possible additions to new pitch fx?

  • Thank you for making a great fast tracking pitch shifter:-)
    I'm a great fan of expression pedals, and I wonder if it could be possible to let us control the volume of the pitched note with a standard MIDI controller message?
    This would be very useful in solos.

    I know that we sort of behave like a bunch of hungry wolves: Throw us a piece of meat and be shure that we will howl for more, never completely satisfied.
    But again, this is part of what makes the Kemper such an outstanding device: it gets better all the time, and outgrows the competing equipment along the way.

    Best regards,
    Finn Schatvet-Riisager

  • I finally had a chance to upgrade to 1.8 last night. While I can hear some of the issues that Will has posted about, I must say I'm really impressed with the pitch FX, especially the user scales feature. Kudos to the Kemper team! In the past I've played the harmony to Pink Floyd's Final Cut solo using an expression pedal to switch between 3rds and 4ths, but the user scale feature lets me just play. The only improvement I would suggest, which I've mentioned in the past, would be to allow some kind of tonal modification (EQ, low-pass, something) to the pitch shifted note so that we can get it sounding a bit more natural.

  • CK - If no one has asked for a Delay in the chorus effect, I think it is because Modulation is available in the Delay effect.

    Micropitch does sound like a chorus at higher settings. And, I like the stereo delay you have already included in Micropitch :). It increases along with the detune amount, and that works very well for a Detuned Chorus effect.

    A Multi-tracked guitar sound has similar delay times, with lower Detune amounts.

    If a "pre-delay" parameter was added to Micropitch, it would be possible to "separate" them enough from the original guitar to make the effect sound more like multitracked rhythm guitars. We would be able to set the delay, along with low Detune settings.

    The delays already in Micropitch would still be there, to offset the L and R voices, and increase with Detune amount.

    A delay parameter in the harmony pitch effects would also be a great feature.