Kemeper starting up for the first time and wont work

  • Got my KPR today.
    plugged it in and immedialtey he tries to update the analogboard firmware....for hours...
    searched the forum and tried every turn on shortcut....the only one who is working is the < > command / all the others wont work either (hardware check e.g.)
    tried it with the usb stick....the fn thing stops and re-does at the analogboard so fukin pissed off right now!!!
    anybody got any help - I need that thing working right away!!!

  • Ja beim Support hab ich angerufen=starkes tonband habt ihr da!!! is ja witz oder?!?!

    Wo hast du ihn gekauft? Schick denen hald das Ding zurück. Kann verstehen dass du genervt bist aber das sollte ne aussnahme sein - bis jetzt gibs wenig negatives über Kemper zu berichten.

    edit:/ ups letzten satz überlesen :/

  • Sonorra, did you try downloading the update again. It's possible you might have a corrupted download of the update. Do you understand what Timo was suggesting?
    If you replace the .Kaos file with a fresh copy then boot up holding down the < > it should re-install the update.
    Did the unit boot up the first time you used it or did you go straight to trying to update it? I take it the USB stick was properly formatted...
    Some more information might help other users guide you towards the light...

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