(SOLVED - USER ERROR) - Issues using SPDIF and main outs (balanced) at the same time ....

  • Hey gang,

    Has anyone used the SPDIF and the balanced main outs at the same time, the SPDIF is configured to mirror the same output that was on the Main outs. This is the first time I used the SPDIF since I got the box by the way.

    OK, the reason I asked, is I had a scary experience yesterday :) - here're my steps - exactly:

    1. Connected the KPA to my MOTU ultralite over SPDIF (in+out) - the main outs were not connected. Signal quality was OK on the SPDIF ins.
    2. Played for a bit, then connected the balanced main outs to the interface (while the SPDIF was still connected).
    3. OK, this is where the scary part happened - The signal on the main outs was severely impacted - I mean really bad - I didnt record it though :(.
    4. The strangest thing was that it disappeared after a while - on it's own - I did power cycle the box once in between - but it was still bad - and then it cleaned up slowly.

    Very strange :(.

    I havent played it since then - but I will repeat the steps to see if it happens again. I am using the 1.60 Beta.


    Edited 2 times, last by gorillabendz (January 31, 2013 at 4:23 PM).

  • I forgot one important data-point:

    I did change the SPDIF output to 'Git Studio' the 2nd time around. Not sure if this is what eventually made it work - didnt try too many experiments.

    The signal on the main outs was still severely impacted (almost unrecognizeable) - for a while - as I was playing it, and then it kinda 'transformed' into a nice full 'Kemper Tone' (This was pretty weird). I used one of the TAF ORange profiles and a Steave Crunch profile to test this.

    As I said - very sorry that I could not record it and share - I didnt expect it to clean up by itself. The SPDIF output was fine all through this.

    I will try this same sequence of steps once again - and if possible shall record and share. As a last resort I shall upgrade to 1.60 Release and see if this issue disappears. Is this a known issue guys - has anyone else seen this before? I only ask because I havent used the SPDIF till now - and many of you have been using it for recording and stuff.

    Anyway, long story short - Is using both SPDIF and Balanced Main outs at the same time with the same source (I forget what this SPDIF source is called - it's the same source that's present on the main-outs), a valid configuration?

    Thanks a lot guys!

  • Hey guitarnet - thanks a lot for the response.

    This was totally user error though (my bad - in short :)) - sorry guys - I checked again this morning - and somehow - my clock source for the interface was reset to internal - even though I set it to source it from the KPA :(.

    All's well in the studio again - sorry to cause any confusion. Staying on 1.60 Beta - SPDIF routing options rock! I love my Kemper!

    Edited once, last by gorillabendz (January 31, 2013 at 4:23 PM).