Noise when sliding - Strat issue?

  • Dear all - maybe somebody can help me figure out a certain noise that I get when I play my strat and slide up or down. It can be heard in this video as well (very prominent at 35 seconds in the video) when he slides down. To me this sounds a bit unnatural. Though it gets lost in a mix (with many other instruments playing), but it's irritating if the guitar stands out from the mix. It seems to be more prominent on certrain profiles (though it is there on Kemper done profiles, which I feel are very high quality) and it becomes more apparent (and irritating) when I roll up the definition in the amp section of when I have a compressor engaged.</a>

    I lowered my pick ups and raised them to see if that is what is causing the noise, but that didn't really change a lot. The only workaround for me at the moment is when I don't press the strings when I slide up or down on the neck, which, however, is restricting the phrasing options - unfortunately.

  • first impression - guitar needs a setup, action probably too low.
    this is the first time anybody has reported something like this.

    Well, could be - however, the action is definitely not low at all. Thing is, when I play through my Amp or when I use my old IK Amplitube plugin, there's no such sound.
    I have had the Kemper in for repair (audio board was changed) and sent a mail to Burkhard (who seems to be on holiday or something) about some other issues. I have the feeling that something is still not working correctly ... I was even thinking of ordering a second Kemper to compare the two to find out what is going on.
    Also, the same "noise" can be heard on the video on youtube (see first post) - and that's not me.

  • Just to prove that it's not a problem of the guitar set up, I recorded some seconds with a different guitar. I have the guitars set up once a year by a professional Fender certified guitar technician - so even if it may sound as if the guitar is poorly set up - to me it seems to be a problem of my Kemper - well, there doesn't seem to be any other explanation to me. We'll see.…nt%20guitar.mp3