Change KPAs colour (from white to black or viceversa)

  • I'm trying to get a replacement for my Kempers outer case because one of the corners is caved in due to an unlucky fall, and I'm thinking that it would be great to have the possibility of changing the colour from white to black.

    I wanted the black edition but I get this one at a very good price and I couldn't let the opportunity go because of the colour. Also, after using it live, I have realized that the white one grabs the attention more than a normal amp head does.

    What do you think? :thumbup:

  • The colour doesn't bother me at all, this device is so phenomenal that even in yellow, red and pink I would buy it in a snap! 8o

    Some will say that the white one sounds more vintage ;) , fair enough but I have the blackface one which is already a classic :thumbup: !!!