profiling pre-amps

  • hi guy's, have been trying to profile 2 pre-amps that i own, a marshall jmp1 and a voodu valve but results have been a little dissapointing so far, does anyone have any useful tips for profiling pre-amps.

  • yes way off from the reference but i noticed that the stack,amp,cab and eq were colouring the reference signal somehow and i,ve profiled the preamps tonight turning all those off and now i am getting really good profiles... Is this Normal? i couldnt find anything about this in the manual !

  • thanks sage, im very new to profiling perhaps it is a case of trial and error, i know the kpa was designed to profile amplifiers but i have played with some really good profiles of preamps from the rig exchange.

  • yes way off from the reference but i noticed that the stack,amp,cab and eq were colouring the reference signal somehow and i,ve profiled the preamps tonight turning all those off and now i am getting really good profiles... Is this Normal? i couldnt find anything about this in the manual !

    Can you elaborate more detailed Your experiences?
    .....because I have a few unsuccessful attempts at some preamps profiling process... :(

  • Can you elaborate more detailed Your experiences?
    .....because I have a few unsuccessful attempts at some preamps profiling process...

    ok i'll try, i'm pretty new to this so bare with me.
    from my understanding of profiling you create new profiles from existing profiles ( the manual says to choose a simular profile to the one you want to create, i.e, existing gainy profile when creating new high gain profile ect..)
    at first i was'nt having any luck creating a usable profile from my marshall jmp1 preamp so i started messing around with the settings on the existing profile (downloaded from rig exchange, slo100 by milna ,Great profile thanks milna! axe fx profile i believe.). it was then i noticed that the "reference" signal was being coloured by the existing profiles stack,amp eq and cab settings ( i didnt think that was possible but it was definately happening) so i turned them all off prior to profiling. the reference didnt sound too good at this point but i went ahead anyway..... the profiling finished and the stack,amp eq and cab lights all came on automatically and as soon as i played the KPA a huge smile appeared on my face after ab-ing reference and KPA they both sounded ace.. i repeated the process several times all with great results. i don't know if this would work profiling a real valve amp because i'm not in a position to profile amps myself perhaps someone could give it a go!!! i'll post a clip or the profile of my jmp1 over the weekend sometime, it sounds great i played it for three hours last night....

    Edited once, last by plek (March 28, 2013 at 2:43 PM).

  • 3x jmp1 profiles (clean/breakup-crunch and lead) uploaded to rig exchange author joHNNY-1f , added a 1960 cab from another profile to add a bit of depth, i like them, please let me know what you think. its my first upload and i would like to contribute to the rig exchange.

  • below is a link to a clip recorded with all three of my jmp1 profiles, i think they sound pretty good considering they were profiled straight from my jmp1 preamp into the kpa (no physical mics amps or cab)

    Sounds great!

    Thanks so much for posting these, very balanced and natural sounding to my ears in your clip.

    I was wondering where these profiles came from, I don't come in often enough to know everyone and found these on the exchange. I took one of the gainy settings and added a mesa cab and it works fantastic for heavy tones as well, the clip is in the clips section... But thanks again, love the tones!!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • Sounds great!

    Thanks so much for posting these, very balanced and natural sounding to my ears in your clip.

    I was wondering where these profiles came from, I don't come in often enough to know everyone and found these on the exchange. I took one of the gainy settings and added a mesa cab and it works fantastic for heavy tones as well, the clip is in the clips section... But thanks again, love the tones!!

    glad you like them, the kemper is ace is'nt it?

  • 3x jmp1 profiles (clean/breakup-crunch and lead) uploaded to rig exchange author joHNNY-1f , added a 1960 cab from another profile to add a bit of depth, i like them, please let me know what you think. its my first upload and i would like to contribute to the rig exchange.

    I've been using them a lot today. They sound great and they really take to other cabinets too! the Greenback from a Reason Bambino profile off the exchange for one and really sounded good with almost any cab I tried which is kind of unusual from my experience anyway.

    Can you make an almost clean one? Like half the gain as your clean/breakup profile with stronger mids by a touch...

  • BTW, I ran into the same problem awhile back....I wasn't very happy with the results at all. It didn't seem there was really a solution for really nailing a preamp-only profile (although CK and the other forum members were very helpful) so I kinda gave up on the idea.

    I posted some clips showing my experiences under the thread "Lack of PUNCH using monitor out and power amp/cab".…d&threadID=4309

    Also more of my findings in the thread "My findings using the KPA as a DI solution".…d&threadID=4680

    Dunno if that will help, but I would love to know if any new information on how to do this successfully has become available.

  • Kemper send ----> input Amp ----> DI ----> computer ----> Kemper Return

    That's the easiest way i've found to capture profiles.
    (though i'm waiting for a preamp capture option)

    Then sometimes i swap the cab into the Kemper to one which match better the character of the amp.(or what i think is the character...)

    Edited once, last by mba (April 3, 2013 at 6:52 PM).

  • I've been using them a lot today. They sound great and they really take to other cabinets too! the Greenback from a Reason Bambino profile off the exchange for one and really sounded good with almost any cab I tried which is kind of unusual from my experience anyway.

    Can you make an almost clean one? Like half the gain as your clean/breakup profile with stronger mids by a touch...

    i think they work with alot of cabs because the original profile was done with the entire stack section disabled and the clean/breakup profile cleans up really well when you back off the gain and like you say, add mids

  • I would like to know more tips , as i have a marshall jmp1 i can profile . Have you used the speaker emulation from the jmp1 to the kemper? used a di between the marshall and the kemper? what was the part of the profile process you disconected the stack , etc. off?

