Phaser Vibe (UniVibe) in FW 1.6 beta

  • I was so much looking forward to the UniVibe stomp effect and as of now I am not convinced that I will be able to dial in a typical UniVibe sound. With my previous recording plugin (IK Multimedia Amplitube 3.0) the Uni-Vibe stomp was "on spot". Does anyone have better results? Share some tips? .... The Phase Vibe in the effect preset section doesn't sound like a UniVibe at all.

  • I don't have an original Univibe - they are worth a fortune if you can get hold of a working one at all - but I compared it with my Danelectro Cool Cat Vibe. The Cool Cat is a very authentic recreation and features the original electro-optical circuit including the infamous lightbulb. It has some quirks though (a volume boost when engaged and around a full second time lag until the effect kicks in) which makes it unsuitable for professional use, but the sound itself is right there.

    Compared with that pedal I find I like the Kemper Vibe even better. I could dial in the exact sound of the Cool Cat but I also could get a lot more out of it since it is much more flexible. Give it a bit more time and have a deeper look at the parameters and I would be surprised if you couldn't dial in a typical Univibe sound.

    Regarding the Mod-FX of the Kemper in general, they are all on a very high level, especially the Phaser und Chorus FX. If anything it's the Flanger that is not quite up there. Never could dial in the sound of my Deluxe Electric Mistress, but that's probably because they modelled an other device, so no sweat about that either.

  • Love it personally, authentic? Don't know, updated 1.6 loaded Bassman cream profile with this and couldn't stop playing. :thumbup:

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I can't quite get the classic UniVibe tone yet. I've owned an Effectrode Tube-Vibe, so I know what I'm after. Not everyone even likes the Vibe on the new Mobius pedal. Nevertheless, it is good to have that tone available, and there will likely be newer versions over time.

  • I haven't been able to get it close to my Deja Vibe yet, doesn't quite have enough throb. I messed around for a while the other day with it maybe I will stumble on the right config soon...

  • I haven't sat down to listen to the new Phaser Vibe yet, but have you tried one the preset settings? I would start with the one called "PHA Uni Vintage."

    Yes, sure (I wrote this in the first post of this thread). That's what is puzzling me: If a stomp effect is supposed to be modeled to sound like a very very well known original, I would suppose that the preset you create should at least remotely remind users of the real thing ... But, no. Not for me at least. The PHA Uni Vintage doesn't sound as a good starting point to dial in a good UniVibe sound.

  • Yes, sure (I wrote this in the first post of this thread). That's what is puzzling me: If a stomp effect is supposed to be modeled to sound like a very very well known original, I would suppose that the preset you create should at least remotely remind users of the real thing ... But, no. Not for me at least. The PHA Uni Vintage doesn't sound as a good starting point to dial in a good UniVibe sound.

    Just curious, what is it about the Univibe sound that is missing? I've never played an old Univibe. Closest I've gotten was a Dunlap Rotovibe or emulations from Digitech. As far as emulating a rotary speaker, I think that effect in the Kemper is closer than my "Univibe" experience. For that slower, swooshy Hendrixy thing, I've always just used a phaser. Never thought of a Univibe sounding like a cross between a phaser and vibe as the effects weren't simultaneously available, which is what I thought the Kemper effect was doing.

  • Are you putting it before or after the amp? It will usually sound best in front of the amp and with at least some grit, fuzz, or a cranked amp.

    I haven't tried 1.6 yet because of the infamous giant thread related to it but, last night I was getting close to a Univibe thing using the Stone Phaser 1 setting on the original Phaser stomp in front of the Blackface Bass Dimed profile.

    Not sure if that is a starting point you are looking for but, it was along the lines anyway.


  • Just curious, what is it about the Univibe sound that is missing? I've never played an old Univibe. Closest I've gotten was a Dunlap Rotovibe or emulations from Digitech. As far as emulating a rotary speaker, I think that effect in the Kemper is closer than my "Univibe" experience. For that slower, swooshy Hendrixy thing, I've always just used a phaser. Never thought of a Univibe sounding like a cross between a phaser and vibe as the effects weren't simultaneously available, which is what I thought the Kemper effect was doing.

    Number 1: The rhythmic shape of the effect seems to be logarhythmic - I couldn't find a setting that was "groovey" - sorry, it's hard to express what I mean.
    Number 2: To me it sounds "digital" - with artificial highs - and thus it lacks some of the mellow tone charakter of the UniVibe which is smoother and juicier creamier if you like. It's hard to describe in words.

    I still suppose that I just don't know what the various parameters do ... This is why I am hoping that someone who could dial in a nice UniVibe tone could put me on the track with a basic setting. And yes, of course I put the stomp effect in front of the amp (in the old vintage fashion).

    For a nice demo of what the UniVibe may sound like listen to Pink Floyd's "Breathe" (Dark Side of the Moon) - or watch this video on youtube in which David Gilmour demonstrates the sound of "Breathe" in an interview - I don't expect the stomp to sound exactly the same, but I am sure it must be possible to get the overall character (since my IK Mulitimedia Amplitube plugin does it just fine).

  • Well, here are Gilmour's Univibe settings in case they help.

    - volume 2:00 (o’clock), intensity 12:00, slow speed 2:00, fast speed 4:00, mode: chorus


    Thanks for this. I suppose you're not on the 1.6 beta because then you would understand that these settings don't translate to the Kemper version of the Vibe effect. The parameters are totally different. What I am looking for is a Kemper type setting.

  • It does still appear to be logarithmic, in addition to lacking the throb. There are loads of great vibe pedals out there. The Strymon Mobius definitely seems to have it going on.

  • Yes, sure (I wrote this in the first post of this thread). That's what is puzzling me: If a stomp effect is supposed to be modeled to sound like a very very well known original, I would suppose that the preset you create should at least remotely remind users of the real thing ... But, no. Not for me at least. The PHA Uni Vintage doesn't sound as a good starting point to dial in a good UniVibe sound.

    What real Univibes have you owned?

    I owned a Fulltone Mini Dejavibe and just sold my original Bob Sweet Mojovibe a few weeks ago.

    To say the Kemper Phaser/Vibe doesn't even remind you of the real thing seems a bit over the top to me.
    It reminded me very much of the real thing, I played my Mojovibe through my Kemper.
    The Kemper doesn't "throb and wobble" quite as much as the Mojovibe, it has less of a "pulse"...but keep in mind a Mojovibe and Dejavibe have real 'light dependant resistors' and 'globe' in them, which are responsible for the 'throb' and 'pulse'.

    Go read discussions on the forums about the different analog Univibes, every one of them is criticised for doing something not quite like the original.

    Don't forget where to position the Phaser/Vibe in the Kemper, right up front just after the wah and before all OD and distortion pedals...that's the way Jimi did it.

  • Of course I can hear that the Phaser Vibe is a Uni-Vibe approach and as I have posted here I have no doubt that I will finally be able to get the tone I am looking for. The thing is that the Kemper Parameters for the Phaser Vibe are - for a guitarist and not a synthesizer expert - a bit unusual. With a Uni Vibe or one of its clone it's a matter of seconds and with the Kemper (and all of its possibilities) it takes some tweaking because for me the preset (vintage) lacks some of the smooth warmth and juicyness that I am looking for in a Uni Vibe clone. If there's anyone with a nice setting / rig, let me know!

  • I spent a few hours with 1.6 last night, and started messing with the Phaser Vibe. Like you I'm not yet quite getting the Univibe sounds that I'm used to hearing. I've never owned a genuine Univibe or high-end clone, the closest I've come was the Sweetsound MoFaux. But based on what I've heard in classic recordings and isolated tracks like the above Gilmour clip I've been able to dial up convincing Univibe sounds using other modeling gear. I'll take Christoph at his word that the Phaser Vibe is accurate and that it's just a matter of fiddling with the various parameters to get it to sound right.

  • Well, I've never owned a Univibe, so can't make judgment on it. However, I messed with the new Phaser Vibe in 1.6 and found that adding a Rotary in front of it sounded nice. I saved off the rig I was using for this in case it offers any inspiration to someone else. Since it uses the Phaser Vibe, don't load this rig unless you have 1.6:…2011-31-49.kipr

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