We want bass rigs!

  • Check out the "Mark Bass F1 Bass Guitar Amp"

    37 profiles for all kinds of sounds.

    And Andy created some free bass profiles some time ago.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Last time I did bass amps was for MitchMalloys album.

    I know so many bass players with top gear, so I'll invite them over for a studio session and get some done at some point. I wont ever charge for these as Im not a bass player and therefore cant guarantee the results as I can with guitar.

    Just cant promise when this will be though.
    But added to my todo list.


  • I would think the bass amps are going to be hit or miss since the KPA wasn't necessarily designed with this in mind (I.e. like it says in the manual) so, I see where you are coming from Andy.

    I think the free SVT and B15 Andy did sound quite good though and are very useful. I used one on a track the other day and ended up keeping it for the final. So, worthwhile to have them if they are done well. Thanks for offering them to us.

    I will say that the cleaner profiles don't have as much character, which makes sense since that is more or less a DI sound with some cab mixed in but, the SVT/B15 profiles with a little hair on them sound quite good. I will also say that I still like Amplitube better than the KPA most of the time for bass tracks.

    Just my opinion.


    Edited once, last by Myramyd (March 10, 2013 at 6:38 AM).

  • Whilst I dont mind providing them, but at the end of the day, the Kemper transmits a recorded signal.
    in otherwords, your playing "x" profile as if you have that amp in the live room with mics attached, with a guitar you have much large tonal freq available and can be very pleasant to play alone, or in a mix situation because there is more detail, and more going on.

    With a bass amp its much harder, as anyone with mixing experience knows that to get a bass tones to sit in the mix is troublesome at best. as it has to work with that chesty kick and work alongside to keep the bottom end tight. - and at the time of profiling there is no easy way of doing this without the music your working on at the time. its pure guess and "generic" - whist bass is best played with others, I appreciate that some players like to sit and play alone and thats totally cool.

    Im not saying it cant and wont work, look the KPA is a magic box imo it can do what you want it to do. but with bass, some things are best left for "on the day of mixing" than downloading profiles from others in hope.

    Hope that all makes sence :)

  • Yes, that's true.

    To provide A great bass profile will not work - even if the used gear was great and well profiled.

    Each bass is different as well as the playing, style, music in context and so on.

    That's why I not even try to create a few great sounding profiles of bass (or guitar) amps.

    But like to provide ALL sound options of any amp and let the user pick the ones he/she likes/needs.

    My Mark Bass profiles provide 37 profiles of the same great bass amp - and for my own bass recording needs do I now have all I need.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • Coming at it purely from a recording perspective, the great free profiles Andy's already provided allow for the player to perform with certain dynamics and tone that don't exist when just hearing back a DI signal. I find them extremely useful in tracking and re-amping in the studio. This is why I'd love to have more options (and would be happy to pay for them).

    I capture bass amps from clients who bring them in as well and it works really well. I am sure the KPA wasn't meant for bass initially, but it's more than useable.


  • Whilst I dont mind providing them, but at the end of the day, the Kemper transmits a recorded signal.
    in otherwords, your playing "x" profile as if you have that amp in the live room with mics attached, with a guitar you have much large tonal freq available and can be very pleasant to play alone, or in a mix situation because there is more detail, and more going on.

    With a bass amp its much harder, as anyone with mixing experience knows that to get a bass tones to sit in the mix is troublesome at best. as it has to work with that chesty kick and work alongside to keep the bottom end tight. - and at the time of profiling there is no easy way of doing this without the music your working on at the time. its pure guess and "generic" - whist bass is best played with others, I appreciate that some players like to sit and play alone and thats totally cool.

    Im not saying it cant and wont work, look the KPA is a magic box imo it can do what you want it to do. but with bass, some things are best left for "on the day of mixing" than downloading profiles from others in hope.

    Hope that all makes sence :)

    Hm i rather would like a Bass profile to perform live with the kemper. Your right with the studio thing. I think in the studio im good with Podfarm just FOR BASS! But Live i could use a good one.

    Any one knows this: if i profile a splitted bass preset (FOR EXAMPLE so 0-250hz clean bass compressed - 500-2000 hz distorded signal) will it be the same on kemper? dont think so right?