Hm, don't like the sound from FW 1.6 (Edit Fixed now)

  • Christoph Kemper wrote this in the problems & trobleshooting part of this forum some time ago:

    It's just a guess, but maybe this is what we hear. Anyway I hope this issue will be solved very soon. In the meantime I'm rolling back to 1.5.4.

    sensitivity to low frequency string noise at high gain

    the issue in that thread has not been addressed, so no. even if it had been, it would only affect very low frequencies and hopefully only in the dynamics processing...

    but folks will continue to assume whatever they want, sometimes even after confirmation of evidence against it...

  • Not to jump straight in the fire here but, might they have tweaked the EQ or tone stack settings slightly? Or even something with the cabinet settings needing to be reset? If so, this may cause some of what you are hearing.

    For example, many of the And44 profiles have both pre- and post-EQ stomps inserted in the chain that dramatically affect the sound of the profile. Or if you have changed and tweaked the EQ stacks and/or all the cabinet settings. In other words, if you are comparing highly tweaked profiles from version 1.5.4 to 1.6 you might notice more of a difference that a straightforward factory preset in both versions. Yes or no?

    I used only my own profiles and my profiles don't need EQ's before and after the amp to sound great ;)

    Just played two hours enjoying the Kemper 1.5.4 .....

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I used only my own profiles and my profiles don't need EQ's before and after the amp to sound great ;)

    Just played two hours enjoying the Kemper 1.5.4 .....

    Thanks for clarifying Armin--I haven't tried your profiles just yet as I'm flat out of money (still have 3 payments left on the Kemper).

    But, I thought it was important to clarify factory vs. non-factory profiles in case support needs that info to reproduce it.


  • Hey donbarzini,

    don't you think that people are getting way too anal about 1.6?


    I do feel perhaps there is a little bandwagoning going on. Every one was raving about 1.6 sounding so much better without the aliasing until one person mentioned it sounding different, then everyone piled on. :)

    Not saying there's not a difference but I didn't notice anything after I upgraded, but I wasn't directly comparing. Still sounded great to me. Definitely nothing that is a "showstopper".

    Edited 3 times, last by Animus (January 15, 2013 at 11:12 PM).

  • I have to say that I wrote (and still think) that my higher gain lead sounds are better now (to my taste) - more transparent - a bit less of a perhaps unpleasant bite. The clean sounds sound a bit duller than before - could do with some more shine.

    The point, however, is not what I like or anybody else might like - we would never agree on "one" sound if we were given the chance to vote for one or the other. The point is that the sound of 1.6 beta and previous versions is audibly different and this is the source of speculation / wild guessing. I guess there's no denying of a slight / mild / more prominent change in sound. Although this might be hard to do, we'll just have to wait and see what the future might bring. After all, we're still discussing a beta version and as at least one user has pointed out before the issue is known to the Kemper team.

  • Awhile back I hopped into a thread regarding the previous aliasing comments from some folks.

    I understand that folks get passionate about their gear. Count me in that column. I'm running 1.52 and happy as a clam.

    I think what is being troubling is likely what the direction in FW will be from here. I have full faith that if there is a sound difference which is a negative? Kemper will correct it, or explain what's going on. I bought the Kemper on faith and a trust in some of the clips posted early on. Now that I have it I'm thrilled. I don't want to see the profiles I use for recording and live work changed, even if it's for the better... particularly due to the possibility I may need to redo a track part prior to release. I'm really picky about my tone and feel. I'm all for better but not into losing what I already have,,, to be blunt.

    It's way to early to freak out. It's Beta. I can have what works and stay with or even revert to a more previous FW, if the worst case happens, which I doubt is a looming possibility.. I may even load the beta and decide for myself...

    I think there's possibly something to consider if the factory rigs were all erased and replaced... Is there a tonal reason for that or was it being done on all the prior FW updates as well? Is it worth thinking about? I think CK can tell us.

  • I can have what works and stay with or even revert to a more previous FW

    If you stick to an early FW you will miss all the features that will come up from now on. And sooner or later there will be something that makes it a tough decision. I think this is why many here are so worried about the sonic direction that FW updates take.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • If you stick to an early FW you will miss all the features that will come up from now on. And sooner or later there will be something that makes it a tough decision. I think this is why many here are so worried about the sonic direction that FW updates take.

    Maybe I should have been more clear. The clips played comparing the two are troubling. I won't be loading this present Beta.

    I'm with everyone who has concerns with tone and feel and benefitting from other update features.

    This isn't, perhaps, a great example: I went with playing Hiwatt amps over using Marshalls in late 1972. I bought a 50w and 100w head and 2 4x12's and put 4 of my old 20 watt celestions in one of the cabs and had it as the top cab, and miced both cabs for blending. It was a dandy deal up until the very early '80's when I had an issue with my 50 watter < which I really used a lot more than the couple of gigs I used the 100 for. The 50 needed a full retube in 1980 and it was a real struggles to have the amp sound the same afterward. I had my tech pull tubes from the 100w and thigs were back to the tone I expected and loved from early 1970 Mullards. You could still buy Mullards from Britain, but they were not they same tone by a long enough shot to go hunting tube dates... there wasn't a boutique industry that existss now. I bought the KPA for the tone. Not the pedal emulations, though it might be a plus, or a performance mode. For me? No tone? No want.

    I figure it way to early to be all that concerned. There was a FW that effected tone depending on switching and returning to a rig, or something similar.

    Will had made a tongue in cheek that CK should just tell us we asked for it, live with it. I don't get that being CK's vibe. IMO, he would be Cliff at that point and his product wouldn't sound good enough for me to want to play through it... :thumbup::!:

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (January 16, 2013 at 4:16 AM).

  • I bought the KPA for the tone.


    I totally agree. And I am shure the guys in Recklinghausen will find a good solution. I am no digital savvy but maybe with this aliasing it is like with amps: what is good for clean or crunch is not so good for highgain? I also play a lot of acoustic guitar (spanish guitar) and to me it is always amazing how harmonically rich and textured the sound of even a cheap acoustic guitar can be. But in electric guitars this rich and lively structure is hard to find. I heard it on the Kemper Profiler and that's why I use it. When the tone isn't there you can play as fancy and fast as you like - it won't turn into music. It's all about the tone. I say this because some posts here talked about being too picky in sound details.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • I have gigs to play and won't update before the weekend. II am very curious about the sound of FW 1.6!

    Do you play highgain, crunch or clean, dlynch05?
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • I have gigs to play and won't update before the weekend. II am very curious about the sound of FW 1.6!

    Do you play highgain, crunch or clean, dlynch05?

    I play all. However I spent a good portion of my month owning the Kemper on high gain and crunch profiles. lead noodling. Not as mean cleans.
    Now I feel the high gains are better. Palm muting seems more true to me. Not as mushy? Shit this could be all in my head tho cuz I am still amazed with the KPA and have been playing more than ever.

  • I guess I am finding the update better? I play alot
    Maybe I will go back and check the old firmware but I think I have have better tone now?
    Maybe types of pickups is whats causing this reaction :?:

    I think folks should play through what sounds the best for them. I'll likely give 1.6 a go, but not when I'm doing a recording project. I don't want to need to redo whole tracks in the middle...

  • When the 'original' thread for 1.6 came out most people on there we're saying 'it's great' 'amazing' and all other adjectives for the latest firmware. But overall, it was a positive thread. People we're/are extremely happy. I couldn't wait to install it. I did, and I was happy with it. I myself did notice a change in tone but I put that down the the green screamer change as I use it in nearly all of my high gain profiles. No more aliasing, a few things added..great. Took it to band practise and again, very happy how it sounded with the PA/in the mix. Got home that night and saw this thread. Now I kind of wondering, and, if I dare say, doubting my feelings somewhat. I know I shouldn't, but I am :S ?( I just wish I could click an A/B button and flick between 1.5.4 and 1.6 to compare them both instantly. I'll be getting my own conclusion this weekend on a full gig with 1.6

    I read a figure that only 6% of Kemper owners post of this forum. I would love to see a poll of how many people are happy with the TONE of 1.6 - compared to 1.5.4 and earlier...

  • I have gigs to play and won't update before the weekend. II am very curious about the sound of FW 1.6!

    Do you play highgain, crunch or clean, dlynch05?

    Notice, there hasn't been one crunch or hi gain comparison clip, only pristine clean tone comparisons.
    Even on the clean comparisons, the difference is so negligible that it's a 50/50...if you listen to the clean clip comparison today you might choose differently when you listen to the same clip tomorrow.