So basically if you own a non-powered Kemper and thought you could upgrade, you can't

  • I get why this is happening but that doesn't change the fact that it's a HUGE pain in the ass. I purchased my KPA second hand - do I still get a discount? How do I prove I purchased it before the powered versions were available?

    Not only that, but I have to deal with selling my KPA (waiting for someone to purchase + shipping time to make sure they get it, risks that the courier might break it in transit and I'll have to refund the buyer out of pocket, eBay takes 10% after fees, etc) and then pay full price for another, with a delay between? I have deadlines to meet and schedules to keep; I can't just send my unit out for 2 weeks because the company lacked foresight in designing it.

    I'll be going with a Camplifier or Magnum 44 because of this; really frustrated that it took people on the forum asking specifically about it for us to hear about it.

    Where is the difference?
    I can definetely see the pain in the ass, but how would it be more convenient by having your unit sent to a service center for more than two weeks for an upgrade?
    We will be checking the date of purchase in any case.

  • Where is the difference?
    I can definetely see the pain in the ass, but how would it be more convenient by having your unit sent to a service center for more than two weeks for an upgrade?
    We will be checking the date of purchase in any case.

    The news about having to send it in pissed me off, if I'm honest, but it would have been better than risking 10% loss to eBay and then trusting USPS/FedEx/UPS, all of whom have destroyed VERY expensive amps/audio gear that I've shipped before, to get it there before being able to order the new one.

    I just don't understand why Kemper can't offer a self-installed module like the Camplifier; what are they doing differently that allows them to sell the end user a poweramp to install themselves?

  • I just don't understand why Kemper can't offer a self-installed module like the Camplifier; what are they doing differently that allows them to sell the end user a poweramp to install themselves?

    I believe it was already said: because of electrical regulations. The logistics and management of the hardware upgrade in relation with the regulations for the manufacturing of electrical devices rendered this brilliant idea useless. Take it as a fully grown man and stop whining! And no, I'm not a fanboy! :cursing:
    Just returned from band practive: I use the toaster with a Laney 100w solid state monitor wedge there. Phantastic sound! No sir, I don't need the hole in the back filled with an amp. I've tried something else: about 40 little Jägermeister bottles fit in there! :D

    Good night!

  • Well the other reason is, unlike the camplifier, this one would be wired internally. With the camplifier it is just a small power amp with the screw holes positioned correctly so as to fit there. It doesn't even need to be attached to work.

    The regulations is why they can't add them to current units with internal wiring. They could theoretically add/make a power amp that can just be screwed in for the early adopters with no internal wiring so no warranties get voided.

  • I have never bought a product that sold something with the direct intention of people taking it apart themselves and installing something else, not a complete product at least (Kemper is not a PC part) and definitely not something with a warranty. And to avoid the rebuttal from those with an out of date warranty, I can't name a product sold for people with an out of date warranties by the parent company beyond an extended warranty. Speaking generally as I'm sure there are exceptions, but they are called exceptions for a reason. You buy a car and you lose your warranty if you start screwing with it or you have to take it to a dealership to install a pre-approved product in most cases. You buy a Dell, HP, etc. and if you personally break the seal your warranty is void. You pop open your PS3 or XBOX and again you void the warranty. It's not always about it being easy or hard, although I imagine to install this internally would require soldering, a skill not everyone has.

    I do think it'd be an interesting prospect for Kemper to come out with a product similar to the Camplifier however. That way anyone who now or in the future buys the non-powered version can still 'upgrade' later on.

  • I just don't understand why Kemper can't offer a self-installed module like the Camplifier; what are they doing differently that allows them to sell the end user a poweramp to install themselves?

    Why don't you just get a Camplifier then?

    Regarding the topic: It might not be a big deal with internal wiring, but still, there are laws - and when laws say that this can only be done be certified service centers or whatever... well then you can't argue with that, if Kemper would ignore that they would get in legal trouble.
    Of course they could develop an external Amp with another power plug, but still - there is one already, we don't need 32 different KPA-holepoweramps ;)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Why don't you just get a Camplifier then?

    because of 600W vs 180W at 8Ω mono.

    i've tried several PA poweramps years ago when i still had my AXE. like most hi-gain or metal player that run a 100W head into a 4x12, i can tell you that the few poweramps rated at around 300W mono or less at 8Ω simply didn't sound good, compared to larger ones with 500W+. it's not about total loudness, but about headroom and tightness. a 180W poweramp will still be 'loud enough' a 1kHz, but bass frequencies won't be as controllable and punchy as with a larger unit with more headroom.

    the camplifier needs a 500W+ bigger brother, imo

    as for the kemper powerhead: i'm sure kemper will learn from this and not make the same mistake again in the future. i'm also confident the powerhead will sell just fine. i'm still disappointed about how this is being treated, as well as CKs responses on this matter so far. it's time to move on now, though.

  • Sorry to make a stupid question: I'm running my Kemper through a Blue Amp 212 FR-A, 250W mono class D. Even in the loudest band situation (full band, 11 people on a big stage)I never go past the -10 db and it is as loud as a driven 4x12. Even at 180W@0db it should be on the 100db limit if not over. Are you guys looking to get deaf?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Sorry to make a stupid question: I'm running my Kemper through a Blue Amp 212 FR-A, 250W mono class D. Even in the loudest band situation (full band, 11 people on a big stage)I never go past the -10 db and it is as loud as a driven 4x12. Even at 180W@0db it should be on the 100db limit if not over. Are you guys looking to get deaf?

    again, it's not about loudness but headroom.

    a (good) 20W head will often cut through a band mix as good as a 100W head. the difference in bass response and tightness will be enormous with both amps at the same "volume".

  • Even at 0db I couldn't get power amp to clip....that's enough headroom for me. Unless I'm not understanding what you mean.... PM me in Italian if you like.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • The headroom thing is true, it's not a language barrier.

    My 100W tube head keeps up with some room to spare, but a 60W amp does not. As i'm sure you know, the volume difference between the two isn't great, but there's a reason 100W heads exist.
    I play in a prog-punk-something band, and our practice space is very, very large.
    There's a podium for the drums for better dispersion, out drummer plays like the hulk, our bassist has an Ampeg SVT-4 with an 8x10 fridge-cab and i'm supposed to fill the bandwidth of two guitarists with one 4x12 and a 7-string guitar.
    So yeah, it's a dispersion issue more than it is a volume thing, but dispersion means more extreme low and high end, meaning more headroom is required.
    As for hearing loss, i wouldn't rehearse at half our volume without ear protection. In fact, i'd never work with a drummer without my ear plugs. Any drummer.

    100W tube is equivalent to about 350W solid-state - and the occasional clipping on a tube amp will still be fairly easy on the ears, but not on a SS head - so you'll need more than 350W.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."