Performance Mode woes

  • Ok, found the reason! One CC# sends tuner status off. The Kemper didn't tolerate that for some reason. Since the Kemper now goes into tuner mode on midi volume 0 I don't really need that switch anyway.

    That said, I really wish you could delay going into tuner mode by a second or so more! When doing swells it goes in and out of tuner mode like crazy. I'm not sure whether it's due to tuner mode, but the start of the volume curve is very abrupt (I've turned off "Mute Signal" for tuner mode).

    Good catch! I am suffering the exact same behavior as described by you and couldn't find out what's wrong. I also do send a tuner status off. So there really seems to be a bug with this specific set up. Thanks!!


  • Certainly I don't get the gap when switching rigs using the buttons on the KPA. Nonetheless, I don't get any gap either when switching rigs using my Axess MFC5 midi controller in Browse mode.
    I only get the gap using my midi controller in Performance mode. I get the gap either using PC#s (sending only PC#s) or CC#s (sending only CC#s, from #50 to #54).

    Try checking what the MFC5 sends out with a midi monitoring utility. Midi-Ox or Snoize.


    I installed Snoize and this is what my MFC5 midi controller sends when I send a PC#:

    23:18:33.283 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 1 (fine) 0
    23:18:33.284 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 2 (fine) 0
    23:18:33.285 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 3 (fine) 0
    23:18:33.286 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 4 (fine) 0
    23:18:33.287 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 52 0
    23:18:33.288 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 53 0
    23:18:33.289 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 54 0
    23:18:33.290 From MIDI Program 1 1

    And this is what it sends when I send a CC#:

    23:18:58.715 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 1 (fine) 0
    23:18:58.716 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 2 (fine) 0
    23:18:58.717 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 3 (fine) 0
    23:18:58.718 From MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 4 (fine) 0
    23:18:58.719 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 52 0
    23:18:58.720 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 53 127
    23:18:58.721 From MIDI Control 1 Controller 54 0

    So it seems that when I send a PC# I'm also sending several CC#s, though their value is 0.
    And when I'm sending the CC#53 (value 127), I'm also sending several CC#s with a value of 0.
    Might this be causing the gap when switching rigs in Performance Mode? Anyway, I'm sending the same messages in Browse mode and the switching between rigs is instantaneous in that mode.

  • It certainly wouldn't surprise me if that cause the delay! You're sending messages for 52, 53 and 54 at the same time...why's that? They load performance in slot 3, 4 and 5 respectively. When sending PC# you should not send CC# for slot selection (CC50-54).

  • Thanks for your help, Trazan.

    When I send CC#53 with a value of 127 to activate the 4th slot in Performance mode, CC#52 and #54 should not interfere because their value is 0. In fact, I'm also sending CC#48, #49, #50 and #51 (I guess they are "MIDI Control 1 General Purpose 1 (fine)", "2 (fine)", "3 (fine)" and "4 (fine)" recpectively) but their value is 0 as well.
    When I send PC#1, the CC#s should not interfere either since their value is 0.
    Nonetheless, I also think that may be causing the gap when switching between rigs in Performance mode.

    Anyway, AFAIK on my MFC5 I need to setup globally all CC#s that I may use and then activate (value = 127) or deactivate (value = 0) each CC# per foot switch.

  • Whether value 0 interfers or not will turn an effect slot off. Not a good thing if you don't want it to :D Performance slots are not an on/off thing. They're just loaded, not unloaded. How the Kemper reacts to that 0 value, I don't know. Can you not set the "off" value to "OFF" instead of 0?

    Just try removing CC50-54 from the PC# and see if it solves the delay issue.

  • From the manual

    Control Change Status
    Press P1 while the display shows 2nd, and the display will
    change to show cc1 (1st Control Change). The decimal
    points on both sides of the 1 may be on or off depending
    on the status of the Control Change in the preset being
    Decimal Points OFF = MIDI Control Value 0
    Decimal Points ON = MIDI Control Value 127
    Press P3 to toggle the Control Change on and off, the
    decimal points will also turn on and off... The preset will be
    transmitted via the MIDI OUT connector whenever the P3
    switch is pressed so that whatever function (i.e. an audio
    loop) is being edited, will also turn on and off in real-time.
    Press the BANK UP or BANK DOWN switches to edit the
    other Control Changes, cc2 to cc8. Press P1 to save the
    changes and return to bank mode. Press P2 to return to
    bank mode without saving any changes, the
    original/unchanged preset will be transmitted via the MIDI
    OUT connector.

    cc1 Press BANK UP or BANK DOWN to select the 1st
    Control Change number to be sent, 0 to 127 or ---
    which means no Control Change is sent

    It seem you need to turn off some of you CC#

    Hope this helps

  • Hi, troynova. Thanks for your post.
    Yep, I know that from the manual; it may be useful to other users or Kemper staff following this thread.

    The first part of the text (the part not in bold letters) refers to the CC status per foot switch: OFF = MIDI Control Value 0 and ON = MIDI Control Value 127, as I mentioned in a previous post.

    The text in bold letters is an excerpt from the manual's CC#s global configuration. Here is where the eight available CC#s on the MFC5 are set. In particular, I set seven of them to #48 to #54 (48 and 49 to switch between performances and 50 to 54 to switch between slots within a peformance). If I set any CC# to "---", it won't be available anymore in any foot switch, though I have set a value of 127 (ON) in a certain foot switch.

    I will definitely perform a test and will remove my CC#s just to make sure that sending several MIDI messages at once (though all of them but one are set to a value of 0) is the cause of the gap when switching between rigs in Performance mode.

  • Controllers cc50 to cc54 expect the value 1. Other values are reserved.
    In fact, currently only the reception of the controller is checked, the value is ignored. You can not set a slot ON/OFF by CCs.


  • hi guys,

    I would like to clean my KPA from useles rigs. Idon't know how the "erease eveything exept MyRigs and Favorites" works regarding prfomances. I expect everythuing is delete after that.

    Therefore I want to back up my performances to be able to restore it if needed..

    I read already some threats but I can't reproduce some postings that the KPA will create a "performance" folder o the USB_Stick... even if I format the stick again and start from scratch?

    no glue abot how it works... try to find the newest wiKPA or some other manauls...


    ...I had a lot of equipment... but 2012 I got the KPA.... :)

  • I would like to clean my KPA from useles rigs. Idon't know how the "erease eveything exept MyRigs and Favorites" works regarding prfomances. I expect everythuing is delete after that.

    The performances are unaffected by this function. Performances stay there since they are fixed memory slots.


  • I did the test and the gap when switching between rigs in performance mode certainly only happens when my Axess MFC5 midi foot controller sends more than one midi message at once.

    Since on the MFC5 the CC numbers can only be set globally (only their values - 0 or 127 - are set per foot switch), and once set they're available in all the foot switches, the result is the following:
    -If I use CC numbers (48 to 54) to switch between slots/performances, when I press any foot switch I'm sending all CC numbers at once, which causes an annoying gap between rigs making the use of CC numbers to switch rigs useless for me.
    -I can use PC numbers to switch between rigs in performance mode, as long as I don't ever use ANY CC number at all (this isn't handy for me either).

  • Yes, I also think that is the difference.

    The conclusion is that I can't use my MFC5 with the performance mode.

    Just to clarify, I'm not trying to turn slots on/off, but to switch between slots (and performances). I'm sending those CC numbers (48 to 54) at once because their status (on=sent / off=not sent) is set globally and, if they are on, they're always active (on=sent) on all presets (foot switches). I mean I can't change the CC numbers status (on/off) per preset; only their values (0 or 127) are set per preset (foot switch).

    Thank you for your help, troynova, Trazan and timo :thumbup: