FCB 1010 stomp switch question with new Uno chip

  • Hello all, first I know that an entire encyclopedia has been written about this controller on this forum at this point, so that it's quite likely that this question has been addressed. There lies that problem, it's hard to sift through all the info. I done quite a bit of research on this forum and haven't had my questioned answered.

    I know, from watching a youtube clip with the FCB1010 and Kemper, that you can assign switches 6,7,8,9,10 to control CC messages such as turning on and off the any of the 8 effect slots or tap tempo, among others, just like you can on other midi controllers. However, are these global? Meaning, when I select one rig, can switch 6 control slot A, while on another another rig can switch 6 control Slot B? My current controller, a rocktron midi mate, can do CC messages, with 5 rear switches, but they are global, for all, thus switch 6 always controls the same slot, regardless of what preset I choose. This is annoying, because on some Rigs, I have one slot that I'd leave on all the time, but on others, I wouldn't want in on all the time.

    thus my 5 rear switches control:
    5: Slot A
    6: X slot (for volume boost)
    7: Mod block
    8: Delay block
    9: Tap tempo

    Thus I must put any effect that I want control of before the amp in Slot A. I'd prefer to be more organized within the Kemper and use effects in their best order, rather than putting things where they don't belong because I want to be able to accommodate the limitations of my foot controller. Can the FCB1010 with the new Uno chip do this?

  • To be clear you need to differentiate stomps and slots. performance mode has slots and each slot can be a rig of any configuration of amp and effects. 5 slots per.

    So you almost dont need stomp switching but it there.