Finally have the sound i've always wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ive been gigging and recording with the kemper for about 2 months now. Recording wise this thing is unbelievable, getting the sound you are after has never been so quick and easy, also clients have been amazed with the quality of their guitar sound on their records. This is the best purchase for my studio ive ever invested in.

    Now for live use. Ive been playing in bands for 17 years now and have been chasing that elisit tone for ever!!!!!!! I can now finally say i have it. Every amp ive ever brought, used has always had something missing (to much Fizz, clean sound not very good, Not clear enough, way to expensive to justify buying etc) I did 3 gigs this weekend and i had at least 7 people come up to me and say what amp are you using now, your guitar tone is incredible best i've ever heard. Every sound i use weather its Clean, distorted, distorted with delay......... It is so clear, so full and sounds just how i have wanted it to. Not only has the KPA improved my sound but my whole bands sound is now in another league.

    So i thank you MR CK for giving me this great piece of musical magic, along with And44 (The Amp Factory) your great profiles which i must say are worth every penny. I can now play every gig knowing i have the best tone ever and really enjoy the gig instead of always chasing that dream tone. WHY because i have it now!!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Raoul23 which profiles are you using / preferring from TAF? Which are the "sounds" you like most?

    I have Bundle 2 which is great but Saturday i brought the Triple Rect, Blackstar series one and Mesa mark 2 from bundle one. This weekend i tried out the mesa tock the memory stick to the gig up loaded the profiles went through them and used the triple Rect one i liked the most. Im a big Nickelback fan and love their guitar tone Big and massive with lots of definition and NO FIZZ!!!!!!! and my does this Triple Rect sound just right!!!! :thumbup:

  • Good to hear you are happy with Kemper in live situation.

    I have to say that I was more than happy as I have plugged my guitar after weeks with the Kemper
    into my old Marshall full stack again. Wow, what a difference.
    To me nothing can come close to the REAL deal, which is a true tube amp, especially live, but also for recordings.
    But its still nice to play at night with a good, but not perfect (Kemper) sound.
    And recordings are also good with the Kemper, but noticeably better with the big tube amp :)

    Anyway, the Kemper Amp is a fine device with great options.

    Have fun and rock on

  • Good to hear you are happy with Kemper in live situation.

    I have to say that I was more than happy as I have plugged my guitar after weeks with the Kemper
    into my old Marshall full stack again. Wow, what a difference.
    To me nothing can come close to the REAL deal, which is a true tube amp, especially live, but also for recordings.
    But its still nice to play at night with a good, but not perfect (Kemper) sound.
    And recordings are also good with the Kemper, but noticeably better with the big tube amp :)

    Anyway, the Kemper Amp is a fine device with great options.

    Have fun and rock on

    I have to disagree with you here, no one amp can reproduce all the sounds id like to use for my set, if i wanted to do that i end up with about 4-5 amps on stage thats not practical..... so +1 for the kemper on that aswell. All my years of playing live i have never ever had anyone comment on my guitar tone like the way people have been in the past several weeks. So the KPA must be doing something right. We are all entitled to our own opinion and i know there alot of purists around. But i for one have never had tone like this through PA or on stage so im HAPPY!!!!!

  • I'll agree with Raoul, bloody awesome sound, went to a gig to check out his set up. I'm very drawn to those Yamaha DXR10's, but still waiting on news of the Kemper Power Amp
    for my Toaster.


    Thanks Mark, i cant stop playing this thing. Are you still rehersing with the KPA ready for its 1st gig at some point!!!! 8)

  • If you play through one amp only, I don't see much point in the Kemper except for headphone playing.

    But if want or need variety, or like me, write songs in a large range, the tonal variety is truly paradise.

    That said, while my Amp and most of my guitar cab microphone gear lust is gone, I do still pine for an array of effects. I have nice pedals, but I want it all in one box, like the Eventide or something.

  • I have Bundle 2 which is great but Saturday i brought the Triple Rect, Blackstar series one and Mesa mark 2 from bundle one. This weekend i tried out the mesa tock the memory stick to the gig up loaded the profiles went through them and used the triple Rect one i liked the most. Im a big Nickelback fan and love their guitar tone Big and massive with lots of definition and NO FIZZ!!!!!!! and my does this Triple Rect sound just right!!!!

    Sounds cool, thanks! :thumbup:

  • I have Bundle 2 which is great but Saturday i brought the Triple Rect, Blackstar series one and Mesa mark 2 from bundle one. This weekend i tried out the mesa tock the memory stick to the gig up loaded the profiles went through them and used the triple Rect one i liked the most. Im a big Nickelback fan and love their guitar tone Big and massive with lots of definition and NO FIZZ!!!!!!! and my does this Triple Rect sound just right!!!! :thumbup:

    I also bought the Triple Rectifier from TAF and it sounds fantastic. I dont even need to profile my amp.

  • Ive been gigging and recording with the kemper for about 2 months now. Recording wise this thing is unbelievable, getting the sound you are after has never been so quick and easy, also clients have been amazed with the quality of their guitar sound on their records. This is the best purchase for my studio ive ever invested in.

    Now for live use. Ive been playing in bands for 17 years now and have been chasing that elisit tone for ever!!!!!!! I can now finally say i have it. Every amp ive ever brought, used has always had something missing (to much Fizz, clean sound not very good, Not clear enough, way to expensive to justify buying etc) I did 3 gigs this weekend and i had at least 7 people come up to me and say what amp are you using now, your guitar tone is incredible best i've ever heard. Every sound i use weather its Clean, distorted, distorted with delay......... It is so clear, so full and sounds just how i have wanted it to. Not only has the KPA improved my sound but my whole bands sound is now in another league.

    So i thank you MR CK for giving me this great piece of musical magic, along with And44 (The Amp Factory) your great profiles which i must say are worth every penny. I can now play every gig knowing i have the best tone ever and really enjoy the gig instead of always chasing that dream tone. WHY because i have it now!!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    How do you have the KPA set up for live use? Do you use a power amp & cab or do you go through a monitor?

    I use mine direct to FOH and use IEM. Not like having a stack behind you shaking your pant legs but gets the job done. Only problem I've had is, the rhythm guitar player is a volume whore and I can't tell what my volume is like out front while using the IEM's. :|

  • I'm using 2 yamaha DXR10's live and they sound incredible. They are light and come with 7 year warranty I'm a very happy kemper user incredibly happy infact!!!!! :D


    I'm really wanting to go this route. Do you use the monitor mode or the FOH mode when playing live? Also I play in church so it's not quite the loud environment, so I'm thinking one dxr10 would more than do me for stage monitor. What are your thoughts.
