Randall NB King 100 and Bogner XTC Anniversary profiles added

  • Wow I've tried most of those fantastic rigs, Kalvitz, and they really inspiring. :thumbup:

    I just recorded a quick'n dirty stoner riff using your NB HI gain RIG 58 , I hope I can add some synth lead to it next.

    I used only a drum sample and 4 layers of your rig ( bass was done with my tele ...some with a muffin), that's all :)

  • Ok the BEAT IT PLEXI profile is one of the VERY best to date in my opinion.

    That one captures the Bogner Exstacy Blue channel's 3D vibe in spades. GREAT JOB.

    I can see this profile getting a lot of use for gigs. And the other ones are awesome too....but in terms of "organic", which is missing in most digital boxes --- this is incredible.

    I'm also digging the NUNO clean one with the mild break up. Also very usable and organic...but the BEAT IT one is the total BOMB!!!!

  • Some of the best profiles i have heard in my humble opinion.

    I'm probably gonna use exclusively "Kalvitz.com" profiles on my upcoming demo record.

    NB HI GAIN 58 for hi-gain rhythm guitar sound.
    BOGNER Anniversary B as main solo guitar sound.
    And Dr.Z KT45 as main clean sound.

    Thank you very much for your profiles. They really made me very happy


  • Guys... thank you very very very much!!! i'm sorry i did not found the time to get some other profile, but on this week end i'll try to catch some other tone from my stuff using a Shure Beta 57 mic. I'll try to do my best! :D

  • ok.. i did something last WE and you can download it here: http://www.kalvitz.com/kalvitzKPA.zip
    In the rig exchange you can find few samples of my new profiles. I catched a 1989 Carvin X112 combo (with and without boost), some other KT-45 and Bogner xtc101b. I think you have to change the cab of some profile or the EQ because these are not so good IMO, but i tried them without cab simulation on a PA VHT and the sound is amazing. Have fun :)