Profiling a -68 Fender Vibratone (guitar leslie)...

  • Hi!
    I've got an old Fender Vibratone that I'm consider having profiled.
    (the same type that Stevie used).
    It's the "real deal", totally original including speaker and leather belt...
    2 speed, high & low thats all.
    Does anyone have any good advice on how to profile this?
    There's a Crossover filter that sends only the mids & highs to the Vibratone, so obviously I need an amp to carry the lows...

    The result (if isolated) is more like a cabinet, but I guess there's not gonna be any rotary info there...
    Would it be of any interest if I used my "Dumble" SSS clone from Ceriatone to run this, or should I go for the Vibroverb Custom?
    Again, I'm not sue if this is even possible?
    Please chime in if you have any suggestions?


  • Interested in this one, I remember that is possible to profile a leslie but nobody did it 'till now (I assume not much real leslie around). Have you check the manual?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff