Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • I would suggest when the inventor of a device who's offering enhancements of the device for free states that its his saddest moment in 15 years of being on forums, the he might opt to take some time off rather than burn the midnight oil working on another firmware only to be dragged through the coals. In fact, if I were him I might simply stop offering updates entirely. Why put forth all the effort only to be badgered and my qualifications questioned? CK is under no obligation to do anything other than fix critical bugs and provide warranty service. We should remember that. CK owes none of us anything, the updated features are gifts. If you don't like the sound/feel/taste/smell of 1.6, roll back and be happy and let the rest of us move on.

    Yawn - best intentions, but I can guarantee you that you won't be able to educate via the internet. And frankly, Christian Kemper to me is neither a messias nor a rascal. He is somebody who offers a product, who wants to make a profit, who wants to promote it, who has definitely a marketing strategy, professionals who develop an image for the product, and so forth. He definitely knows that entertaining a forum like this with his personal presence is also part of what you have to offer with a product like his. ... I am sure he has enough support and when it comes to a situation in which he feels personally attacked, I am sure he knows how to defend himself.

  • Yawn - best intentions, but I can guarantee you that you won't be able to educate via the internet. And frankly, Christian Kemper to me is neither a messias nor a rascal. He is somebody who offers a product, who wants to make a profit, who wants to promote it, who has definitely a marketing strategy, professionals who develop an image for the product, and so forth. He definitely knows that entertaining a forum like this with his personal presence is also part of what you have to offer with a product like his. ... I am sure he has enough support and when it comes to a situation in which he feels personally attacked, I am sure he knows how to defend himself.

    Where did I call him a messiah? Its called common courtesy. He's already made his profit when the dealers bought inventory. We did not buy subscriptions guaranteeing future content. He could stop development today and the KPA will continue to sell for many years to come. Plenty of folks buy Line 6 gear without interacting with Marcus Ryle. He's offered us all something free. If you don't like it you are under no obligation to use it.

  • Where did I call him a messiah? Its called common courtesy. He's already made his profit when the dealers bought inventory. We did not buy subscriptions guaranteeing future content. He could stop development today and the KPA will continue to sell for many years to come. Plenty of folks buy Line 6 gear without interacting with Marcus Ryle. He's offered us all something free. If you don't like it you are under no obligation to use it.

    Well to be devil's advocate that's not exactly the case as there are features listed on the tin that don't work yet like performance mode and undo.

  • @ WillChen: I wish you'd realise that Christian Kemper and the people on his team aren't working for nice "Thank yous" on a forum, but to make a profit. Sure, they could stop publishing firmware updates - at the same time they could stop producing the Kemper at all. But definitely not, because some people on an internet forum don't know how to behave.

  • @ WillChen: I wish you'd realise that Christian Kemper and the people on his team aren't working for nice "Thank yous" on a forum, but to make a profit. Sure, they could stop publishing firmware updates - at the same time they could stop producing the Kemper at all. But definitely not, because some people on an internet forum don't know how to behave.

    And what additional profit did they make by releasing 1.6? In fact, for potential buyers seeing all the negative hyperbole in this thread do you think that would entice them or scare them off? Some people are passionate about their careers and love what they do and if their good at it deserve to make a living at it. The fact that CK is a product designer and not a banker has 0 to do with this thread. Do you go into a restaurant and insult the owner if they give you a free desert after you've already paid for the meal even if the desert was inedible or do you say thank you and simply not eat it?

  • Quote from Will_Chen

    And what additional profit did they make by releasing 1.6? In fact, for potential buyers seeing all the negative hyperbole in this thread do you think that would entice them or scare them off? Some people are passionate about their careers and love what they do and if their good at it deserve to make a living at it. The fact that CK is a product designer and not a banker has 0 to do with this thread. Do you go into a restaurant and insult the owner if they give you a free desert after you've already paid for the meal even if the desert was inedible or do you say thank you and simply not eat it?

    are you kidding me? some men feel that there is a difference between 1.5.4 release and 1.6.0 beta , that's all. What Cliff started about the aliasing and all his tests, etc. was just plain wrong and that could persuade people in the wrong direction, not commenting on a beta firmware update. I don't know why you would even post on TGP about this as well. Are these forums such a big part of your life? Chill out and take your top off, let your hair down, or something....

  • @WillChen: As you said, this is getting far away from the thread. There's a "Thank you CK and crew" thread (didn't you start it?) where users can say thank you. What profit they make with releasing the 1.6? Well, hard to calculate - but as you've said: These people have a vision, they are convinced of their product and they like to make sure that it's a success (apart from making sure that the people working for the product can earn the money for themselves and their families). Very much comparable to having composed a good song for which you will do everything to make sure it gets listeners, buyers at best. Well, you know how these products work nowadays: If microsoft had stopped at Windows ME, the company would be an entry on wikipedia and that would have been it. So back to your question: If they stopped developing their product (with further products, firmware updates, ...) it would very soon be replaced by some other company who is stealing their know how or come up with their own approach which might be even better / more attractive. Honestly, no offence, but I feel it's a bit naiv to think that offering updates is just a "present" to the hearty community.

  • You have to push the "master" button first to take you to that menu, them go to page 5 of that menu.

    You are on FW 1.6 beta? If not, it won't work. There's a thread here: Beware of aliasing or something like that. With the download of FW 1.6 there was a folder with manuals - I am not sure if this feature is documented or not. I seem to remember that it was not documented deliberately - so only experts who really need this feature (very rare) can use it.

  • I thought I perceived a difference between 1.54 and 1.6 after reading this thread. However, after proper ABX testing, I cannot reliable detect a difference. To everyone who claims to detect a difference in sound or feel, please attempt to compare the two with an ABX procedure.

    Now there is certainly a difference in the frequency response between the two versions. This difference varies between .1 and 2 decibels depending on the frequency. But as I said, I cannot perceive this difference.