Some thoughts on sense and nonsense of incorporating FX into the KPA

  • It's all a matter of personal taste and music style how many effects are needed adding to the core dry sound. No matter what gear I use I always prefer a small amount of short room reverb (especially with headphones) since that's what my ears hear from a cab speaker when I play. Some styles demand a lot of effects, some don't. Most guitars on albums goes through a DAW where effects are added afterwards in mixing.

    The most important part is that the real dry amp sound must be there to begin with and this is where I think the kemper really shines compared to other digital units I use. In other units I must use much more effects to cover up the bad dry sound.

    I think the effects in the kemper are very high quality and cover most needs, but it's good to know they will release more effects for those who want them. None of the available digital units can do it all for me though and it's impossible for one unit to ever cover and copy all great harware effects.
    The amp and cab sound is what's most important to me by far. The effects are secundary and are always available in different ways.

  • You have right! The effects inside my KPA are excellent!
    I have tryied them in my studio on vocals, drums, percussion instruments, and I can tell You that I was surprised.
    The reverb, chorus and delay can do a good job in comparation with all of the best Lexicons, TCs and Eventides (both hardware and softwares).
    They are not so tweakable, but sounding suprisingly well!!!
    What a new teritory and a pleasant surprize again, regarding my KPAs possibilities!
    I recommend them to everyone!!! :thumbup:
    Good experimentation, and thanks again CK! :thumbup:

  • Yeah Will, you've written several times you do not like it!
    I've not had the opportunit to try it myself. But this is what Don Petersen wrote [from the wiKPA] :

    there is a really good (bad) sounding spring reverb in the KPA. It's called Matchbox in the Reverb section.
    set predelay to 0, limit the bandwidth a little bit (watch out, there's a lot happening between 0.0 and 1.0 already) and use frequency to turn it brighter.
    I have a few spring reverbs here (Accutronics, Dynacord, no name...) and the KPA can capture their vibes easily.

    Don liking it is something, IMO. So I just share the info for those wo do not know it at all :)