Changing Rig numbers for FCB1010 UNO control?

  • I have everything working, except there's a random-ness to the numbers assigned to my rigs that I haven't quiet figured out when using the Prog Change pedals. I have the 18 patches with 5 Rigs per patch, but cannot figure out how to change what patch is "1" and "2" etc.

    I've seen something about naming the rig, but is there another option? I have 900 rigs that I'd like to cut down to about 20. Is it a matter of just renaming them "01 Fender Clean" etc?

  • I'm using my Uno FCB1010 with great success. Just wish the KPA would send the signal back stating which "stompboxes" are on.

    Yes that would be nice. However if you 'preset' the stomps on the FCB exactly at the state in which they are in the corresponding rig you get basically the same. That's how I do it and my FCB stomp buttons and KPA rigs are always in sync!


  • Yes that would be nice. However if you 'preset' the stomps on the FCB exactly at the state in which they are in the corresponding rig you get basically the same. That's how I do it and my FCB stomp buttons and KPA rigs are always in sync!


    Not sure I follow, although it's explained very clearly! Can you help this knucklehead (me) wrap my head around this principle?

  • Not sure I follow, although it's explained very clearly! Can you help this knucklehead (me) wrap my head around this principle?

    If your using the UNO chip, the stomp switches have the ability to be programmed to 3 states per patch: on, off, or no change. So you can program the state of the effects switches to be on or off to match the effects states in the patch your using or use NC for cases in which you have the effect locked.

  • Sure!
    If you are using your FCB in stompbox mode you can define for each patch the state of each of the five stomp boxes when you switch to this patch. You just have to take care that this is in line with the corresponding rig on the KPA.

    So let's assume the following example:
    - For a certain patch you have assigned your 5 stomp switches on the FCB to the A,B,X,MOD and Delay effect slots of your KPA.
    - The corresponding rig on the KPA is set up in a way that your A, X and MOD effects are off and your B and Delay effects are on.
    - Then you just have to program your patch on the FCB in a way that the 5 stomps send the corresponding Midi cc#'s for A, B, X, MOD and Delay and that the second and fifth stomp buttons are activated when you switch to this patch. I am using the RipWerx software. There you simply have 5 checkboxes for each patch and you simply tick the ones which should be active when you switch to that patch.
    -> Now this means that when you switch to that patch from now on the Led's next to stomp buttons two and five will be lit and therefore exactly 'in sync' with your corresponding rig on the KPA.
    -> Now you can switch any of the five stomps on and off as many times and in any combonation that you want and your FCB's lights next to the stomp buttons will always reflect the current state of your rig on the KA. They're completely in sync.
    So it just means some initial set up time for each patch but from then on you have what you desired.

    Hope this helps!?


  • I'm using my Uno FCB1010 with great success. Just wish the KPA would send the signal back stating which "stompboxes" are on.

    would be great... I would also like to see the satus of the stomps per Rig on my HD500.... which I am using with a lot of satisfaction as a controller with all functions in the meantime until Kemper is launching its own floorboard... hopefulliy in summer...

    ...I had a lot of equipment... but 2012 I got the KPA.... :)

  • would be great... I would also like to see the satus of the stomps per Rig on my HD500.... which I am using with a lot of satisfaction as a controller with all functions in the meantime until Kemper is launching its own floorboard... hopefulliy in summer...

    It's as easy as with the FCB: program on/off status of the FX per rig and you're done. Note that you have to set up 'dummy FX' in the HD 500 otherwise the LED's don't light.