1.7.0 Public Beta - Discussion

  • Here's the thread to discuss the new public beta and its features & potential flaws. :)

    My first impression after updating:

    1. Wow, they introduced a hard limit to rigs installed (1000 max., no matter what). If you happen to have more on your device before the update, you can't store additional ones.

    2. I wonder who asked for (needs) the Space parameter in the Output section. Hope there are some who benefit from it. I would understand if it was just for the headphones to give a certain room feel for the musician while tracking the "dry" signal through main outputs. But the current implementation seems to be pretty pointless to me.

    3. The improved tuner is very welcome, including the new "Master Tune". Great job.

    4. Performance Mode? No! Pitch Effects? No! Librarian? No! S/PDIF improvements? No!

    I really hope there's some more in the short term pipeline. Otherwise this is a bit disappointing to be honest.


  • uhm.........looks like I'll stay with the 1.6...............I was hoping for the whammy FX but it was a too early release to include the pitch fx. It'll take some more time for sure. heard the processor calculation is fairly massive to achieve it.

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  • actually i like it. It might not be mind blowing but its still very useful.

    The improved tuner is a massive plus! It might not be sexy but its very important.

    I find the space thing useful. My headphones cost more than my monitors and are far more accurate but i rarely used them. The added space parameter makes tweaking on them much more enjoyable and less fatiguing.

  • Just for the sake of clarity the 1.7.0 is working very well, in the private beta nobody had any issue out of a very small thing that has been corrected in this public beta. I (and others) have also been gigging with it.

    For the rest...bare with us.... ;)

    Edit: Rig switching time between Rigs with very different setups has been improved as well in this beta.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • 4.

    Performance Mode? No! Pitch Effects? No! Librarian? No! S/PDIF improvements? No!

    I really hope there's some more in the short term pipeline. Otherwise this is a bit disappointing to be honest.


    What i don't understand is why CK doesn't intervene in these threads, or in worse cases even replies, but only to posts that don't concern future updates.
    Personally, i think it's unprofessional, and is the only thing keeping me from recommending the Kemper to anyone.

    CK - please, man. You've made a brilliant product. Support it. At the very least, don't ignore your customers.

    I just can't seem to understand why this entire forum, full of owners of the product, can't have an influence on the priority list for the updates.
    Why would anyone add a 'room' correction to the master outputs instead of working on the librarian? Or pitch shifting?
    Or any of these things that are mentioned on every single thread?


    Sorry for the vent, boys.

    It's not that i don't appreciate the update and effort in general, but the general attitude really worries me.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Why would anyone add a 'room' correction to the master outputs instead of working on the librarian? Or pitch shifting?

    While I totally understand your mood, and share it to some degree, I would like to add that nobody said they aren't working on other things as well behind the scenes. I'm pretty sure they are working on the librarian behind the scenes. But it's not yet ready for primetime, sadly. They are still a small company and things take time to grow. But still I'm a bit disappointed because 2 months since 1.60 should have been enough time to get some more done.
    Maybe CK had to assign some of his resources to development of the KFC and the librarian, which would obviously result in some slowdown of KPA improvements. Always difficult to judge from the outside.

    The issue that starts to bug me most is the missing openness of the dev team incl. CK. If he feels like defending his product in sometimes offensive way, he always finds some time to post. When it comes to discussing potential improvements, changes, additions, he's very very silent. I totally respect the fact that his core profiling technology has to remain a blackbox for the public. But there's no reason to refuse some open and constructive discussion on all things around the blackbox. Some positive vibe, some proof of interest in some pretty good ideas from the community.
    Maybe I'm asking for to much, CK's days are 24 hours only. But then he has to assign someone to this task with some communication skills.

    Just my point of view,

  • Quote

    Quoted from "Quitty"

    Why would anyone add a 'room' correction to the master outputs instead of working on the librarian? Or pitch shifting?

    [Blocked Image: http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing025.gif] no further comment needed ...

    I totally agree with lightbox. why not communicate the priority-list of OS improvements? why has performance mode and the
    muchmuch needed librarian not been on the list for even 2012?? questions and no answers. why? technical difficulties, no
    interest? too busy elsewhere? too small a team? rain in recklinghausen? what is it?
    this is the best forum in the world, christoph, and you earned it, but just a little bit of info, and we will all stay happy bunnies.


    do i get tarred and feathered now?

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

    Edited once, last by Geraldo7 (March 25, 2013 at 1:08 PM).

  • CK often gets onto posts her and Gear Page to correct misinformation about what his product is.

    Not what it could or should be as much. He's already done that in interviews.

    No one was talking about an improvement in the tuner, etc. I think this is awesome, thanks KPA Team!

  • Updated with 1012 rigs installed - installation all fine.

    Don't like the 'space' very much (regardless of the setting) - maybe more for headphone guys.

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    Edited once, last by Armin (March 25, 2013 at 1:55 PM).