LOL, this is below LOW... even for Cliff

  • Hey, he stays classy and kicks of 2013 in true Cliff fashion with his usual competitor bashing again.
    Imagine how silly it would be if Mr Gibson did this to Leo Fender...

    My favorite post from him 2012 was from this thread, making up a story that fractal is under an organized full scale attack by one company. (also when saying his Kemper was very flaky and didn't start and how inferior it is...)
    Cliff quote:…d&threadID=6693

    "It's been a bit stressful lately. A certain company, that shall
    remain unnamed, has launched an all-out guerrilla marketing campaign
    against us. All kinds of dirty tactics......."

    Again he's throwing first punches and trying very hard to get users to doubt another product.
    He's very frustrated when so many users and producers prefer using the kemper for sound and feel and having its unique profiling technology.
    It's silly that his nr one sales argument for the Axe fx is how it use more expensive components than other products.
    What really matters to the sound and feel today is individual programming skills and smart algorithms and clever solutions. The kemper really proves this and it uses a completely different technololgy than his traditional component modeling and IR's.

    Give a 100 developers the same platform and they will come up with 100 different sounding/feeling solutions. There's always someone who can be more inventive with technology, use smarter algorithms and write more resource efficient programming.

    All the axe fx units have constantly needed firmware updates and total sound changes to sound more real, unlike the kemper.

  • All I can say is, the recording studio I've used my Kemper in, and every gig I've played where people have said I had a great guitar sound - not once did someone ask about the limited sampling rate or aliasing. The more we see him post like this the worse he's probably doing in sales and trying to gather the troops to rally around the flag.

  • Just out of curiosity and I'm not trying to defend Cliff.

    Has anyone ever checked that out? I mean if it's true.... then it's true. Regardless to the point that it wouldn't make a difference for guitar sounds (even if he said that) ;)
    I don't care about that as I have a highcut on all my guitar tracks at 10kHz (and don't really hear any difference at all whether I switch it on or off on the KPA and the Axe II, relict from Line6 fizzy times) anyways but well...

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Well... the KPA's sampling rate is 44.1 Khz, while internally, it runs partially much higher (e.g. at 700k for the tube sim).

    Cliffster is calling CK a liar in his post (with no "agenda" - he's just stating scientific facts - which we have to trust, as his measurements are on a 100% neutral basis and his results are unmanipulated! ;):P:D )

    So the question is: who will you believe? ;)

  • I wonder if Cliff's updated the firmware on his Kemper yet?

    CK doesn't need to update the firmware on his Axe-FX11 because he doesn't own one.

    I think that says it all...the more Cliff talks the more money Kemper makes.

    8o 8o 8o 8o :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Lance for President !!!!~!~!~!!!~

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • Has anyone ever checked that out? I mean if it's true.... then it's true. Regardless to the point that it wouldn't make a difference for guitar sounds (even if he said that) ;)

    I would like to know that too. I mean bashing a product by saying you don´t like the sound or something like this is not very cool, but it´s his own thing. However, calling CK a liar who is faking technical specs is something else...

  • Cliff is wrong. We talked about it at the german axe-fx forum and I checked with an analyser, if there is nothing above 11 kHz. Of course there is. The roll-off begins at 16 kHz.

    I had some sine waves of 13 kHz and 14 kHz lying around so for the hell of it I reamped them via SPDIF through KPA with only the "amplifier" section active. According to Voxengo Span analyzer they came through nice and clean with hardly any change in the dB level. (Edit: the amp gain has an obvious impact on the dB level of sine waves, with amp gain on zero they did not show anything on the Vozengo Span. I'm out of my league here, better leave it to experts). So it seems that "there is no frequency content above 11 kHz" is not an accurate claim.

    But I'm no expert on this and this was with 1.6.0 beta FW. So I really don't know what to make out of all of this. Probably best for me to stop these "science lab" experiments and start playing music. But hey, I got a free hearing test while doing this. :P

    Edited 2 times, last by TMV (January 11, 2013 at 10:14 AM).

  • His claim can be proofed - one Statement is not true

    Originally Posted by CK
    The global sampling rate is 44.1 kHz, while the internal sampling rate is partially much higher. The algorithm for the tube simulation runs on more than 700 kHz sampling rate (!).

    Originally Posted by Fractal Audio
    My tests show this to be untrue. Anyone can easily perform the same test. Turn off everything but the amplifier section of the "stack" (not necessary but makes it easier to see the tones as a cabinet IR has many peaks and notches). Inject a sine wave. Measure the output on a spectrum analyzer and watch what happens when you go beyond 11 kHz.

    This is not a commentary on the overall sonic experience. If you like the product that is great. This is merely a scientific observance. I'm sure the Axe-Fx II has it's share of flaws that others could point out.

    At this point I do not wish to discuss this further as I will likely be crucified on other forums.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Well... the KPA's sampling rate is 44.1 Khz, while internally, it runs partially much higher (e.g. at 700k for the tube sim).

    Cliffster is calling CK a liar in his post (with no "agenda" - he's just stating scientific facts - which we have to trust, as his measurements are on a 100% neutral basis and his results are unmanipulated! ;):P:D )

    So the question is: who will you believe? ;)

    Right and should i say that it's more easy to believe in God than in Cliff. He throwed many times a lot of technical bulshits on the net, i call this blablashit and for sure he is the king of blablashit.
    I believe more what CK said about internal sampling.

  • Keep in mind that probably the sampling rate was decreased after that CK statement. In order to reserve some computing power for future updates. The current updade resolves the aliasing problem. But we do not know currently if it is a result of increased sampling freq., or some other tricks.

  • How about this one for Cliff: in the latest german guitar mag Gitarre-Bass is an interview with Steve Lukather . Steve states that he used the Kemper on his latest record and also pointing out that quote The Kemper is the best modeller he has ever played unquote
    Greetings :)

  • How about this one for Cliff: in the latest german guitar mag Gitarre-Bass is an interview with Steve Lukather . Steve states that he used the Kemper on his latest record and also pointing out that quote The Kemper is the best modeller he has ever played unquote
    Greetings :)

    Yes, but, didn't you know, Steve Lukather's great great great grandfather is of German decent, so 'Luke' doesn't count. :whistling:

    Also, Andy Sneap, his great great grandmothers cousin by marriage also has German roots, so Andy also doesn't count.

    And of course Michael Wagener, who moved to the USA in 1979, only likes the Kemper because he was born in Germany. :whistling: