Mouth for War practice

  • My drummer friend and I recorded our practice the other day. So I took it home and mixed in some more guitars and a bass track. All guitars and bass were recorded with the Kemper. Guitars used the Pantera Vulgar rig from Silent Underground Studios, and on bass I used the stock rig Black Bass Clean.

    I am an amateur so I screw up a lot, but it should at least be recognizable.

    Mouth for War


  • Did you tweak the clone tone's profile any? I found that most of SU's profiles seem a little thin, but I'd imagine multi tracking would fix that up. Nice to see someone else playing a HM Strat! Barely use mine any more, stupid Kahler bridge with its soft metal :(

  • Did you tweak the clone tone's profile any? I found that most of SU's profiles seem a little thin, but I'd imagine multi tracking would fix that up. Nice to see someone else playing a HM Strat! Barely use mine any more, stupid Kahler bridge with its soft metal :(

    I did bump the volume up on the EQ in the X slot to +1, I think it was -2. That was just to bring the overall volume up to par level with some of my other rigs. I agree all of his patches sound very thin. Once you multi track them and put them in the mix they sound pretty good though. In my daw I just used a typical low pass 10k/high pass 70hz. Then I sent both guitar tracks to an aux bus with a little chorus and a small delay to thicken it up a bit more. I dropped that aux channel down about -12db. On the solo I added some compression and a long ping-pong delay (maybe too much).

    I do still break the HM out when I need a tremolo. I bought it brand new when I was 19. Tons of sentimental value there so it'll always be around.

  • Well I'm just a home player, so I just thicken up the profiles and usually toss in a clean boost. Very easy to tweak them, that's for sure! I bought my HM when I was 17 in '88. First guitar I bought with my own money and it still plays great, other than the bridge (tremol-no installed now).