Phaser Vibe (UniVibe) in FW 1.6 beta

  • his sound is VERY swirly.

    I'm using a combination of Phaser Vibe before the Stack and a Vibrato and Air Chorus behind the Stack.

    Phaser Vibe
    Rate 0.89s
    Depth 10
    Manual 1.6
    Feedback 32%
    Peak Spread -2.8
    Stages 4
    Mix 50%
    Ducking 0
    Volume 0

    and then, post Stack

    Rate 2.3
    Depth 3.5
    Crossover 476.1Hz


    Air Chorus
    Depth 5
    Crossover 20.6Hz

  • This thread comes at the perfect time! I'm just myself trying to get the Phaser Vibe to sound like an old UniVibe and playing with parameters, etc. Thanks for posting yours Don—I look forward to trying them out!

    (BTW, I agree that "out of the box" it doesn't sound all that authentic, but I do think it sounds *good* and with tweaking, I am confident we can get there. It's just a matter of knowing which parameters on which effects are the "magic parameters" to get that glorious Hendrix tone :) ).


  • Just saw the demo of the Korg Nuvibe from Musicmesse, designed by the same engineer who created the original. It's about $500.00 US, including foot pedal. It incorporates a selection if LED's to create custom waves, and looks really similar to original.

    What I want to mention is that all if the classic "Machine Gun", Woodstock" and even Trower/Floyd tones were created with the Univibes "Chorus" setting, not the "Vibrato" setting. Of course they explain the difference, pitch alteration with no dry signal.

    I've been playing with various Chorus settings in my Kemper , A/B ing with my MXR univibe, and I'm getting great results.