have decayed into a low signal.

    Anyway, I thought CK had identified the problem ?

  • @ Trazan: might be what you mentioned. but at least my case has a direct dependancy to gain setting. I played in a very silent room which I could hear everything in details, both high gain and low gain sounds. at low gain the sound ends as it should, i.e. without clicks. I'm pretty sure about it.

    Now.....this doesn't mean my happening is the rule for everybody. as a matter of fact CK is working on it meaning they have found the probable cause.

    the most important thing is that this issue is sorted out for the good of everybody..........and for making a great product even more prefect.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • One silly thought: I remember, long time ago, long before modelling amps and mobile phones, I had very irritating clicking noises out of my amp, coming and going just out of the blue. Mostly with very distorted sounds, mostly when not playing very hard, or when muting the strings. Drove me crazy. Took me very long to discover: it was my watch. (I can't remember, why I was wearing it at my right wrist at that time.) Everytime when I was not strumming very hard while the watch came close to the pickups, there was this clicking (ticking). Pretty sure this is not your issue, since CK stated he has sorted it out, but sometimes stupid things like this happen to cause trouble (like plugging the guitar into the headphone input).

  • @ Kreisi: I knew about the watch thing, especially with analogic mechanism. but this bug comes randomly, which means it comes now and don't for minutes. if it was the watch it would come regularly.

    @ Raoul: it might take some more time for the beta FW. guess they will try to study the thing a bit deeper. we'll be waiting..........

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Guys!!!! I think the KPA team have come up tops again. Im playing the new firmware that CK sent me to test for the clicks. I been playing it for half an hour now and so far not one single click. :thumbup: I have also noticed that the sound when i stop playing is a lot cleaner no digital noise at all THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever the KPA team have done on this release they have made my playing experince 100% better, Im so happy i can't believe have much noise was there before. this release is awesome.

    Im now going to get my FCB out to see if the clicks when changing profiles has gone to. Ill keep you all posted

    Thanks CK and team EXCELLENT WORK :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    OK just used my FCB and the clicks when changing patches is still there but hey ive still not had a single noise when ive stopped playing. Michael you will hopefully be a very happy man just like me.!!!!! :D:D

  • I'll try it in the next hours................can't wait to confirm your results...........

    i used my KPA last night from around 6pm till 10pm and i didnt hear one click, (other that when changing profiles with the FCB but i know CK is working on sorting this bug out.)

    Im going to try again this morning just to make sure all is fine still!!!!! :thumbup:

    One very happy KPA user :thumbup:

  • ok. just finished updating and testing for some 15 minutes and have to say no clicks at all!

    so far so perfect.

    will have a test session after lunch and will put an end to this thing.

    also have to say thanks to the service and to CK for superb support. cannot believe someone in the forum still thinks the support is not a good one!!

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • an yet another update:

    just finished an additional hour of testing and no clicks at all. I think I can say CK and the team solved the issue. I will play some other hours in the next days, plus I have a gig tomorrow which will prove the KPA on the field.

    But so far so good. another great thumbs up for KPA team for their listening and reading the forum.

    What's on your side, Raoul?

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Michael I've been playing all day and not one click yet when I stop playing. I'm so pleased, this with the click during rig changes and transpose clicking was the only issues I've had with my KPA. So far 2 out of the 3 have been sorted and I know CK is already on the case with the rig change click and getting that solved. I am one happy KPA user!!!

  • When I use a profile that has a gain setting that is more 5.4 and I hold a single note on the guitar I get something that sounds like a gate or limiter turning on and off as the note diminishes. I noticed it while playing with the hea phone on. You really have to listen if playing through cabs. It is like a scratch on your new car not very big but looks huge every time you look at it. It is there on stock profiles and also user profiles. It drives me mad. I have talked to Christoph Kemper about this but he tried to blame it on the guitar. It happens on all of my guitars PRS custom 22, Gibson Les Paul Classic, James Tyler Variax, Hamer Artist. Has anyone had the same problem? Help

  • When I use a profile that has a gain setting that is more 5.4 and I hold a single note on the guitar I get something that sounds like a gate or limiter turning on and off as the note diminishes. I noticed it while playing with the hea phone on. You really have to listen if playing through cabs. It is like a scratch on your new car not very big but looks huge every time you look at it. It is there on stock profiles and also user profiles. It drives me mad. I have talked to Christoph Kemper about this but he tried to blame it on the guitar. It happens on all of my guitars PRS custom 22, Gibson Les Paul Classic, James Tyler Variax, Hamer Artist. Has anyone had the same problem? Help

    Did you listen to the sound file michaelmellner posted in this thread? If it is one of those sounds, it will be fixed in the next firmware.

  • yes. listen to this:

    this is the bug I was getting. check if it is yours. read the comment on the soundcloud audio clip just mentioned which describes what the issue is.

    EDIT: sorry, i didn't remember I posted the clip in this thread as trazan said........but here I posted it again so you don't have to search for it ;)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music